

We are halfway through January!  My how time flies.  My mom used to say, “The best thing about January is that it eventually ends.”  The freezing temperatures, wind, snow, darkness and generally unpleasant weather days bring a whole host of surprises.



Like most, you might enjoy some of those fabulous surprises including scaly itchy skin, chapped lips, flyaway hair, crispy soles on your feet and crunchy cuticles just to name a few of the pleasantries.  So many issues to conquer and so many products to remedy them.  What is best?



Yes, here is another YouTube reference.  I am an insomniac so in the wee hours when sleep evades me, I put in my air pods and usually find something informative that YouTube can offer.  Recently I learned about the benefits old fashioned petroleum jelly aka Vaseline.



Vaseline has many uses from improving skin hydration to promoting wound healing and can be used in your ultrasound exam which I will address shortly.  According to a 2016 review article, Vaseline prevents more than 98% of water loss from the outer layer of the skin.  This type of water loss is known as transepidermal water loss (TEWL.)  Have you heard of slugging?  It is a skincare technique the involves putting a thin layer of Vaseline on your face as the final step of your skincare routine.  It creates a protective layer that prevents water loss and dehydration.  It allows other products to penetrate skin more effectively as well as promotes an environment that helps your skin repair itself.  Dr. Dawn Davis is quoted in an article from saying “Petroleum jelly sits on top of the skin like a greenhouse roof, so it’s like insulating the skin so that is doesn’t lose heat and so it doesn’t lose moisture.”



Do we really want to put petroleum products on our skin?  The answer is yes.  It is generally safe to use on your skin as long as it is fully refined.  The FDA regulates petroleum jelly as an over-the -counter drug.  It is considered safe and effective when it is 30-100% concentrated.  That being said, it is not for everyone.  If you have oily or acne-prone skin you might want to avoid using it on your face as it can cause increased breakouts and possible skin irritation.



Suffice it to say, Vaseline is that ubiquitous medicine chest staple that has a thousand uses and has a place in most homes, hospitals and medicals offices.  If you have had an ultrasound test, you know that ultrasound gel is applied to the transducer so it may glide easily over the skin.  Although ultrasound gel is the gold standard medium for ultrasound, petroleum jelly will obtain clinically satisfactory results when ultrasound gel is not available.



That being said, HDD is the gold standard is diagnostic ultrasound.  If you and your provider determine whether an ultrasound test is necessary to aid in your diagnosis, call us at 505-350-3397.



Gimme Some Skin

Gimme Some Skin

We made it!  As much as I love to see the holidays come, I love to see them go.  We tend to make unhealthy choices during this time.  January is the month when we well-meaning resolutioners commit to better health, fitness, diet, prevention and lifestyle.



This week’s blog has absolutely nothing to do with ultrasound, however I ran across a YouTube reel that I found interesting.  I believe it is important to share with you because it has to do with healthcare.  It pertains to skin cancer and things that you may not be aware of.



The short bit of information came from Dr. Annette Bosworth who said she can actually spot basil cell carcinoma on a random stranger while simply out shopping.  That this kind of cancer is less deadly and your doctor should be able to recognize it immediately.  It is melanoma that we need to worry about.



In the dermatology world they use an acronym of A B C D and E that teaches us what they are looking for.

  • A stands for asymmetrical. It is not an equal shape on both sides.
  • B is the border. It is generally not smooth and it changes.
  • C is color. It is not one color throughout the lesion and can go from a light brown to even a black inside the lesion.
  • D is for diameter. Over 6 millimeters is where it can get dangerous.  It is about the size of an eraser on a pencil.
  • E is for evolving which means the shape and color evolve over time which means get checked!



In my youth, I didn’t think much about going to the dermatologist.  I do now.  I have 2 friends who had melanoma.  Thankfully they are both still around to talk about it.  It is the most dangerous type of skin cancer appearing as a new spot or change in an existing freckle or mole.  Any abnormalities should get checked.  Over 95% of skin cancers can be successfully treated if they are found early.



That beautiful Coppertone glow is more popular than the pasty white look, however it comes at a cost.  A suntan does not indicate good health.  Skin cancer occurs when skin cells are damaged and mutate, leading to uncontrolled cell growth.  The primary cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds.  Remember, a “base tan” is already a sign of skin damage.



How do we reduce the risk of skin cancer?  Practice sun safety by using sunscreen religiously, cover your skin during sun exposure, and avoid the intense UV rays of indoor tanning.



High Desert Diagnostics can’t help you with the diagnosis of skin cancer. However, we can help in the diagnosis a variety of conditions because ultrasound shows the structures inside the body.  The images help with diagnosis and treatment for many diseases and conditions.  Call us at 505-350-3397

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

The 2024 holiday season is history.  I hope it was happy and healthy.  It can be hectic yet magical for some. It can be a lonesome time for others. This season was a happy yet busy time for me.  So busy in fact that New Year’s Day is creeping up when I realized I don’t have a fresh 2025 blog.  A recycle from last year will have to do.  I hope it gives you some healthy reminders.



Happy new year!!! How many of us made a new year resolution for 2025?  I for one, will raise my hand.   Interestingly enough, they sound like some I’ve made in the past.  Seriously, who doesn’t want to lose a few pounds, save money, plan a trip, get a job you don’t hate, work out more, and get it better health?  Do you have the courage it takes to make a change?



After the meditation portion of a yoga class I attended, the instructor gave her thoughts about the new year and the idea of resolutions. She said, she prefers not to say the word resolution. It implies what you were doing was not good enough. She prefers the word intention.



If you live a relatively healthy lifestyle, but occasionally fall off the wagon I’d say you have good intentions.  Keep up the good work.  If you are a junk food junkie, lazy, with an addiction or two, look on the bright side, there is always tomorrow. Remember, no one is perfect.



Since we are on the subject of “no one is perfect”, I’d venture to say many of us lack the courage to be imperfect.  Chew on that one for a minute. I listened to Brene Brown on YouTube this week, she is a research professor at the University of Houston.  She has spent many years studying courage, vulnerability, empathy and shame.  A question she asks is, “Do you have the willingness to step into the arena of vulnerability?”



So many people are afraid of the judgment of others at one time or another. Heaven forbid, what if we aren’t good enough, smart enough, thin enough, successful enough, important enough or attractive enough?  Are we busy judging others as well as ourselves?



Brene Brown goes on to say that we are the most in debt, obese, over medicated and addicted society in US history.  I get it.  Life is hectic.  Is it any wonder we need to numb ourselves a bit, then end up with an addiction to something that actually made us feel good for a time? The numbing effects of substance can be devastating on your mind, body and soul.



Make choices that will help make you happy, healthy and well. Not necessarily resolutions, but intention and courage could be the key a better and healthier you.  Today is a great day to start!  If High Desert Diagnostics can help, call us at 505-350-3397.

Christmas 2024

Christmas 2024

It is finally here!  For many, the crescendo of the entire year has arrived.  All of the carefully orchestrated plans have fallen into place.  Now we can sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor.  It may be gift overload and credit card debt or quiet, simple and peaceful.  Whatever your situation is, will it meet your expectations?



Remember to recognize that along with expectation can come disappointment.  Disappointment is a normal human reaction when expectation doesn’t align with reality.  Occasionally it is beyond our control but often we set ourselves up to be disappointed.  How do we avoid this?



That package gets ripped open in anticipatory elation because I know it is exactly what I asked for and had my heart set on for Christmas this year.  “You shouldn’t have!  You didn’t.  Wow, underwear and socks again.  Gee thanks.”  Take heart.  Perhaps it won’t be that bad.  Maybe you’ll get jammies again, another scarf or perhaps that coveted 2025 desk calendar. Many expectations are higher than reality.



A few years ago around Christmas time, my daughter asked me if I remember the gift she gave me the previous year.  Admittedly, I had no clue.  Coincidentally, she didn’t remember my gift to her either. She did remind me that for a time, when we ran out of original gift ideas, we exchanged gift cards in the identical denominations.  How original.  In her early adulthood, I believe she is wise beyond her years.  She suggested we forgo the obligatory, perfunctory exchange of material gifts.  Instead we will share a special meal, bake cookies, spend time together and make memories.  That is a perfect gift in itself that we have exchanged for the past several years.


It came without ribbons!  It came without tags!  It came without packages, boxes or bags!”  Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!  “Maybe Christmas” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store.  Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”

-Dr. Seuss



Whether you produce that expensive, perfectly orchestrated Pinterest Christmas experience or you anticipate a simple celebration with a cozy fire, good food, family or friends, make it count.  Along with unconditional love and acceptance, time is one of the most important gifts you can give.

“Time is free yet priceless.  You can’t own it, but you can use it.  You can’t keep it, but you can spend it.  Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.”

-Harvey MacKay



First and foremost this holiday season, above all else, take time to love, appreciate and nurture yourself.  If you aren’t whole and well, you can’t be expected to be present and available for others.  When you have the gift of good health, you have the greatest gift of all.  From all of us at High Desert Diagnostics, we wish you the very happiest holiday season!


Forever Young

Forever Young

It’s time again for the HDD blog.  My how times flies. Wasn’t it just Thanksgiving?  The reality check du jour is that we are all one week older than we were when we read last week’s blog.  There is no need to remind you what will have happened by next week.  Today we will discuss the aging process.  Aging can be a glorious thing depending on your perspective.



I’ve seen people in their golden years, who look and feel forever young.  What is their secret? Having a positive attitude and good genes never hurt, however lifestyle choices are important.   An unknown source said, “Surround yourself with people who also fight the toxicity of the anti-aging culture and embrace the beautiful sands of time.  Be grateful for all your body has done and continues to do for you.  You don’t have to buy into society’s assertion that you can’t love yourself as you are no matter how old you are. “



Speaking of toxic, the more you complain, the worse you may feel.  Some believe it is part of the aging process. The less you move, the less energy you will have.  A sedentary lifestyle is a common trigger for muscular atrophy.  Atrophy leads to weight gain, loss of energy, chronic aches and pains and an attitude that reflects this dismal state.



Here are some myths about aging.

  • Our brains grow only until we are in our twenties then they start to die. There are “Super Agers” who have memories as sharp as those decades younger!
  • Our metabolism slows down when we hit 40. Fight it with exercise.
  • Our skin will age and wrinkle. Yes, but there are things we can do to mitigate it.
  • Our muscles will atrophy. Keep moving.
  • Our joints will fail. Learn ways to protect them.
  • Everyone will get cancer, diabetes or heart disease. “The Mission Daily” reports that up to 34% of cancer risk is directly attributed to life-style choices.  Weight loss lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes.  A study in the New England Journal of Medicine estimated that 2% of heart disease and heart attacks in women can be attributed to smoking, lack of exercise, being overweight or eating a high glycemic-index diet. Take better care of yourself.



Age is not a bad word.  We know that many factors impact our health, especially as we age.  Our body doesn’t have to take a nosedive simply because the clock is ticking. Get active. Quit smoking. Eat well.  Stay hydrated. Indulge in moderation.  Limit stress.  Prioritize sleep. Focus on positivity.  Practice gratitude.  Engage in charitable acts. Stay social.  Never stop learning. Stop complaining. Consult your healthcare provider.



Beauty is much more than external appearances.  All the surgery, drugs and quick fixes on the planet will not allow you escape the inevitable.  Aging is real. Body acceptance assists you in doing it gracefully and peacefully. If your beautifully aging body requires diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.