Thanks for taking a few minutes to read the words that became this week’s blog.  Speaking of words, that is exactly what we will touch on today.  I got my inspiration from a TED talk I heard recently.  By the way, did you know that TED stands for technology, entertainment and design?  Just a little trivia for those who might be interested. 



This particular TED talk was by world famous author, motivational speaker, hypnotherapist and celebrity therapist, Marisa Peer.  I guess I never thought much about a celebrity therapist before.  If regular people need a therapist, it will stand to reason that celebrities might also.  That being said, Marissa had some interesting thoughts on words.



Marissa tells us that what is expected tends to be realized.  Watch your words, for they shape your reality.  If you pick better words, you will have a better reality.  Every word you say is a blueprint that your mind and body will work to make real.  Watch your inner dialogue.  If it isn’t positive, you may want to change how you talk to yourself.  Your mind will believe what you tell it.



There are a few words that can block you and your progress.  Marissa says that the word should is a load of sh#t!  Stop saying you should do something and actually do it. Wish is the same thing. Stop wishing and start doing. Have you ever invited someone to join you for something and the response you get is, “I’ll try.”  Argh!  As our old friend Yoda says, “Do or do not.  There is no try.” Practice not using the word “but.” It negates what you just said.  Try substituting the word “and.”



Don’t forget to remember that what is expected tends to be realized.  Use your words to make a picture so you will believe what needs to be realized.  Install empowering beliefs, habits and thought patterns into your existence.   Expect great things.



Familiar is safe.  We have a mind that believes that familiar is safe and unfamiliar is scary.  My hope in writing weekly blogs for High Desert Doppler is to familiarize you with what we do, why we do it and share messages of inspiration, motivation, health and wellness to make you familiar and comfortable with us.



If you or your healthcare provider believe diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, we hope you think of us.  Let’s face it.  If you’ve never had an ultrasound done, it may be unfamiliar and can be scary.  Mark my words it is an easy, painless, non-invasive, quick procedure that can be done as soon as today.  Give us a call at 505-350-3397.