Today’s blog discusses the idea of decisions.  As a child, I drove my mom nuts because I could never decide if I should color with a red or green crayon.  As an adult, I’ve had to overcome difficulty with decision making.  Today, I had to decide what I would write about.  Decisions, decisions!



We are challenged daily to make both major and minor decisions.  Some are immensely important, and others really don’t matter for instance, what should I have for lunch? A burger or tacos?  Tacos matter!  The decisions to have tacos is always an important and intelligent decision per our CEO John Jain.



On a more serious note, many of us struggle with even the most minor of decisions.  How does one overcome the inability to make a good, timely and informed decision? helps us in the decision-making process.

  1. Identify the decision. Clearly identify the nature of the decision.
  2. Gather relevant information. Collect pertinent information before you make your decision.
  3. Identify the alternatives. As you collect information, you will probably identify several possible paths of action.
  4. Weigh the evidence. Draw on your information and emotions to imagine what it would be like if you carried out each alternative.
  5. Choose among alternatives.  Once you have weighed the evidence, select the best alternative.
  6. Take action. Implement the alternative you chose in step 5.
  7. Review your decision and its consequences. Consider the results of your decision and evaluate if it has resolved the need you identified in step 1.  If not, make a different decision.



No matter what, each decision you make has consequences that affect you as well as others.  These consequences can be both positive or negative and can be immediate and long term.  The takeaway here is make intelligent, well informed decisions.



The truth of the matter is hasty decisions often lead to problems.  It takes time to research and make educated decisions.  Sometimes it is better to wait and make no decision that make the wrong decision.  Remember, making no decision is making a decision.



When it comes to diagnostic ultrasound, we realize you have a choice.  When you Google ultrasound or doppler, you will be given a host of providers.  How do you make an educated decision as to who would be the best provider for you?  Look at the website, ask around, make a call, do your homework.



I used to believe that customer reviews were valuable in the decision-making process but have come to understand that isn’t always the case.  Some reviews have been proven to be personal vendettas with a desire to inflict undeserved damage. Disgruntled keyboard warriors with an axe to grind can unfortunately be influential.  Don’t believe everything you read.  Do some research and make your own educated decision.  If you decide to give HDD a try, call us at 505-350-3397.  We would love to prove you made the right decision!