Our Blog
Hey there! Welcome to the HDD Blog. We absolutely love to share information and hope that in some way, by creating awareness, we can educate each other and live a healthy and happy lifestyle. Enjoy, and thank you for the visit.
December Expectations
Thank you for joining me for this week’s blog. As it occasionally happens, today I sit at the keyboard with a touch of writer’s block. I expect that within a few minutes, ideas will start ruminating so that you might come away with a bit of motivation and...
Today’s blog has to do with flexibility. Think about it. Are you flexible or inflexible when it comes to your opinions, situation, mind, body and health? Maybe that is a good thing, then again, maybe not. Is there a possibility that there is another way, a...
Giving Thanks
Hello! As always, thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog. We are gearing up for another holiday season. Where does the time go? For many, their favorite holiday is tomorrow. I wanted to make sure I wrote in time to wish you and yours a very happy...
Go With The Flow
Hello and welcome! In case you haven’t noticed, the holidays are upon us. This time of year can be full of anticipation, excitement and fun yet it is also full of obligations, financial overload and stress. How will you navigate the looming holidays? You can...
Thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog. I wonder where you are as you are reading this. Are you at home or at work? If you are somewhere other than home, what transportation did you take to get where you are? YOUR VEHICLE Did you jump in the car...
What If
Today’s HDD blog asks a question that warrants some consideration. That question is “What if?” How many times a day do you ask yourself that very question? Unfortunately, there is no real answer, but it doesn’t mean we don’t wonder how the outcome may have been...
Do You have any news to share? Let us know. Get in touch with us today!
3825 Eubank Blvd NE Suite D
Albuquerque, NM 87111
1607 Camino Del Llano, Belen, NM 87002
Office: 505-350-3397
Fax: 505-323-7980