Hello!  May I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and healthy fourth of July, AKA Independence Day.  I hope you are taking some time this holiday to reflect upon and appreciate your place in the land of the free and the home of the brave. 



Our owner and CEO of High Desert Doppler, John Jain and I usually spend the holiday lounging around the pool, riding in our community parade, sipping icy cocktails, grilling burgers, then later protecting our dogs and making sure our house doesn’t burn down from stray illegal fireworks!   How will you celebrate?



Realistically, we find our country is in the throes of a mess.  Regardless of your views and regardless of mine, I am very grateful to call the good old US of A my home.  As for us, we will celebrate.  We always have and always will.  There is no denying, things could be better but things could also be worse.  With each problem, there is a solution.  Let’s celebrate even the small victories.



We understand the meaning of free.  It means getting something for nothing.  Who doesn’t love a good freebie?  You can always grab most anyone’s attention at the thought of buy one, get one free.   Let’s face it.  Most folks are more likely to purchase something when it is advertised as free of something.  We see products advertised as free from pesticides, Deet, sugar, fat, artificial colorings, flavorings, carcinogens or myriad other evils.  Have you ever noticed that these things that are “free” from something are considerably more expensive?  True story.  The truth of the matter is that free actually costs.



Drs. James Gwartney, Richard Stroup and Dwight Lee write in Common Sense Economics, “Because we cannot have as much of everything as we would like, we are forced to choose among alternatives.  There is no free lunch.  Doing one thing makes us sacrifice the opportunity to do something else we value.  This is why economists refer to “at all costs” as “opportunity costs.””

  • Our most scarce resource is our time.
  • No matter how much income or wealth you possess, you still only have twenty-four hours per day.
  • None of us know how many days we have on this earth.

All choices involve costs, every single one.  Nothing is free, nothing is without sacrifice.  There is no free lunch.



When it involves your health, choose your healthcare freely and wisely.  Politics and insurance can dictate our choices however, we do still have choices.  When it comes to diagnostic ultrasound, feel free to contact us, ask questions, inquire about us, look at our Google reviews or drop by for a visit.  We feel confident you will choose High Desert Doppler. Feel free to call us at 505-350-3397.   Happy Independence Day.  God bless the USA!