I’m happy you’ve taken a few minutes to see what today’s blog has to offer. The content of my blog is often the result of whatever inspirational or motivational speaker I hear on a podcast or YouTube. Today is no exception. I’ll share with you what I was asked to contemplate. As you start your day and go through your routine, think about what your goal is. Do you have one?
Every day, we get up and start the ole’ routine. We wake up, hit snooze, make the coffee, listen to the news, get dressed, eat and head out to the old salt mine for another 8-5. The question is, why do we do what we do? It is most likely habit, routine, expectation or necessity. When we do what we do, is there a goal in mind or are you on auto pilot and simply spinning your wheels?
When you have a goal in mind, you need to plan. How you are going to accomplish it? Your starting point may very well be chilling on the couch as you consider your options. That is fine, however, it won’t be until you get yourself up off that couch that things will start to happen. When you execute your plan, you need to be disciplined in the things you commit to doing and do it consistently for it to become a habit. Discipline + Consistency = Goal
One of John’s and my very best friends will tell you I’m a quitter!” She is quite proud of that fact and doesn’t mind telling you. Her honesty and ability to say what she means and mean what she says is part of her intoxicating charm. I certainly admire her willingness to admit, she won’t continue to do what doesn’t serve her. On the other side of that coin, there is something to be said for tenacity and sticking with it. Are you one of those who quit smoking or drinking…until…you quit quitting!
Did you quit exercise, a better diet, a healthy lifestyle, routine exams and follow ups because you couldn’t consistently commit? Perhaps you just don’t have the discipline it requires. If a longer, healthier, happier life is your goal, you might want to quit quitting.
No one said that goal setting, consistency and discipline were going to be easy. They said it was going to be worth it. Zig Ziglar once said, “You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” If you want it, lose the excuses and go get all the great things you deserve. What are you waiting for? If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated by your provider, let us help. Call us at 505-350-3357.