During a recent gym visit, I noticed one of the trainers sporting a t-shirt with a saying on the back that caught my eye.  If you are sporting a few extra pounds, this is the blog for you.  If you are skinny, you may want to tune in as well. 



The t-shirt the trainer was wearing said “You can’t outrun your fork.” Many years ago, that would not have made a bit of sense to me.  It certainly does now.  So, what exactly does that mean?



Many have heard the 80/20 rule.  When it comes to weight loss, does the adage “80 % diet, 20% exercise” hold true?  The answer seems to be yes.  According to an article from Women’s Health Magazine, the key to successful weight loss is taking in fewer calories than you burn.



Remember it is easier to see results when you combine moderate exercise with thoughtful eating. It all comes down to this.  It is easier to cut out a few hundred calories from your diet than burn a few hundred calories through working out.



Absolutely NOT!!!  Exercise is essential to help maintain a healthy body.  John and I have a cardiologist friend who reminds us, “No exercise, no dinner”.  There is no magic elixir or mystery for weight loss.  The secret is out.  Clearly, a combination of reduced caloric intake and a reasonable amount of exercise is the elusive magical mystery.



Many of you have seen or heard of the TV reality show “Survivor”.  The premise for the reality competition is, a group of strangers are placed in an isolated location where they must provide food, shelter and fire for themselves.  By the end of the competition, the remaining players have been at their location around 40 days.  Their weight loss is shocking.  With such a drastic calorie reduction, dramatic weight loss is a given.



What the Survivor contestants prove is that calories do count, and by reducing the number of calories we ingest, weight loss becomes more successful.  Just because you are reducing the number of calories you ingest, doesn’t mean you need to starve.  It is all about smart choices and moderation.



Whether you are thick or thin, try to be a bit more health conscious.  Even skinny people can be dangerously fat on the inside.  Research shows that fat can build up around the abdominal organs including the heart, liver and kidneys. It is called visceral fat.  This can act as a silent killer because people can have a lot if it despite appearing thin.  Watch your diet. Exercise. Be smart.  Get checked.



Remember, ultrasound is not a crystal ball, yet it can help us to see what lies beneath the surface.  If you and your healthcare provider have questions or concerns as to what is going on inside you, call us at 505-350-3397.