I hope today’s blog might interest you and make you smile.  I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts and ideas with you.  If you could see me now, you would see that I love doing this kind of work.  It makes me smile.  I wonder what kind of expression you are wearing on your face right now.  The blog du jour deals with the idea of expressions.  See what you think.



Although there is something to be said for a pretty face, it is definitely not the first thing I notice upon introduction.  What makes them attractive is a genuine smile. Not a fake perfunctory smile, but a genuine smile that originates in the soul and shines through the face.  Beautiful eyes, good hair or great teeth certainly don’t hurt, but a beautiful smile is always a winner.



I didn’t know what the acronym “RBF” stood for until one of my kids enlightened me. Warning… it stands for “resting bitch face.”  I know, I know, a little crass but we all wear one at one time or another.  Have you seen someone wearing a RBF?  They look mean, grumpy or unapproachable.  It may communicate absolutely nothing however, it may communicate some basic emotions.



There are six emotions that are easily identified on the face.  They are anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise.  A facial expression is motion or position of the muscles underneath the skin of the face that form non-verbal communication.  They convey the expresser’s emotional state.  When the emotion comes from inside you, your outward expression will be a natural one.   What does yours say about you?



We aren’t always feeling happy and well.  Smiling my not always come easy.  If you are down, try to fake it till you make it.  If it isn’t genuine just yet, see if this helps.  Take a deep breath, lift your eyebrows and smile.  No matter how grim your outlook may look at the moment, remember, there is always something or someone to be grateful for.  Count your blessings.  That ought to elicit at least a half grin, right?



Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author of “Silent Messages”, conducted several studies on non-verbal communication.  He found that 7% of any message is conveyed through words, 38% through certain vocal elements and 55% through non-verbal elements like facial expressions, gestures and posture.

All this to say, be careful what you say and how you say it and be aware of that pesky “RBF!”



Suffice it to say, you must have clear verbal communication with your healthcare provider.  They need to hear exactly what you are saying and vice versa.  There is no amount of facial expression, gesture or posture that will communicate your medical concerns.  We invite you to communicate with us.  If we can help with any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.