I’d like to share a little information regarding health and nutrition.  In my youth, my friends and I were pretty concerned about expensive cars, designer handbags, swanky shoes and fabulous vacation destinations.  Health and nutrition weren’t something we thought much about.  We all took good health for granted, like it was our birthright.



As the years tick by, the conversations have morphed.  They no longer center around what money can buy.  We now compare our coronary calcium score, blood pressure meds, where we purchased our compression socks, the acuteness of our gout attacks and the weekly status of our gut health.  My how things change!



A blood test recently revealed that my blood sugar was a bit high which was a surprise to me.  The more I thought about it, my morning routine just may have been part of the culprit, when in reality, I thought I was doing my body good. Do we really know what is in the foods we eat?



Typically, the morning meal consisted of a smoothie made from protein powder, raw oats, natural honey, chia seeds, almond milk, fresh fruit and a bit of Greek yogurt.  It doesn’t get much healthier than that, does it?  A blood test revealed my blood sugar was high.  My nurse practitioner warned me that I might be pre-diabatic!  It was suggested I change my breakfast smoothie to protein-based meal instead.  My next blood test revealed it indeed helped and suggested watching other things that might be high in sugar that we may not be aware of.  I am an intermittent faster for the last two years and feel great.



This next paragraph might contain a list of things you may not want to hear.  I feel the need to share some sugar bombs that you may not even realize are loaded.  They include bread, salad dressing, yogurt, condiments, juice, peanut butter, crackers, energy drinks, breakfast cereals including granola, protein bars, smoothies, dried fruit, lunch meat (really, who knew?) tomato sauce, ketchup, barbeque sauce, Chinese takeout, body building supplements, soda and alcoholic beverages.   If you find yourself with high blood sugar and you are sporting a few extra pounds, look realistically at your diet and see if the answer is right in front of you.



Wait!  Maybe you aren’t guilty as charged.  What if you use sugar substitute instead, for instance Agave.  Your argument might be, “It has to be healthy, I got it at the health food store.”  That doesn’t change the fact that agave is just dressed up sugar.  It is 85% fructose and I actually read it is arguably even more damaging than cane sugar.



Today’s blog shed a little light on some nutrition facts that we all probably already know but conveniently forgot.  I imagine we can all stand to tweak our diets a little bit and focus on improving our health.  If that shift to better health includes diagnostic ultrasound, don’t hesitate to call High Desert Doppler at 505-350-3397.