by Kristi Jain | Mar 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
This week’s blog will discuss the subject of a standard household item you may have in your kitchen. Vinegar. This multi-faceted little elixir has nothing to do with ultrasound. However, it has been touted for its many health benefits as well as uses around the house. Let’s explore how this inexpensive item might benefit you.
There are many different types of vinegar to choose from. They are white, cider, red wine, sherry, champagne, balsamic, and rice wine vinegar to name some of the most popular. Each has its own distinct flavor and way to use them. Are you aware vinegars begin as a grain, fruit or vegetable?
Not so fast. Although the fruits and veggies that make vinegar ferment to become an alcoholic liquid, you definitely don’t want to drink this stuff for cocktail hour. The alcohol in the liquid ferments into acetic acid resulting into that pungent liquid with a telltale sign of the original ingredient.
While doing research for this blog, I decided to focus primarily on apple cider vinegar. Remember, it is high in acid so chugging a glass may not be in your best interest. If you choose to drink it, always water it down and drink through a straw to protect your pearly whites. It may irritate your esophagus, give you indigestion or make you feel nauseated. It’s best to not drink it on an empty stomach. That’s the bad news.
Some studies suggest that ingesting apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss plus you could see improvement with blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. Try diluting a couple of teaspoons in a cup of warm water. It may help with acid reflux. It is thought to contain a small amount of probiotics which could be good for your gut. Remember, your gut is thought to be your second brain so take good care of it!
WHY? reports that vinegar is an excellent source of:
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
It states that some types of vinegar can also be a good source of antioxidants. The darker the vinegar, the more antioxidants remain in the liquid.
It is thought to provide relief from eczema although some have reported skin irritation. It is also thought to kill germs and contains ingredients that fight bacteria and fungi. If you have hard water, it can help with calcium buildup as well.
Plain white vinegar is 4-7% acetic acid and 93-96% water. However you choose to use vinegar, use it in moderation. Whether you use it for cooking, cleaning, baking, window washing or killing weeds, remember it can be dangerous when used in excess. If you use it in or on your body, it is always a good idea to check in with your healthcare provider first.
I hope this week’s blog gave you a few insights on the health benefits of vinegar. We at HDD are interested in helping you maintain your health. If we can help through diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Mar 4, 2024 | Uncategorized
Today is just a regular day. Nothing has changed or happened and there is nothing of particular importance on the docket. Wait, maybe there is after all. Today is the day we should celebrate. You may wonder what exactly we are celebrating. The answer to that question is you and that amazing body of yours. Really? Yes, really!
I do it too. The self-criticism you impose when you notice the little extra cush around your mid-section. They gray hair that peppers your locks and the wrinkles around your eyes are multiplying. We feel the frustration when we can’t physically do what we used to do. Who doesn’t occasionally gripe about their body?
“You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
-Louise Hay
It is high time we stop criticizing ourselves and celebrate that amazing body. This amazing machine that houses our soul has the ability to perform myriad functions without any conscious help from us.
The had some interesting facts about our bodies.
- Though weighing only about 11 ounces, our heart beats about 100,000 times per day and pumps about 1,900 gallons of blood.
- Every 3-4 seconds, around 50,000 cells in your body will die and be replaced by new ones.
- It requires less effort to be happy. You’ll use 17 muscles to smile vs. 43 to frown. Cheer up!
- A sneeze can potentially travel at 100 miles per hour and create upwards of 100,000 droplets while a cough can travel 50 miles per hour and expel almost 3,000 droplets.
- If you weigh 150 pounds, 21 pounds of this is the weight of your skeleton.
- Exercising on an empty stomach will burn around 20% more calories.
- On average, the body takes around 12 hours to totally digest food you have already eaten.
- Eyeballs never grow while hands, ears, and the nose never stop.
- In times of fear, you are physically stronger than normal due to the release of cortisol and adrenaline.
- Babies don’t have kneecaps, rather cartilage that gradually turn into bone as ossification begins between ages 2-6.
- Your tongue is the only muscle that doesn’t join two bones.
- The cracking sound made by knuckles, necks, backs and other joints when they’re cracked is the sound of bubbles popping in the joint’s fluid.
I hope you enjoyed just a few reminders about what your amazing body is capable of doing! Stop criticizing it and start celebrating it. Do it a favor by keeping it adequately hydrated, properly nourished, exercised and give it the rest it deserves. This is the only physical body you will ever have the privilege of using. Treat it the way you would treat any other treasure that you revere. Get it checked and treated. If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Feb 21, 2024 | Uncategorized
This week’s blog has nothing to do with ultrasound and everything to do with grounding. Am I the last person on earth to know what grounding is? I recall a scene in the movie “Pretty Woman” where Richard Gere takes off his shoes and socks and walks barefoot in the grass. It never occurred to me why he did that.
Grounding, otherwise known as earthing, refers to direct skin contact with the surface of the earth such as bare feet or hands. If you aren’t familiar with this concept it may sound a little “Woo Woo.” Allow me share what I learned. Some believe the positive effects of grounding on the body are miraculous.
Grounding refers to contact with the Earth’s surface electrons by walking outside in the grass with your bare feet so that energy from the ground transfers into your body. I read that we can also ground through concrete or paving stones. Research shows that grounding can reduce and prevent inflammation. The National Library of Medicine says that studies show it appears to improve sleep, normalize cortisol rhythm, reduce pain, reduce stress, increase heart rate variability, speed wound healing and reduce blood viscosity. Some report that you can achieve results by purchasing grounding bed sheets and or footwear. Others say there is no scientific evidence to support this and believe these claims come from the manufacturer of the sheets and shoes.
Can walking barefoot in the grass, dirt, or on a sandy beach actually have health benefits? Many find the grounding research pretty convincing and believe in the myriad miraculous benefits. Others say that “magical electrons” from connecting with the earth simply will not cure cancer or any other disease or illness. In fact one article I read said that grass and sand hide a lot of nasty stuff that exposes your skin to bacteria and parasites hence, you probably don’t want to walk barefoot. This article believes grounding has a strictly placebo effect. You decide.
Every beach vacation I’ve ever been on, I can’t wait to dig my toes in the wet sand. When we go to the park, I sometimes kick off my shoes and wriggle my toes in the cool grass. While I’m not sure I felt any health benefits after the experience, I don’t doubt that maybe there is something to earthing. Apparently, to encourage the connection to the earth, some experts recommend we stand, walk or lie on the grass, soil or sand for about thirty minutes every day. Hummmm… I’m not sure I can fit that into my daily schedule. However, like placebos if you think it’s going to work, it may well work.
Today’s blog is brought to you in the hope of giving you an idea to ponder. If it improves your health, it is worth talking about. You and your healthcare provider must decide what is best for you. If that includes diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397. Happy grounding!
by Kristi Jain | Feb 21, 2024 | Uncategorized
Thanks for reading this week’s blog. I had fun researching and writing about the things I discovered today. I have a confession. I was mindlessly scrolling through You-Tube when I saw a doctor reporting how castor oil might help your bad knees. Okay, you have my attention.
The castor oil reference made me recall a conversation with one of John’s and my dearest friends (Yes you Raf.) He touted the benefits of castor oil. My reaction was…yuck! Didn’t our moms try to make us drink that stuff when we were kids? No thanks Raf. Nice try.
Maybe he is onto something. I Googled castor oil and…voila. A plethora of health related miracles appeared. I learned that the oil actually has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, and pain relieving properties. This stuff can’t be all bad can it?
The National Library of Medicine gives the following information. Castor oil is a vegetable oil made from Ricinus communis, a plant common in the Eastern areas of the world. It is most well-known for its laxative properties. No wonder mom wanted us to drink it. Although castor oil has been reported to be beneficial for other ailments, apparently the FDA has approved it only for use a as a stimulative laxative.
As I write this blog, I have a cloth soaked in heated castor oil on my chest. I’m on my sixth day of the crud. No, not Covid. Just an old fashioned cold. I have copious amounts of congestion in my lungs. Apparently this remedy is supposed to provide quick relief. finds that castor oil has a profound influence upon the lymphatic system and autonomic nervous system. As Castor oil is absorbed through the skin it moves through the lymphatic channels stimulating the natural healing ability of the body to break up any congestion present. We’ll see.
You can use castor oil in a couple of different ways. You can apply it directly to the skin or use it orally (yuck) or take it in the form of a supplement. The benefits of topical use are…
- Arthritis treatment
- To strengthen and grow hair
- Acne treatment
- Skin moisturizer
- Deep cleanser
- Improve immunity function
- Eliminate fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduce swelling and inflammation
- Support lymphatic system
- Increase circulation
- Heal would and abrasions
- Relieve menstrual cramps
Oral uses for castor oil
- Relieves constipation
- Cleans out intestines before surgery
- Labor induction
Who knew?
As you may have guessed, High Desert Doppler and castor oil have absolutely nothing in common. This week’s edition is one of those random blogs that I though was interesting and thought I’d share. By the way, in closing, my lungs are still congested. Maybe I’ll keep trying. Rome was not built in a day. As always, if we can help with any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Feb 14, 2024 | Uncategorized
In honor of Valentines day, the blog du jour has to do with your heart. Some might see it as a bloody muscle that makes you queasy at the sight. Others realize it is the hub of our physical, spiritual and emotional wellness. Everyone has one. How is your heart today?
For those who follow me, you might remember a few previous blogs mentioned that my mom died of cardiac arrest over 16 years ago. The day her heart stopped, mine did too. Hers stopped physically. Mine stopped emotionally. Since her death, the subject of the heart has become of particular interest to me.
Harvard medical school tells us that the heart beats about 2.5 billion times over the average lifetime, pushing millions of gallons of blood to every part of the body. This steady flow carries with it oxygen, fuel, hormones, and a host of essential cells. It also carries away the waste products of metabolism. When the heart stops, some essential functions fail almost instantly.
Given the heart’s heavy workload, it is shocking that is works so well for so many. It gets used and abused and sadly, in many people, it can also fail. Poor genetics, bad diet, sedentary lifestyle, and smoking are just a few things that might contribute to the failure of the heart muscle. Take heart. Lifestyle changes and medication can slow or stop heart harming problems like blood pressure, or high cholesterol, before they can cause damage.
At one time or another, we will all nurse a broken heart. Remember, you will get through this. Having your heart broken is simply going to hurt. Talk to someone who cares. It is okay to be human and allow yourself to feel the pain. Give yourself time to heal and above all, try to find the lesson and blessing in the most painful of circumstances.
Some pretty common physical symptoms of a broken heart can feel like chest pain and shortness of breath. You can experience these things even if you have no history of heart disease. If you are in relatively good health and there is little danger of heart disease, a dose of extreme self- care might be just what the doctor ordered.
“The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe.”
-Charles W. Chesnutt
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
‘No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.’
-Shanina Shaik
The human heart is amazing. It is exceptionally strong yet can be intensely fragile. Take good care of yours.
Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. Heart attacks don’t discriminate and can strike anyone at any time. If you have concerns for the physical well-being of your heart, seek medical attention immediately. Take care of your heart. Don’t wait! If High Desert Doppler can help with diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
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