Hello!  I hope today finds you happy and well as we dive into a new week.  We never know what life has in store.  What we do know is along with the anticipation of satisfaction, success and joy, it can also bring failure, disappointment, and stress.  How do we cope with this?



While remaining optimistic, we often experience defeat.  Buddha once said that every human life contains 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows.  There will be equal measures of both happiness and suffering.  Accept them as part of the natural flow of existence.



Allow me to share a recent experience.  I encountered some surly, inept people while attempting to resolve an issue.  A routine phone call went immediately south, when I was transferred from one associate to another then eventually to several supervisors.  The problem was, not one of them specialized in anything other than delegating my situation to another. I spent an inordinate amount of time being transferred, repeating the same scenario, account number, names, and issues to the next 8 customer care specialists who clearly didn’t care.



As my frustration ascended, my temples began to throb and I felt my sunny disposition fade.  I won’t admit to being rude, however I do think my demeanor certainly deteriorated into terse.  Why were options so difficult?



Evidently the benefits of deep breathing could save your sanity.  If you encounter a situation similar to mine, try focusing on your breathing rather than giving yourself a stroke.  Notice how your body responds when you experience negative situations.  It starts pumping stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These physical reactions are tied to health problems like cardiovascular disease, insomnia, high blood pressure, indigestion, increased infections and autoimmune disease as well as depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.



Livingthenourishedlife.com suggests the following benefits of deep breathing exercises.

  1. Muscle relaxation.
  2. Improved oxygen delivery to the cells in your body.
  3. Lowers blood pressure.
  4. Endorphins are released.
  5. Breathing releases harmful toxins from the body.



Deep breathing and relaxation is not rocket science.  It is simple. You just have to remember to do it.  When you take slow deep breaths, your body will react in positive ways.  If this concept is foreign to you, search YouTube for guided breathing meditation or breathing exercises.



Although I find it is best to practice breathing techniques in the quiet and comfort of my own home, you can do it anywhere, anytime.  I warn you, you might look like a bit of a bonehead sitting in the crowded lobby awaiting the one person with the exclusive knowledge to skillfully troubleshoot your conundrum, as you deep breathe your way to calm.  Let them judge.  Do what works for you.



Stressful situations lie ahead.  You are in control of how you react.  Keep a cool head, practice patience, kindness, breathe deeply and remember, nothing is worth a stress related illness. If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated by your healthcare provider, call us at 505-350-3397.