

Thanks for taking time to read today’s blog.  As always, the weekly blogs are filled with ideas and communication.  It is a platform in which I am able to make our HDD voice heard and hopefully make a difference.  Some subjects are lighthearted and off topic for an ultrasound company, while others are meant to be informative and thought provoking.



Effectively communicating involves being intentional in a manner that makes people want to listen and engage.  Think about your role at home, at work, at play and in the community.  Do you have something to say?  How do you get people to listen?  At some point, you are going to have to speak up.



If you want people to listen to what you have to say, you might want to consider your delivery. has a few suggestions for communication and getting your point across effectively.

  • Speak with conviction. Don’t downplay your idea by treating it like merely a suggestion.  Avoid fillers such as “um”, “like”, or “You know what I’m saying?”
  • Speak with intention. Speak clearly, emphasize key points and maintain eye contact.  Be assertive, not aggressive.  Understand when not to speak.
  • Make it a conversation. People lose interest when they are listening to a diatribe.  Let others weigh in with their opinions and participate.
  • Be prepared. Have your points planned out and practice if necessary.  Stay calm.
  • Get to the point. Give people a reason to listen and respect their time.  Brevity is always appreciated.  Make sure you are engaging the listener.
  • Speak quieter not louder. Whispers garner more attention than shouts.
  • Listen more. Plan to spend as much time listening as you do talking.  Don’t interrupt.
  • Pay attention to body language. Your body language speaks as clearly as your words.
  • Pay attention to timing. Monday mornings, Friday afternoons, before lunchtime or at the end of the day you are more likely to lose your audience.  Keep it short.
  • Have confidence in yourself. Believe in yourself and what you have to say then say it.



It can be difficult to say what we are really feeling and even harder to say it in a way that ensures we are heard by others.  Being misunderstood, misperceived or ignored can leave us feeling angry and frustrated.  Pay attention to not only what you say, but how you say it.  Openness and honesty can cause people to get defensive and lash out.  Everyone needs to feel not only heard but understood.  Effective communication can be tricky.  Learn to speak your piece in a tactful respectful manner.  Most of us are not mind readers so, say what you mean and mean what you say.



HDD always appreciates hearing what you have to say.  Feel free to communicate your experience with us.  Our mission is to serve you in a timely, professional manner.  If your experience is less than you expect, let us know.  We want to use it as a teaching tool and opportunity to turn into a positive experience.  Call us at 505-350-3397.

Celebrate Today

Celebrate Today

Guess what folks?  Today is the day.  Don’t forget to celebrate.  Be appreciative and be in a state of gratitude.  You may be wondering, what is so special about today?  Even if you are feeling grumpy, irritated, sad or blue, remember “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  Make it count.


When was the last time you used “The good dishes?” Have you worn that killer shirt or shoes you bought?  Don’t tell me you are saving them for a special occasion.  Maybe you should leave that fancy car polished and parked in the garage.  It would be a shame to get it dirty by driving it.  Right?  Wrong


No matter where you got it, how expensive or inexpensive it was, if you love it, go ahead and bust out the good stuff.  Why save it for a special occasion? Enjoy what you have today.  We are burning daylight.  Lemme ask you this.  What were you doing an hour ago?  I hope you enjoyed it because that is an hour you will never get back.


Today’s blog shares a reminder that I got today.  Don’t wait. Celebrate. Tomorrow might be too late.  The time is now.

You need not wait for the approval of others.  Don’t second guess yourself.  Don’t worry who deserves the credit.  Don’t be afraid of the answer.  Just do it!  Figure out a way to lighten up.  Lose the stress (note to self.)  Don’t get so worked up.  Be smart and plan for tomorrow but live today.


Who doesn’t want to improve their quality of life?  Most of us simply want to live a happy long life as long as we are healthy.  The fact is that not a single one of us is getting out of this life alive, in which case, you might want to practice extreme self-care while you are still here.


I’ve come to appreciate the little things like getting up in the morning with no aches or pains.  I’m grateful for a full schedule that generates income to pay the bills. I’m elated when I have a light schedule and time to keep our home running smoothly and get my errands done. I’m grateful for my family and friends, my jobs and my co-workers.  I am ecstatic that I enjoy excellent health.  Although it is not as good as some, it is better than others.


“Appreciation is a wonderful thing.  It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”



Pull out all of the stops and celebrate you and your life now.   Live till you die and I mean LIVE till you die.  Take precautions.  Be proactive.  Ask and listen.  Don’t procrastinate.  Don’t wait. Celebrate!  If today requires diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397. Chances are excellent that we can see you by the end of the day!

Music and Your Health

Music and Your Health

This week’s blog was inspired by a Rotary meeting John and I attended recently.  The guest spoke about the correlation between music and health.  What a concept!  I listened intently and came away with a refreshed attitude about using music for enjoyment as well as for therapeutic purposes.



Research reveals that listening to music can improve physical and mental health in myriad amazing ways.  It has been said that taking music lessons can raise your IQ and even help keep us sharper in our senior years.  This fun fact is of particular interest to me!



Scientists have found that music releases dopamine which biologically caused people to feel happiness, excitement and joy.  A brisk 3 mile walk multiple times per week as well as a couple of sessions at the gym are my options for exercise.  Upbeat music while exercising is a serious mood enhancer for me which increases endurance and makes working out much more enjoyable.



Music can lower stress because it decreases the levels of cortisol which is a stress hormone.  It had been reported that stress can cause 60% of illness and disease.  Interestingly, music can be beneficial to those who don’t sleep well. Thirty percent of Americans don’t get enough sleep.  Those who suffer from insomnia may be at risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and poor mental health.  Even just one night of poor sleep can affect your day.  If you are an insomniac, you may benefit significantly from listening to music before bed.



“Music was my refuge.  I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”

-Maya Angelou



Other amazing benefits of listening to music is that can help people with depression and help elevate your mood.  It can also strengthen learning and memory, relax you, help with pain management and aid in recovery, increase verbal intelligence, raise IQ and academic performance, and can keep your brain healthy in old age.



Music is a mighty powerful tool as it releases feel good transmitters called Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin.  It has the ability to evoke emotional responses, release stress and alter moods. reports that music can help retain essential information despite memory loss.  Music memory is stored in the hippocampus, centrally located in the brain. Therefore, music memories are less likely to be negatively impacted by age or disease.  We have all experienced a familiar tune that elicits emotions associated with memories.



The health benefits of listening to music are significant.  At HDD, your health is our priority.  In our reception area we have recently added some great channels with peaceful music and beautiful visuals to help with your relaxation as you wait for your ultrasound appointment.  If we can help facilitate your comfort in any other way while in our office, don’t hesitate to notify any of our exemplary staff members.  You can reach us at 505-350-3397.



Now seems like as good of time as any to sit down and write this week’s blog.  Today is my day off so in addition to writing, I needed to make time to handle emails, make some calls, go to the post office and grocery store, do dinner prep, set the table, vacuum, mop and get ready for company for dinner that will arrive in a few hours. Is there ever enough time?



“Time is free but It’s priceless.  You can’t own it but use can use it.  You can’t keep it but you can spend it.”  I’m quoting a few things I read in an article on which goes on to say “Time is more valuable than money.  You can get more money but you can never get more time.  To realize the value of a minute, ask the person who just missed a bus, train or plane.  To realize the value of 1 second, ask a person who just missed an accident and to realize the value of a millisecond, ask the person who just came in second at the Olympics.”



When asked, “What’s the biggest mistake we make in life?”  The Buddha replied, “The biggest mistake is you think you have time.”



Time is precious and shouldn’t be mindlessly wasted.  Think about how much you waste and on what.  For example, social media.  Many of us engage but often don’t realize how many hours we mindlessly scroll or check to see how many “likes” we got on our latest post or selfie.  Although we all deserve a pass to mindlessly scroll, think about how those hours might be better used.  “It is our choice of how we waste our time.  It is our choice of how we use our time.”



“Time is very slow for those who want, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who are sad and very short for those who celebrate but for those who love, time is eternal.”

-Willian Shakespeare



Do we forget about the importance of time?  If someone gives you their time, they are giving you a gift. Nobody knows how much time we have left.  So many lose people who are important to them because we don’t value their time.  Some don’t recognize how important someone is until they’re gone.



There is no time like the present.  If you have concerns or issues with your health, now is the time to ask questions, get it checked, get a screening or see your healthcare provider.  Time continues to pass as you to procrastinate.  Early detection saves lives.  If we at HDD can help in the way of diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.

What is Old is New Again

What is Old is New Again

The blog this week has to do with the idea of rethinking an old idea. Stay with me on this one. If you’ve been around as long as I have, you understand that what was once old, will be new again, only this time it has been rebranded.   I read an inspirational post this morning that got me thinking and needing to adopt the concept.  I wanted to share it with you.


60 IS THE NEW 30

We’ve seen the gorgeous “more mature” actors and models grace our movie screens and magazine covers.  In years past, if you were no longer fit, young, and beautiful, your career as you knew it was all washed up.  Not anymore.  Thankfully, for those of us who have been around the sun many times are glad that 60 is the new 30 or so we’d like to believe!



Who doesn’t love and is proud of their “toys?”  You know, the spendy car, the boat, the RV, the Louis Vuitton purse (what do mean is it real?) and the Louboutin shoes.  We get these things because they will make us feel happy, rich and fulfilled, right?  Possessions come and go.  They wear out, expire and break. They get outdated or we simply tire of them.  One thing that most of us can acquire at zero cost is happiness.  Happiness is the new rich.



We’ve all been there, done this.  We are at a gathering of strangers the usual conversation turns to “What do you do?”  We puff out our chest and go through a litany of things that describe our achievements and success.  I certainly hope they are impressed!  We find ourselves overly busy and overly stressed. We share our exhausting schedule and wear it as a badge of honor. This is why we are successful, right?  Wrong.  Maybe taking time to step back, slow down and find some peace is just what the doctor ordered.  Inner peace is the new success.



Think back to high school.  There were the cool kids, then there were the others.  The cool kids really didn’t have much to do with those who weren’t in their clique.  Think about now. Is it different now that you are all grown up?  Treating everyone you come in contact with honor and respect is cool.  Kindness is the new cool.



In the big picture, it simply doesn’t matter how much money you have, how big your house is, how expensive your car is or how much you paid for that purse.  If you don’t have your mental, physical and emotional health, you have little.  This is a reminder to take care of yourself and make your health a priority.  Health is the new wealth.  If maintaining your health includes diagnostic ultrasound, give us a call at 505-350-3397.