Today’s blog is a recycle from a couple of years ago. John and I are in the middle of moving so this blog serves as a reminder as we transition from one space to another. Take a look at your surroundings. What kind of condition is your car, office, home and life in? Are you neat and organized or does it look like a tornado blew through and wreaked havoc on you and your stuff?
Are you one of those folks who has piles everywhere? If so, you probably know exactly what is in each pile. You also probably freak out if someone dares straighten, organize or moves your piles. Maybe you feel buried and have no clue how to even start climbing out from under your mess. There is hope.
Tomorrow (noun) is a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored. Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?
I absolutely abhor disorganization, clutter and piles! In my world, everything has a place and there is a place for everything. I am a filer, not a piler. I have a hard time seeing things in disarray or not put in their proper place. It’s been said that clutter is the end result of procrastination.
There are a few good reasons you might consider decluttering your life and your surroundings. You will find yourself with more space both mentally, emotionally and physically. Physical clutter can be mentally draining. Do you really need and actually use all your stuff? Decluttering doesn’t mean you have to get rid of everything you own. It simply suggests you do away with things that you don’t really need or use.
Start small. Try clearing out your e-mail box. Don’t let it pile up till you have 1000 unopened e-mails. Do a few each day and stay on top of it. Get rid of unused apps or photos on your phone. Organize your computer files and paperwork. Move on to your closet and drawers. I’ve read that we actually wear only about 20% of the things in our closet. The other 80% either doesn’t fit, we don’t like it as much as we used to or we forgot we had it.
Do you have hundreds of “friends” on Facebook? Do you accept a friend request from everyone who asks? Some of these people, you probably don’t even know. Do you spend hours reading nonsense from all 800 friends? It isn’t a bad idea to go through and purge those names who don’t necessarily have meaning in your life. Less can be more.
Hopefully, healthcare is not on your list of things to do tomorrow. In some cases, tomorrow can be too late. If there is a test, exam or procedure that you have been putting off, make a commitment to yourself to make the call and get it scheduled. If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.