Today’s blog asks the question, are you in the zone today?  Did you wake up grouchy and tired?  Often this state of being means that copious amounts of coffee are the only means of survival.  If this sounds familiar, you are probably not in the zone.  Perhaps it’s time to wake up and experience “the flow.”



I was inspired for the “In the Zone” blog from an audio book I’m listening to narrated by Oprah Winfrey.  Love her or not, it is a great book that considers many interesting points of view.  It is uplifting, inspiring and worth a read (or listen.)  It is called “The Path Made Clear.”



First, let’s clarify what it means to be in the zone. If you are in the zone, you are happy or excited because you are doing something very skillfully and easily.  Getting into the zone, also known as “being in a state of flow” usually happens when we are…

  • Feeling energized.
  • In a good mood and doing things we enjoy.
  • Have some level of skill that meets the demands of the task.



I love days when I crush it!  Some days it is natural and easy then there are other days when there is positively no interest in reaching the zone.  Occasionally you need to mentally and physically veg out.  That’s okay but don’t stay in that state of unresponsiveness. If you’re not feeling particularly motivated, how does one get into the zone?



Performance psychology suggests that if we sharpen our focus and attention you increase the chances of achieving flow.  Reduce distractions, both environmental and internal that can get in the way of seeing and doing.  Gain confidence and trust in yourself and your abilities.  Match your skills and challenges and you will increase the chance of getting into the flow.  The feeling is euphoric if you allow yourself to get there.



It may take some effort to get into a state of flow.  It can take a few minutes of seriously focusing on a task to fully reach it depending on the task at hand. FYI, constantly checking social media is a surefire way to derail your focus and yank you out of the zone.  Before you “zone out” be sure to check your e-mails, Instagram, and Facebook.  Be certain enough friends have “liked” your latest selfie so you can now put your phone away and let it flow!



Make sure you are staying in the zone when it comes to your health and wellness.  Don’t think about your health only when you feel unwell or there is a problem.  Your health is your life.  Take care of yourself as if your life depends on it because it does.



We are a team and in the zone and here at HDD.  We are dedicated to helping you in the diagnosis and maintenance of your health.  When diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.