Today’s blog covers a subject that might make my bestie Barbie barf.  We will attempt to debunk the myths about eating fruit.  Personally, I love fruit and eat it regularly.  My bestie has probably eaten it once in her lifetime!



There have been articles written about this “diet saboteur” claiming that fruit has too much sugar and is fattening.  The natural sugar that’s found in fruit and even vegetables is different from refined sugar.


DEBUNK THE MYTH reports the notion that fruit has too much sugar is a myth.  Different sugars affect our blood sugar differently and are processed in different ways. While whole fruit does have sugar, it is also generally low in calories and is packed with fiber.  The average Joe is not going to gain weight from fruit.



Organic fruit is not more nutritious than other types however buying organic will help you avoid pesticides and chemicals.



Although dried fruit has the same nutrients as fresh, it’s not the healthier choice. That’s because it’s much more concentrated so the calorie density and sugar content are higher.  Dried fruit may also have added sugars as well as preservatives not found in fresh fruit.



This paragraph might be pretty unpopular.  “The Well” also reports that juicing is not always a good option. It removes fiber and nutrients from whole fruit and can often be high in calories. That’s why unlike fresh fruit there is consistent evidence that fruit juice increases the risk of weight gain, especially in children and has been associated with type 2 diabetes.



Most fruits are a healthy choice however some are even better for you because some can be lower in sugar and higher in fiber.  It is reported that pears, apples and berries are a great choice. Fruits like bananas do have a higher sugar and carb content. At the risk of repeating myself, no one got obese eating bananas.



Dietician Julie Kramer from “The Well by Northwell” suggests eating local fruit is actually healthier. The reason is without a long haul to a faraway market, local fruit is allowed to ripen more fully on the vine or tree allows it to mature with the highest possible vitamin and mineral content.



Barbie, I hate to be the bearer of bad news.  Even though it contains sugar, it is reported that fruit intake may also help reduce the risk of stroke, certain types of cancer and hypertension.  Perhaps that’s why the American Heart Association suggest two servings of fruit each day.



The benefits to eating fruit far outweighs the downside. Fruit has great nutritional qualities and it can be pretty delicious. There you have it, lose the guilt and have some fruit.



Although ultrasound and fruit have nothing in common, we’d like you to be aware of the health benefits of both. If we can help within of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.