December Expectations

December Expectations

Thank you for joining me for this week’s blog.  As it occasionally happens, today I sit at the keyboard with a touch of writer’s block.  I expect that within a few minutes, ideas will start ruminating so that you might come away with a bit of motivation and inspiration. The mid December 2024 blog will be born shortly.  Wait for it…



Years ago, I had the privilege of working  for an extraordinary doctor and friend.  He was kind, peaceful and unassuming.  His wise words still resonate with me.   Unlike the typical type A personality, he was calm and collected.  I’m grateful for his lasting impact on my life.  See how his wisdom might inspire you.



His gentle words of advice to me were, “Change is constant, growth is optional.”  I recall bolting into his office with a frenetic list of things that needed attention immediately.  He would sit back, listen and smile at my energetic delivery of the tasks at hand then calmly remind me to breathe, slow down, and “Let go of things I can’t control.”




With the holidays in our face, the expectations amp up a million times higher than other times of the year.  The self-imposed expectation of a heavily decorated home that would make Clark Griswald proud, the lengthy list of cards to produce, the line at the post office, the cookies to bake, a plethora of wrapped gifts nestled under a Pinterest worthy tree and attending or hosting parties each week are just the tip of the holiday iceberg.  I’m exhausted just typing this paragraph.  This reminds me of the pressure of holiday expectations.



Consider what might happen if you didn’t expect.  Then perhaps you won’t be disappointed.  This year, I’m attempting a slightly different approach.  What is the worst thing that can happen if I didn’t accomplish all of the above?  The answer is nothing.  The holidays will come and go as they always do.  This year, try granting yourself a little more peace with a lower expectation.  No one needs a stroke or heart attack from the stress the holidays bring.  There is certainly something to be said for “Letting it go.”



“You are your own worst enemy.  If you can learn to stop expecting impossible perfection, in yourself and others, you may find the happiness that has always eluded you.”

-Lisa Kleypas



We expect to wake up with a healthy functioning brain and a body that moves effortlessly from point A to point B.  Although most of this is automatic to many of us, some are not so lucky.  Take good care of yourself especially during this busy holiday season.  Your health is the greatest gift you will ever receive. Lower your expectations, let go of things you can’t control and take really good care of you.  If we at HDD can help with any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.




Today’s blog has to do with flexibility.  Think about it.  Are you flexible or inflexible when it comes to your opinions, situation, mind, body and health?  Maybe that is a good thing, then again, maybe not.  Is there a possibility that there is another way, a different way and perhaps even a better way?  Stretch out and see how it works for you.



You don’t have to swallow everything you are being fed.  Sometimes it is a good idea to think for yourself and consider an alternative.  Maybe we could all use a “brain colonic” to clean out a bunch of antiquated ideas that we are so convinced are true.  There is only one way to skin a cat, right?  Wrong.  Thankfully Christopher Columbus didn’t buy into that!



When was the last time you got in the car and put the rubber to the road?  Perhaps you opened up Google maps, entered your destination and took off.  Clearly there are a few different routes you can take to get to your destination.  Sometimes you even get rerouted.  John and I live and Albuquerque.  We would be fools to believe the only route to Denver is north on I-25.  Perhaps it is the quickest way, but is it the only way?  Not necessarily.  Ask those who have taken a road less traveled

There are things you will miss if you travel through life with tunnel vision.



Stop reading for a minute and stand up.  Straighten your knees a bit and attempt to touch your toes.  How did you do?  Can you bend at the waist and put your hands on the floor?  If so, congratulations on your amazing flexibility.  There are myriad benefits to being flexible.  If not and are you one of those who can barely bend over to pick up something off the floor, work on that flexibility and soon you will reap the benefits.



You might believe that P. Diddy is a lying sack of suds while others might actually believe he is innocent.  There are those who can’t believe Arianna Grande is nowhere to be found on this year’s Grammy nominations.  Opinions do differ.  Remain open to new ideas.  Although flexibility can be frustrating and scary, some feel like it beats the alternative.  Inflexibility can feel like a security blanket.  Many will stay the course rather than face the uncertainty that change implies.  Remember, no matter how flat you make a pancake, it has two sides.



Like Google maps, there are different routes you can take to arrive at a destination.  When it comes to your health, have an open, flexible mind.  One size does not fit all.  Find a provider you are comfortable with.  Ask questions, listen carefully and perhaps take notes.   Consider alternatives.  Be your best health advocate.  If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

Hello!  As always, thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog. We are gearing up for another holiday season.  Where does the time go? For many, their favorite holiday is tomorrow. I wanted to make sure I wrote in time to wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving!



Many people stick with tradition.  Others may choose to treat it as just another calendar day. Some religions don’t celebrate while others may not have family or friends.  Whatever your situation is, remember the day is less about the menu or the number of souls around the table and more about simply being grateful.



Speaking of calendar days, here is a fun little bit of trivia about Thanksgiving that perhaps you didn’t know.  President Abraham Lincoln chose the last Thursday of November to be that of Thanksgiving because of the decisive victory the Union Army had at Gettysburg.



We tend to focus on gratitude especially on Thanksgiving Day.  How about the other 364 days?  A daily practice of gratitude can help you focus on the positive things occurring in your life instead of harping on the negative.  If you are feeling unhappy, here is a reminder to refocus on your abundance rather than lack.  This can actually help you feel happier.



“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

-Eckhart Tolle


“This is a wonderful day.  I’ve never seen this one before.”

-Maya Angelou


“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

-Charles Dickens


“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”

-William Arthur Ward


“I am grateful for what I am and have.  My thanksgiving is perpetual.”

-Henry David Thoreau


“Appreciation can change a day, even change a life.  Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.

-Margaret Cousins


“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and see that they were big things.”

-Robert Brault





The expression to take for granted means to accept without question or objection, and often implies a lack of appreciation or gratitude.  Everyone takes something or someone for granted at one point or another.  Never assume.  Maybe it’s a good idea to re-examine your life and think about the things you take for granted.



We wake up each day assuming we will feel fine or at least better.  A healthy mind and body bring freedom that we take for granted until we no longer have it.   Take precautions, be aware, pay attention and don’t take your good health for granted.



Each of us at HDD extend wishes for a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday to you and yours.  Remember, when diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.

Go With The Flow

Go With The Flow

Hello and welcome!  In case you haven’t noticed, the holidays are upon us. This time of year can be full of anticipation, excitement and fun yet it is also full of obligations, financial overload and stress.  How will you navigate the looming holidays?  You can perseverate over things you likely can’t control or you can be more passive and let it flow, like water. 



I’ve read numerous books by the late great Dr. Wayne Dyer.  He was an enormous inspiration to me.  Occasionally, I think of him and some of the profound things he taught.  One concept that stands out in my mind today is “Live your life like water.”  There was a period in my young life when I would have been oblivious regarding this phrase.  Gratefully, now I understand.  If you are unacquainted with this concept, allow me to share.



Water is soft, passive and flowing.  It is liquid energy that we take for granted.    Water is ever present yet elusive.  Try to squeeze it in your hand and it eludes you.  Don’t let the passiveness of water fool you.  It is gentle yet powerful.   As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard.  Lau Tzu reminds us about the paradox, “What is soft is strong.”



“A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”

Jim Watkins




Dr. Dyer reminded us, “If water stays stationary, it becomes stagnant.  If it is allowed to flow, it stays pure.  It doesn’t seek the high spots to be above it all but settles for the lowest places.  It gathers into rivers, lakes and streams, courses into the sea then evaporates to fall again as rain.  It maps out nothing and it plays no favorites.  I doesn’t intend to provide sustenance to animals and plants.  It has no plans to irrigate fields, quench our thirst or to provide the opportunity to swim, sail, ski and scuba dive.  These are the benefits that come naturally from water simply doing what it does and being what it is.”  That is the beauty of water.



Did you know that up to 60% of the human adult body is water?  In fact, our billions of cells must have water to live.  The human body needs food and water to survive.  A human can go for more than 3 weeks without food.  Mahatma Gandhi survived 21 days of complete starvation, but water is a different story.  The average human would only last 3-4 days without it.



Be calm like water.  Go with the flow.  Be gentle as you navigate the twists and turns life has to offer.  Be flexible without bending or breaking.  Be softly powerful.  Be you.  You know the rest.  If HDD can help with your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.




Thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog. I wonder where you are as you are reading this.  Are you at home or at work?  If you are somewhere other than home, what transportation did you take to get where you are?



Did you jump in the car this morning, fire up the ignition and take off without a second thought? Do you have plenty of gas, oil, air in the tires?  Things that run efficiently require maintenance.  How is your “other vehicle?”




I’m talking about your body.  It is the vehicle you rely that gets you from point A to point B.  Like your car, do you assume it fire it up and will perform as expected?  Chances are good if it is properly fueled, maintained and checked periodically.  You wouldn’t dream of driving your car on an empty tank with no oil and bald tires.



Have you ever fueled up your car with cheap watered-down gas?  It spits, sputters and performs poorly. When we eat garbage food, smoke, indulge vices, omit exercise and sleep poorly, we wonder why we feel bad. A properly fueled and maintained body will outperform those bodies that are not nearly every time.



Speaking of performing, I recall a trip we took to Las Vegas where we saw a couple of shows. The Cirque du Soleil “O” at the Bellagio is unbelievable.  It is astounding what these performers can do with their bodies.  The capabilities of the performers inspired my blog.  These are not just any bodies.  These are super well-maintained vehicles that respond to the most unbelievable demands.  These bodies bend, twist, contort, dive, fly, swim and hold their breath for unimaginable amounts of time.  We were mesmerized wondering, how do they do that?



Although I’m no expert, I probably can tell you how they don’t do it.  I imagine they aren’t sedentary nor do they super-size their fast food meals and succumb to harmful addictions.  They are busy maintaining their vehicles to assure maximum performance.  If they can maintain their vehicle so meticulously, we can at least try to improve.



The old adage, “You are what you eat” never made any sense to me in my youth.  Now that I’m no longer young, that excuse is invalid.  When you’re busy making excuses, it is hard to excel at much else.



Although I admired the gorgeous, rail thin performers who contort their perfect bodies in unimaginable ways, that isn’t an attainable or desired goal for most.  Realistically speaking, we could all stand a bit more discipline and self-control to achieve reasonable goals.  We don’t have to completely abstain from things we love (this is for my beautiful friend Susan M.)



Optimum health and longevity is the goal.  Every choice you make affects the way your body performs. If you need help with preventive maintenance of your vehicle and diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.