Hello again!  Thanks for reading this week’s HDD blog.  As usual, I was searching for inspiration when I got to thinking, “What are these blogs all about and why do I write them?”  I enjoy blogging very much.  I am under no delusion that they are great literary works of art.  They are simply blogs.  I sometimes wonder what motivates you to read them.  That being said, read on!



The weekly blogs are designed to remind, enlighten, inspire, motivate and amuse you. I’d like to think that you’ll benefit from and appreciate each one, but wait, what if you don’t?  Will that hurt my feelings?  What if you block me or unsubscribe?  Will constructive criticism make me feel defensive?  Let’s look into the idea of defensive.



Psychology Today reminds us that defensiveness is a serious problem and a bad habit that needs to change.  It is most often a response to criticism and can become a vicious cycle. When feeling defensive, do you find yourself making excuses, blaming another saying “You do it too” or pointing out something else they do wrong?  Defensiveness is a feeling you get when challenged, perhaps exposing that you have a blind spot someone else sees that you don’t.  Ask yourself a valuable honest question, “Am I a defensive person and how does it benefit me or others?”



We are human and often attack when attacked.  Maybe it is time to lose the self-righteousness, pride, ego, jealousy and defensiveness. Not willing to be corrected is defensiveness rooted in pride.  It rears its ugly head when we are challenged or admonished.  It is unbecoming and immature.



Psychology Today explains pride comes from fear of embarrassment or shame.  If you are willing to be open minded, laugh at yourself, admit you’ve made a mistake and you don’t have or know everything, you will better serve yourself and others.   Perhaps we should consider letting go of these toxic behaviors and patterns.  I wonder what would happen if we were more willing to be open, soft and vulnerable.



“One of the sincerest forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”

Brant H. McGill

Listening is the antithesis to pride because when you are giving someone else the opportunity to express themselves, you are putting your pride aside. Listen, don’t talk and see what you learn.



You may be wondering what defensiveness, jealousy, ego and pride have to do with ultrasound.  I give you a resounding, emphatic, nothing!  What we do know is that early detection is the best defense against certain diseases and health related challenges.  Self-realization and soul searching is never a waste of time.  Neither is self-care and health care.  When in pursuit of quality of life that includes diagnostics through ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
