Hello and thank you for stopping in.  Today’s blog comes to you from the confines of Covid isolation.  Yes, it’s true.  Covid hit our happy, normally healthy home.  We have managed to escape the beast for 26 months, then…bam!  I hate to be a downer but sometimes we need to deal with reality.  It isn’t gone!



I humbly admit, I let my guard down.  Once the dreaded mask mandate was lifted and social distancing became a bit of annoying history, my mind told me I was not impervious, but well protected due to being double vaccinated and boosted.  Think again.  We don’t know what strain hit us, but it really doesn’t matter at this point does it?



My reason for publishing such personal information in a public forum is this.  I want to remind you, don’t put your head in the sand.  Covid is alive and well and we are just 2 more examples of it.  Along with the obvious signs and symptoms comes the things people don’t often discuss which are the feelings all this generates.



For those of you who have not yet suffered a setback, be grateful.  Many can relate to the feelings of frustration and lack of control an illness or injury brings.  One of my BFF’s is suffering from a pinched nerve in her back and experiencing similar feelings. Granted, a mild form of covid and a bad back is not like dealing with cancer or another devasting diagnosis, but illness, pain, frustration and sadness are universal feelings when they belong to you.



Suffice it to say, there are myriad emotions that accompany illness or injury.  Now that it has affected me and mine, I have a newfound empathy for those who have been down this road.  I am a female, Gemini, personality type A who finds it inconceivable to be still for any length of time.  I am now in day 11 of isolation and finding it challenging to cope with being homebound.  Are my feelings normal?



This is a reminder that all the things you may be feeling are legit!  You are not a weenie if you feel sad, angry or irritable.  Moodiness, sleeplessness, loss of interest, changes in self-esteem, and concerns about physical appearance are a real thing.  Due to a recent surgery followed by Covid, I haven’t worked in 5 weeks.  Talk about a feeling of loss of control!



Here are some coping strategies brought to you by www.helpguide.org.

  • Allow yourself to feel.
  • Be patient with the pace of treatment and recovery.
  • Be open to change.
  • Choose the support that’s right for you.
  • Don’t let worries about being a burden keep you from reaching out.
  • Talk to someone you trust.
  • Adopt a relaxation practice.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Be as active as possible.



Doing research for this blog was surprisingly helpful for me personally.  If you are compromised, I hope it may help you as well!  As always, if we at HDD can help you with any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.