In honor of Valentines day, the blog du jour has to do with your heart. Some might see it as a bloody muscle that makes you queasy at the sight. Others realize it is the hub of our physical, spiritual and emotional wellness. Everyone has one. How is your heart today?
For those who follow me, you might remember a few previous blogs mentioned that my mom died of cardiac arrest over 16 years ago. The day her heart stopped, mine did too. Hers stopped physically. Mine stopped emotionally. Since her death, the subject of the heart has become of particular interest to me.
Harvard medical school tells us that the heart beats about 2.5 billion times over the average lifetime, pushing millions of gallons of blood to every part of the body. This steady flow carries with it oxygen, fuel, hormones, and a host of essential cells. It also carries away the waste products of metabolism. When the heart stops, some essential functions fail almost instantly.
Given the heart’s heavy workload, it is shocking that is works so well for so many. It gets used and abused and sadly, in many people, it can also fail. Poor genetics, bad diet, sedentary lifestyle, and smoking are just a few things that might contribute to the failure of the heart muscle. Take heart. Lifestyle changes and medication can slow or stop heart harming problems like blood pressure, or high cholesterol, before they can cause damage.
At one time or another, we will all nurse a broken heart. Remember, you will get through this. Having your heart broken is simply going to hurt. Talk to someone who cares. It is okay to be human and allow yourself to feel the pain. Give yourself time to heal and above all, try to find the lesson and blessing in the most painful of circumstances.
Some pretty common physical symptoms of a broken heart can feel like chest pain and shortness of breath. You can experience these things even if you have no history of heart disease. If you are in relatively good health and there is little danger of heart disease, a dose of extreme self- care might be just what the doctor ordered.
“The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe.”
-Charles W. Chesnutt
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
‘No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.’
-Shanina Shaik
The human heart is amazing. It is exceptionally strong yet can be intensely fragile. Take good care of yours.
Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. Heart attacks don’t discriminate and can strike anyone at any time. If you have concerns for the physical well-being of your heart, seek medical attention immediately. Take care of your heart. Don’t wait! If High Desert Doppler can help with diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.