The blog du jour will touch on the idea of rules and rule following. If someone ordered you to sit down every Wednesday at 9:00am to read the weekly blog, you might resist thinking, “I’ll read it at my leisure if I read it at all. You can’t tell me what to do or when to do it.” That is a ridiculous rule!
I will tell you right off the bat, for the most part, I am a rule follower. I am married to a rule follower if the rule makes sense. Some say rules are made to be broken while others believe there are good reasons rules exist. There is a valid argument for both points of view.
If a rule is generally reasonable, most of us are willing to comply. Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline gives us a few questions to ponder if we are deciding if we are going to be a rule follower or a rule breaker.
- What is the rule?
- Whose rule is it?
- What is the rule’s purpose?
- Is there a compelling reason to break the rule?
- What are the consequences of breaking it?
The reason for today’s blog about rules is, I have recently undergone a medical procedure. I was given a pretty hefty booklet of “dos and don’ts” to follow both prior to and after the procedure. I won’t go so far as to say they are rules, but these recommendations are strongly suggested the patient follow to insure a successful procedure and recovery.
Opinions are like nose hair. Everyone has them. I have a friend who has undergone a procedure similar to the one that I recently had. Her provider gave her much different restrictions than the ones I was given. Her doc is pretty lenient about when she can start to resume normal activities. Mine is quite a bit more conservative. Common sense tells us the body takes time to heal. It is better safe than sorry.
Most of us have had countless medical issues that require compliance in once way or another. I speak from experience, the brain says one thing while the body says another. After my procedure, my brain is saying it’s time to get back to normal life. It won’t stop thinking of all the things I need to get done. On the other hand, my body is reminding me it’s too soon. Listen to the voice of reason and err on the side of caution. It is worth repeating, it is better safe than sorry.
If you and your provider need answers to medical issues that diagnostic ultrasound can help detect, let us know. There are no rules other than communicationg your concerns with your provider and following the advice of your chosen medical professional to stay in optimum health. If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.