It’s time again for the hump day blog.  I hope this week finds you happy, healthy and ready to tackle the rest of the week. I’m sure today is filled to the brim with a laundry list of “to do’s” that grows by the minute.  Where on earth do we begin?  Unless you are in intermittent faster, let’s start with breakfast.



Try starting your day with the most difficult item on your to do list.  John always calls the most arduous tasks of the day “eating frogs.”  If you tackle the most undesirable things first, other tasks become much more palatable.  If you eat a frog for breakfast, everything else you eat that day tastes better!




Was it a successful day or did you encounter a failure?  In attempting to keep the blogs uplifting and positive, let’s substitute the word feedback for failure.  If things didn’t go exactly as you anticipated today, think about the kind of feedback you received that made you realize there are improvements to be made.  Don’t get your knickers in a twist.  Remember there is a new selection on the breakfast menu tomorrow morning.  Wake up with a powerful hunger to swallow that frog, deal with that issue, have that conversation then move on!



The biggest problem you face today could be the thing that teaches you your greatest lesson.  Are you tuned in and receptive?  Look for opportunities in opposition.  Hear the word feedback instead of failure.  If at first you don’t succeed, keep after it.  Don’t back down.  Develop a taste for frogs!



Have you ever been accused of being stubborn?  I’m guilty as charged.  It is probably not one of the finer personality traits we possess.  Think about why you do the things you do.  Is it because it is the correct way, or is it because it is your way?  Perhaps someone else might have an idea that can be even more workable than the one you conjured up.  Try this experiment.  Stop being stubborn.



Let me ask you this.  How is your health?  I’d be rich if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard someone way, “If I have something wrong with me, I don’t want to know.”  Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn’t need to be part of your vocabulary.  Illness or disease doesn’t give a rip if you are a procrastinator, don’t prefer frogs or are just plain stubborn.  Listen to your body.  If you have concerns or symptoms, get checked.  The colonoscopy is not comfortable, the MRI is scary, ultrasound is unfamiliar and needles make your knees weak.  Are these good excuses to not get checked?  Only if you aren’t interested in early detection and prevention.



Why don’t you check the box on your to do list and eat that frog that has been trying to get your attention.  It is the breakfast of champions.  If it involves diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.