Today’s blog discusses the old adage “You are what you eat.”  When I was young, this made absolutely no sense to me, nor did I care what it meant.  Bring on the potato chips, green chili cheeseburgers, diet cokes and Twinkies.  Still, many folks could simply care less about nutrition.  Why does it matter?



Nutrients from foods contribute to the wellness of every single cell in our body from your immune and digestive systems, bones, muscles, organs and your hair and skin.  Although we are totally oblivious, our bodies are in a constant state of repair.  Does your body have a lot of work to do?



Every cell in our body has an expiration date.  Each day, our body is busy making new cells to replace those that have “expired.”  The health of these new cells is largely determined by how well we’ve been eating.  A diet filled with low nutrient highly processed foods gives our body little to work with.



Although some may disagree on the definition of “good stuff” a nutrient rich eating plan can help build cells that work better and are less susceptible to disease and premature aging.  Common sense tells us our bodies function best with foods free of additives, colorings, flavorings, sweeteners and hormones. says foods with one-word ingredients are generally whole and minimally processed for example, spinach, blueberries, almonds, salmon and lentils. No, “fries” don’t fall into this category!  There is strong evidence that the closer to nature you eat, the fewer calories it will take you to feel satisfied.  If you are a meat eater, keep in mind that lean protein like fish, chicken and turkey are favored over a 22 oz porterhouse.



How does one anticipate a pleasurable culinary experience with kale, quinoa, salmon when you had your tastebuds are geared up for a supersized value meal?  It is believed that the road to success is paved with baby steps.  Start slowly and try to incorporate one or two more servings per day of fruit or veggies than you normally do.  Consider munching on a handful of almonds in lieu of a bag of flaming hot Cheetos.



I get it.  We had been sequestered for about a year and a half.  Home cooked meals were the norm simply because eating out was not an option.  Now that we are starting to re-open, it is time to eat out again, right?  The experience is truly why we venture out but in all honesty, our home made meals are by far healthier and more delicious than restaurant fare. Perhaps a healthy balance is what we should seek.



If you fuel your body with healthier food choices, the rewards will be evident.  Healthy choices lead to healthy bodies which increase the odds of wellness, a longer, happier and healthier life.  If you and your practitioner discover that your body is in need of diagnostic ultrasound, call High Desert Doppler at 505-350-3397.