Hello!  I hope you find today’s blog as interesting to read as I found to write.  The inspiration comes from a podcast I heard this morning.  I’ve listened to this podcaster in the past but lost track of him. He is a speaker and a life coach. I’m happy to say, I’m glad he is back! 



I have heard Rob Dial’s podcasts (The Mindset Mentor) that I find inspirational, motivational and educational.  Today is no exception.  I always listen to something while I work out. Rather than hearing the same tired music, today I listened to him. Glad I did.



We’ve heard this phrase before and it is true. Coincidentally when we look for a solution, it somehow shows up. Today I was looking for resolutions to a few challenges.  I was looking for a motivational podcast, when this one serendipitously appeared.



In today’s episode, Rob points out how we do things for our body because we hate a particular part. Do you do crunches because you hate your tummy, squats and lunges because you hate your legs and torture your triceps because you hate the flab? His question is, why do we move our body out of hate? We should move our body out of love. What a concept.



We can all admit to torturing our bodies.  We’ve occasionally had a little too much to drink, gotten too much sun, too little sleep, eaten substandard food, ingested poisons, gotten dehydrated, stayed out too late, let stress control us and not get necessary medical attention. Although we’ve checked a few of these boxes, miraculously our body continues to wake up, beat our heart, circulate our blood, think and move despite the abuse.  It loves us.



Don’t move your body because you hate a particular part. Move it and honor it because you love and respect it. Go for a walk or lift weights because it is good for the body that serves you. It is your responsibility.  You are in charge of taking care of it. No matter what color, shape, condition or size, honor it.  Maybe it’s not “perfect” but it’s yours.



What kind of energy you are putting into loving yourself?  Do you exude negative energy coming from a place of hate?  Change that and come from a place of love and gratitude.  Your body is designed to move.  You would never cage a dog all day every day.  It isn’t good for your dog and being sedentary isn’t good for you.  Look at your life through a new lens. Even if your circumstance looks grim and you hate everything about it, you might see a bright side and a reason to find gratitude, love and joy.  Happiness is not found in getting what you want. It’s found in loving what you have.



We would love to help with any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs.  Call us at 505-350-3397.