Today’s blog discusses something we all deal with on a daily basis.  It pertains to things we do and why we do them.  I was reminded of a quote from Dr. Phil Mc Graw that inspired today’s blog.  The quote asks, “What’s your payoff?”


  1. PHIL

Either you love him or hate him.  Whatever the case may be, Dr. Phil has indeed delivered some pearls of wisdom.  He succinctly said, “People do what works.  You will not maintain any behavior that is not providing you with some kind of payoff.”



Below, I will be quoting Dr. Phil’s words. They are not my brainchild.  I do find it interesting how the right person, words, article, book or situation will find their way to you at the time you need it.  Allow me to share.



#1:  Either you get it or you don’t.  Become the one who gets it.

#2: You create your own experience.  Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life.  Understand your role in creating results.

#3: People do what works.  Identify the payoffs that drive your behavior and that of others.

#4: You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.  Get real with yourself about life and everybody in it. Be truthful about what isn’t working in your life. Stop making excuses and start making results.

#5: Life rewards action.  Make careful decisions and pull the trigger. Learn that the world couldn’t care less about thoughts without actions.

#6: There is no reality, only perception.  Identify the filters through which you view the world. Acknowledge your history without being controlled by it.

#7: Life is managed; It is not cured.  Learn to take charge of your life and hold on. This is a long ride, and you are the driver every single day.

#8: We teach people how to treat us.  Own, rather than complain about, how people treat you. Learn to renegotiate your relationships to have what you want.

#9: There is power in forgiveness.  Open your eyes to what anger and resentment are doing to you. Take your power back from those who have hurt you.

#10: You have to name it before you can claim it.  Get clear about what you want and take your turn.



The above mentioned advice pertains to life in general as well as your health.  You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.  I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, I’ve actually heard people say, “If I have something wrong with me, I don’t want to know.”   The phrase “Early detection can save lives” hits home deeply for me, as I lost my sister because early detection didn’t happen.  By the way, cancer sucks.



Our payoff at HDD is that we get to practice what we are excellent at.  Diagnostic ultrasound.  We get to practice in a lovely office with an amazing staff.  We are honored to work with an incredible network of healthcare professionals and get to work with YOU. If you need us call 505-350-3397