Thanks for taking time to read today’s blog.  As I searched for inspiration this week, I became aware of the morning news playing in the background.  It is the same crap, different day.  Enough already!   I believe we are all at an unbelievable point of saturation.  With new COVID variants, monkeypox, inequality, violent protesting and unrest, we could all use a beacon of hope.



I recall reading an old native American proverb many years ago.  I had to research a bit to find it.  It says, “No tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst themselves.”  So, the question becomes, why are we fighting amongst ourselves?



Psychology says when you focus on problems, you will have more problems.  When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities.  I mistakenly quoted Brenee Brown in a recent quote.  She said Sonya Renee Taylor deserves the credit for the following that I believe is worth repeating in case you missed it.



“We will not go back to normal.  Normal never was.  Our pre-Corona existence was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequality, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate and lack.  We should not long to return my friends, we are being given the opportunity to stich a new garment.  One that fits all of humanity and nature.”



This quote impacted me when I originally read it, but it is especially impactful this week as we watch our planet become diseased and observe the inhabitants fighting amongst ourselves.  In the big scheme of things, as simplistic as it sounds, I believe most of us simply want health, harmony and happiness.  How can we do our part?



The Rotarians have a mantra called the four-way test which might warrant some consideration during this period of confusion.

  • Is it the truth?
  • Is it fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendship?
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?



I believe a paradigm shift is certainly in order to help us evolve to the next level and begin to see things in a new light.  Be kind.  Show your fellow human tolerance and understanding.  I’m not sure this is rock bottom but if it is, we don’t need to stay here.  Rock bottom may not be the end. It could be the beginning. Visualize the tree that lives in harmony amongst its own branches.



I realize today’s blogs has nothing to do with ultrasound, however I feel like the subject du jour is worthy of veering off course a bit.  In an effort to be well physically, mentally and emotionally, go the extra mile. Falling apart represents an opportunity to rebuild.  Kindly, peacefully and respectfully do your part.  If we at HDD can contribute to your wellness, call us at 505-350-3397.