Glass Half Full

Glass Half Full

Today’s blog comes to you courtesy of me listening to motivational and inspirational teachings.  I’ve been listening to a book called “The Path Made Clear.”  Audible can read it to me in a few hours.  I finished the book, then started it again.  I’m amazed at what I missed the first time.



I was moved and inspired.   There are many words and thoughts worth repeating.  There were myriad ideas I considered profound, but one in particular stuck with me and kept gnawing at my blog brain.  The question is, “Is your glass half empty or half full?



Who among us wouldn’t like to live the life of a true optimist?  We hear it all the time.  Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of person?  Although I don’t have much experience with depression, I’d imagine many see their glass as half empty.  One of the book’s featured guests said, “It doesn’t matter if the glass is half empty or half full, what matters is that we know where a pitcher is in which to fill it from.”



I am happily married to Mr. Optimist, John Jain.  Even when he is down, he is up.  I admit to being human and find myself with an occasional bout of doubt or pessimism.  When John noticed I had some lower vibrational energy recently and my glass felt only about half full that day he told me, “You ought to read your own blogs.”   Noted John, thanks!



“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because the thorns have roses.”

-Alphonse Karr


“There is nothing that can happen TO you that can’t also happen FOR you…if you’ll let it.”

-Mandy Hale


“Whether your cup is half-full or half-empty, remind yourself that there are others without one.”

-Matshona Dhliwayo


“Dear Optimist, Pessimist and Realist, while you guys were arguing about the glass of water being half full or empty, I drank it.

-The Opportunist



Whether your mental, emotional or physical “health glass” is half full or half empty, consider locating that pitcher with which you continue to fill it.  Let’s face it.  We all have some sort of health concern at one time or another.  Some things are easily identified and treated.  Others are not quite as easy.  Whatever your situation, see if you can maintain at least a glass half full and keep pouring.  If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated along your health journey, call us at 505-350-3397.






I’m happy you’ve taken a few minutes to see what today’s blog has to offer.  The content of my blog is often the result of whatever inspirational or motivational speaker I hear on a podcast or YouTube.  Today is no exception.  I’ll share with you what I was asked to contemplate.  As you start your day and go through your routine, think about what your goal is.  Do you have one?



Every day, we get up and start the ole’ routine.  We wake up, hit snooze, make the coffee, listen to the news, get dressed, eat and head out to the old salt mine for another 8-5.  The question is, why do we do what we do?  It is most likely habit, routine, expectation or necessity.  When we do what we do, is there a goal in mind or are you on auto pilot and simply spinning your wheels?



When you have a goal in mind, you need to plan. How you are going to accomplish it?  Your starting point may very well be chilling on the couch as you consider your options.  That is fine, however, it won’t be until you get yourself up off that couch that things will start to happen.  When you execute your plan, you need to be disciplined in the things you commit to doing and do it consistently for it to become a habit.   Discipline + Consistency = Goal



One of John’s and my very best friends will tell you I’m a quitter!” She is quite proud of that fact and doesn’t mind telling you.  Her honesty and ability to say what she means and mean what she says is part of her intoxicating charm.  I certainly admire her willingness to admit, she won’t continue to do what doesn’t serve her.  On the other side of that coin, there is something to be said for tenacity and sticking with it.  Are you one of those who quit smoking or drinking…until…you quit quitting!



Did you quit exercise, a better diet, a healthy lifestyle, routine exams and follow ups because you couldn’t consistently commit?  Perhaps you just don’t have the discipline it requires.  If a longer, healthier, happier life is your goal, you might want to quit quitting.



No one said that goal setting, consistency and discipline were going to be easy.  They said it was going to be worth it.   Zig Ziglar once said, “You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with the seeds of greatness.”  If you want it, lose the excuses and go get all the great things you deserve.  What are you waiting for?  If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated by your provider, let us help. Call us at 505-350-3357.

The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix

This beautiful March morning has me pondering my blog idea for tomorrow.  Don’t let the fact that this blog is a recycle from last year keep you from reviewing it.  I thought it warranted resurrection, hence may I invite you to revisit “The Eisenhower Matrix” blog.



Before I explain the “Eisenhower Matrix” idea, let’s review a brief bit of history.  Dwight Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States and served from 1953 to 1962.  Before becoming our President, he was a five-star general in the United States Army.



He also served as president of Columbia University, became the first Supreme Commander of NATO, and yet found time to enjoy activities like golf and oil painting.  He had an amazing ability to sustain his productivity not just weeks and months, but for decades.  It is not surprising that his time and task management skills have been widely studied and emulated.



His productivity strategy is known as the “Eisenhower Matrix.”  It is a relatively simple decision-making tool you can start to use right now.  This comes in handy for those who sometimes struggle with making decisions.  The strategy for planning, taking action and organizing tasks is not complicated.  It separates your actions based on four possibilities.

  • Urgent and important (tasks you will do immediately)
  • Important, but not urgent (tasks you will schedule to do later)
  • Urgent, but not important (tasks you will delegate to someone else)
  • Neither urgent nor important (tasks you can eliminate)



We live our lives according to some sort of a plan.  Is yours going accordingly? It can’t go according to plan if you don’t have one.  Often procrastination and laziness prevent us from making a plan in the first place.  The question for many is, how do I overcome procrastination?  You can always use the “Eisenhower Matrix” to find out what is priority and what isn’t.  Take inventory and find out the things you waste time on each day.



Spend a few minutes each morning going over the priorities for the day.  Focus on those things that will have the biggest impact on your life.  Somethings are unpleasant or uncomfortable.  Discomfort isn’t always a bad thing and it can actually be healthy.  Identify and track your procrastination impulses.  Make sure your tasks have a goal and finally, create accountability for your tasks.  When you have someone who is holding you accountable, you are less likely to give up.



Is your healthcare high or low on your priority list?  If it involves your health, it simply must be priority.  Hopefully, it isn’t urgent, but it is important.  Do you have a test or screening that was recommended you get, that is still not done?  WWED (What would Eisenhower do?)  Remember the Eisenhower Matrix and prioritize.  If it involves diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.

Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Hello!  I hope today finds you happy and well as we dive into a new week.  We never know what life has in store.  What we do know is along with the anticipation of satisfaction, success and joy, it can also bring failure, disappointment, and stress.  How do we cope with this?



While remaining optimistic, we often experience defeat.  Buddha once said that every human life contains 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows.  There will be equal measures of both happiness and suffering.  Accept them as part of the natural flow of existence.



Allow me to share a recent experience.  I encountered some surly, inept people while attempting to resolve an issue.  A routine phone call went immediately south, when I was transferred from one associate to another then eventually to several supervisors.  The problem was, not one of them specialized in anything other than delegating my situation to another. I spent an inordinate amount of time being transferred, repeating the same scenario, account number, names, and issues to the next 8 customer care specialists who clearly didn’t care.



As my frustration ascended, my temples began to throb and I felt my sunny disposition fade.  I won’t admit to being rude, however I do think my demeanor certainly deteriorated into terse.  Why were options so difficult?



Evidently the benefits of deep breathing could save your sanity.  If you encounter a situation similar to mine, try focusing on your breathing rather than giving yourself a stroke.  Notice how your body responds when you experience negative situations.  It starts pumping stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These physical reactions are tied to health problems like cardiovascular disease, insomnia, high blood pressure, indigestion, increased infections and autoimmune disease as well as depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.


BENEFITS suggests the following benefits of deep breathing exercises.

  1. Muscle relaxation.
  2. Improved oxygen delivery to the cells in your body.
  3. Lowers blood pressure.
  4. Endorphins are released.
  5. Breathing releases harmful toxins from the body.



Deep breathing and relaxation is not rocket science.  It is simple. You just have to remember to do it.  When you take slow deep breaths, your body will react in positive ways.  If this concept is foreign to you, search YouTube for guided breathing meditation or breathing exercises.



Although I find it is best to practice breathing techniques in the quiet and comfort of my own home, you can do it anywhere, anytime.  I warn you, you might look like a bit of a bonehead sitting in the crowded lobby awaiting the one person with the exclusive knowledge to skillfully troubleshoot your conundrum, as you deep breathe your way to calm.  Let them judge.  Do what works for you.



Stressful situations lie ahead.  You are in control of how you react.  Keep a cool head, practice patience, kindness, breathe deeply and remember, nothing is worth a stress related illness. If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated by your healthcare provider, call us at 505-350-3397.



This week’s blog is a re-cycle from a few years ago.  Let me explain the reason for the rerun.  The other night, John and I were cooking dinner.  He asked If I knew what kind of salt we should be using these days.  I recalled writing a salt blog a few years ago.  I figured if we didn’t retain the information, perhaps neither did you. 



Remember the olden days when eggs, butter and salt were supposed to be a few of the evils of the nutritional world?  That is currently old news.  The aforementioned are now healthy dietary staples according to today’s findings.  Butter and salt are temporarily taking a backseat as all the attention is focused on the cost of eggs!



Those of us who have had a few revolutions around the sun will recall the old fashioned “food pyramid” and the evils of certain foods.  New studies has proven to debunk these antiquated ideas.  Unless you do some research into the new findings, you may find yourself a bit confused and salty.  What are we supposed to believe?



Today is not the intermittent fasting blog. What John and I learned among myriad information is the necessity for a small amount of sodium consumption especially while fasting.  Salt is not necessarily the evil it was once thought to be and actually necessary to replace electrolytes.



Too much sodium has been linked to conditions including high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is that is has numerous benefits.  Saltwater rinses are a natural remedy for those with gum disease, mouth sores or infections. Folks require sodium in moderation to conduct nerve impulses, contract and relax muscles and maintain the proper balance of water.  Salt deficiency is a real thing.  Look it up.



Yes, there are many choices when choosing your preferred salt including iodized table salt, kosher salt, sea salt, black and pink Himalayan salt.  Did I miss any?  All types of salt are made of sodium chloride and contain minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium.  Try to opt for natural salt and avoid table salt as it is heavily processed.



Today, instead of harping on the deleterious effects of sodium, let’s tout the benefits.

  • Helps you stay hydrated
  • Promotes good vascular health
  • Balances electrolytes and prevents muscle cramping
  • Supports a healthy nervous system



In summary, it is imperative to do your research and check with your provider to determine what is best for you.  Suffice it to say, diagnostic ultrasound cannot see nor determine your appropriate sodium level. It can however help diagnose heart and vascular disease, blood clots, abnormal growths, gallstones, aortic aneurysm, kidney or bladder stones just to name a few.  If we can be of assistance with your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.