I would like to extend an invitation to you to read this week’s HDD blog. I appreciate you taking the time and hope I can offer you something to think about. Inspiration came to me this morning as I was stroking on a second coat of extension mascara in an effort to bolster my modest eyelashes. Stick with me on this one. I do have a point.
Let’s review. Cambridge dictionary reminds us that the verb extend means to reach, continue or stretch. Think about it for a minute. Did you need, give or get any sort of extension today? Perhaps your cord was too short, you needed extra time to pay a bill, you wanted to show appreciation or you needed someone to lend an ear. All good examples of extension.
Think about what you do each day. Does your job or life extend you or do you feel overextended? Paradoxically speaking, extension can be both beneficial and detrimental. Extending benefits, coverage, credit, available hours, knowledge and service can be valuable as far as business is concerned. Personally overextending yourself physically, mentally and emotionally can take its toll. Maybe it is time to revisit the idea of balance.
The one thing you don’t have to worry about overextending is kindness. Through teaching and learning, it is something we can extend all day every day. If you have a choice, choose kindness. Success.com gave me some ideas about simple easy ways to extend kindness.
Try extending an act of kindness without expectation of receiving something in return. Act generously. It heightens your happiness by releasing 50% more oxytocin (the feel-good chemical in your brain.) Be nice in the right way. Lose that part of the ego that feeds a sense of pride for acting generously. No need to play the part of the hero. Respond with kindness. Every interaction is a new opportunity to benefit.
We are not talking about the latest viral epidemic. Not only is it okay, it is important to spread positivity. Researches have investigated how perceptions and mindsets can be transferred to others. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. If there is an issue, try shooting for a more positive behavioral change that is contagious and easily replicated.
The simple act of asking “what can I do, how can I help or what can I give?” can literally transform someone’s world. A generous heart is like no other. Extend that generous heart not only to others but to yourself as well. Always take care of number one.
Take care of yourself. You are number one. Ahead of the spouse, the kids and the job, you are it. If you are not good yourself, you can’t be good for others.
HDD always extends an invitation to help. If your health involves diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.