

Thanks for dropping by to read this week’s blog.  I appreciate each one of you who have taken the time to respond.  With the exception of literally 1 person in the last 6 years, every other response I’ve received has been positive.  For that I am grateful. I don’t claim to be the repository of all knowledge. I simply research and do my best for a 500 word weekly blog.



As I sit at the keyboard today, I find I have a touch of writers block until an idea popped into my head.  Today’s blog has to do with ego. Mine gets a bit of a lift from your kind feedback and admittedly got a little bruised when I had a critic. We all have an ego.  Some are huge and some small.  Ego is always best when kept in check.



EGO-noun.  An inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others.  Your consciousness of your own identity.  Your sense of self-worth, pride or self-importance.



When you notice someone has a big ego, they are normally thought to be full of themselves.  You’ve met them…those bottomless pits of need with an insatiable thirst for validation.  They tend to brag ad nauseum. Exhausting is one way to describe time spent with these gems.



Recently we socialized with a couple of different circles of friends.  In one instance, our time was spent with “him” regaling us with his prowess in so many different arenas.  He must always reign victorious.  He is a nice guy and is the personification of a large ego.  In contrast, the other gentleman (and I do mean gentleman) was completely opposite.  He was mild mannered and genuinely interested in what you had to say.  We enjoyed a conversation as opposed to a soliloquy.  He brought little to no attention to himself, albeit he is an exceptional athlete.



There is room for everyone.  This is an abundant universe.  We are all good at something.  A little competition is not always a bad thing. As the matter of fact, a little competition can act as a motivator and inspire personal growth. Don’t let insecurities muddy the waters.



Is High Desert Doppler the very best when it comes to diagnostic ultrasound?   We like to think so.  This is not an ego driven statement.  It is simply the truth.  We invite you to judge for yourself.  Can you get an ultrasound elsewhere?  Of course you can.  There are many choices when it comes to ultrasound.  A little competition translates into better service and quality, which continually motivates us.  Competition promotes excellence.  We strive for excellence.  If you and your healthcare provider determine diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.





Today’s blog discusses the idea of fun.  I don’t believe there is a soul among us who doesn’t love to have fun.  I haven’t heard it in a while but there is an old saying that “Blondes have more fun.”  It could be true.  I wouldn’t know because I am a brunette. Do highlights count?  No matter what your hair color is, do you like to have fun?



When I mention the name Marilyn Monroe, your mind immediately goes to the platinum bombshell with the infectious smile.  Her image was always captured having fun.  What was her secret?  Was she having so much fun because she was beautiful, rich and famous?  Although who wouldn’t want to be any of those things, there is more to fun than what meets the eye.



This morning’s You Tube video inspired me. It talked about healthy content people whose relationships and activities are meaningful.  It suggested that healthy people are more fun.  Is this true? The question is, are you any fun, but more importantly, are you healthy?



The characteristics of healthy people are physical, mental and emotional.  Some mental and emotional characteristics include someone who is self-aware, is an effective communicator, deals with stress effectively, is flexible, adaptable, respectful, empathetic, competent and is able to bounce back from adversity.



Here are some physical characteristics you might consider.  Is your weight in the expected range, do you have good posture, do you have healthy skin and a steady heartbeat?  Are you flexible, do you have a reasonable amount of endurance and strength, do you breathe easily, are your eyes clear, do you keep your vices under control and do you sleep well?  Of course, coming from good genetic stock is doesn’t hurt.



Wrong!  Healthy people are a bunch of fun.  They enjoy days filled with activities and energy that a healthy body allows.  It should come as no surprise that healthy people treat themselves.  Imagine a life that eliminates an occasional indulgence.  No thanks!  Pizza and beer sometimes happen.   Life isn’t always fun without a little excess.



Treats don’t always have to involve forbidden food and a skipped workout.  How about a massage, a mani-pedi, a drive to the mountains or a good book?  A happy, healthy life involves enjoying the experience, whatever it may be.  Allow yourself to have fun.



If you are in constant pain, have ailments or afflictions, it is harder to have fun.  Been there done that.  If you find yourself in the above-mentioned category, to the degree that you are able, try to unlock the power of good food, supplements, meditation, prayer, positivity and a hopeful outlook.   Healthy people think, practice and behave differently.  Observe the habits of healthy happy people.  Emulate and adopt some of these behaviors in an effort to achieve optimal health.  If HDD can be of assistance in the diagnosis on the road to optimal health, call us at 505-350-3397.



Today’s blog centers around the idea of expiration.  Let’s face facts.  Everything in existence will eventually expire. Everything from a food item, medication, a job, a contract, and although tough to think about, the people we love as well as ourselves, will all one day expire.  What exactly is that date of expiration?



Recently John and I returned home from a short trip.  After unpacking, I opened the fridge to see what the dinner possibilities were.  Eeeooowww!  I nearly passed out from the stench emitting from the fridge.  After opening every container, I discovered leftover fried rice has a shorter shelf life than I recall.  Who knew?



After doing a little research, I found out the expiration date or “sell by” date (which incidentally is a guideline for stores to switch their inventory) on any given food items are actually just guidelines.  Like everything else, there are exceptions to every rule.  Most food is perfectly good past their expiration date.  It is suggested that perhaps we should stop wasting so much food simply due to an expiration date.  Check your items carefully.  I read that the FDA says that food is not necessarily dangerous past their “sell by” date or their “best used by” date.  It is merely a suggestion.



Interestingly, I read that medication can still be taken even after its expiration date.  I did some research and found the FDA added expiration dates back in 1979 to be 1-5 years beyond the date of manufacture.  Taking it before the date of expiration guarantees 100% potency.  I confess to taking medication past the expiration date and am alive to tell about it.  Taking medication beyond the expiration date, (if stored in a cool dry place) is thought to not be unsafe and only slightly less effective.  Consider there is probably a change in chemical composition that could prove dangerous.  Heed what the FDA has to say then decide if you should take Advil from the jumbo jug you bought at Costco 10 years ago!



Your body changes daily.  As the matter of fact, I read that by the time you finish reading this sentence, 50 million of your cells will have died and been replaced by others.  Why are fat cells so stubborn?  If you were given a glowing report of good health in the past, don’t assume that is true for all time. That report will change and expire.  Even those with the best of intentions who try to be health conscious, eat reasonably well, and exercise may not be granted good health from one year to the next.  There is a reason yearly physical exams are recommended.



It is important to have your overall health monitored and have those exams and testing done to be on the safe side. Early detection saves lives.  Remember that diagnostic ultrasound can detect things that lie beneath the surface.  If ultrasound is indicated call at 505-363-8489.



Fill Your Cup

Fill Your Cup

Hello and thanks for taking time to read this week’s blog. I’d like to relay 2 different experiences I had recently and the dichotomy between the two.  One is a prime example of exuberance and positivity while the other is that of chronic complaint and negativity.  Both instances are my clients in their early 80’s.  The difference in attitude between both inspired today’s blog.  See if this story has you doing some soul searching.



Example number one is a long-time client of mine. For the sake of the blog, I’ll call her “Ann.”  She is a stunningly beautiful human being both inside and out.  Her history involves the loss of two husbands, one of which suffered Alzheimer’s, she battled breast cancer including a mastectomy, melanoma, and a difficult knee replacement a few years ago.  She has had her share of hard knocks yet exudes positivity.  I adore her.



While I also love “Ella”, she is unable to muster much positivity about anything.  She has also had her share of hard knocks.  Most who have circled the sun 80 plus years might tell you the same.  Some people have the innate ability to focus on joy while others tend to ruminate on bleakness.  Bless Ella’s heart.  She falls into the latter category.  Both clients have a piece of my heart, yet I find exceptional joy spending time with the one who makes an effort to be positive.  These examples help me put my own attitude in check.



There is no question that emotions and thoughts can affect your health.  Negative emotions can zap mental energy and negatively affect the body leading to health problems.  Negativity can lead to chronic stress which upsets the hormone balance of the body, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness and can damage the immune system.  Chronic stress can actually decrease our lifespan.



Studies show that positive emotions benefit you in many ways including faster recovery from disease, better sleep, fewer illnesses, and a greater sense of overall happiness.  With practice and mindfulness, we can learn to develop a mindset of positivity, gratitude, joy, good health, and wellbeing even though sometimes circumstances make it a bit more challenging.



Think about yourself for a minute.  When you interact with others, do you fill their proverbial cup?  If your cup is empty due to mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, it is impossible to pour from an empty cup.  Think about ways to fill your cup and recharge your batteries.

“It’s not about whether the glass is half-empty or half-full, it’s about making the most of whatever is in the glass.”

-Rachel Wojo



We are concerned for your health and sincerely hope that you find a way to fill your cup if you find it is only half full.  These are challenging times.  Keep your chin up and keep reaching for the stars.  If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.


Creature of Habit

Creature of Habit

Today’s HDD blog is about creatures.  You may wonder what creatures have to do with ultrasound or healthcare.  The answer is probably more than you think.  We are all living creatures, but we are especially creatures of habit.  Do you find yourself doing things strictly out of habit?  Read on and see if any of these creature habits sound familiar.



This past week, I decided to sit down and read an old-fashioned book with paper pages and a hard cover.  Remember those?  As I neared the bottom of the page, I automatically used my index finger to scroll up the paper page to advance it.  Seriously?  Apparently I’m used to reading a screen not a real book.  I’m such a creature of habit.



The following quote is especially profound as we are required to change, adapt, reconsider and reevaluate old habits and beliefs as we navigate through the challenges we find our planet in.

“It is hard to let old beliefs go.  They are familiar.  We are comfortable with them and have spent years building systems and developing habits that depend on them.  Like a man who has worn eyeglasses for so long that he forgets he has them on, we forget that the world looks to us the way it does because we have become used to seeing it that way through a particular set of lenses.  Today, however, we need new lenses, and we need to throw the old ones away.”

-Kenichi Ohmae



Do you find yourself eating the same foods, purchasing the same items, shopping at the same stores, and doing the same routines simply cause you’ve always done it that way?  Are you sporting the same hairstyle you did 25 years ago?  Do you see the same physician you did as a kid even though he is nearing his 85th birthday?  Being creatures of habit, I’d venture to say we like what we know, we don’t always know what we like.



I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and try something different.  Venture out into uncharted waters.  You already know what you like and what feels comfortable.  Take a walk on the wild side and see if breaking some of your old habits may be of benefit to you.  Look to find new things from unexpected sources.



Have you ever had an ultrasound exam?  If you’ve been pregnant, have blood flow issues, heart problems, blood clots, or abdominal problems, just to name a few, then you probably have.  If you’ve had a medical procedure or injection where the doctor needs guidance to see what lies beneath your skin, they might require ultrasound guidance.  This is where we step in!



If your healthcare provider recommends ultrasound, ask if being seen by the experienced, professional staff at High Desert Doppler is an option.  If calling on HDD isn’t on your radar as a rule of thumb or a habit, we urge you to give us a try.  Call us at 505-350-3397.