Hello!  It is a beautiful afternoon here in the Q.  After finishing an afternoon full of household responsibilities (which incidentally, I don’t mind) I had some decisions to make.  Do I relax and unwind with my iPad for a bit or do I sit at the keyboard and prepare your Wednesday blog.  Guess what?  You won.



Admittedly, I occasionally have difficulty making decisions.  I struggle with what to wear, how I will arrange my appointments at work, where do meetings and events fit in, when do I shop, what’s for dinner, what movie do we watch, when I can do my chores, when do I write the blog and what the content will be. Do I really have time to relax and unwind?  By the way, the answer is yes.



I’ve often wondered why decision making can be so difficult.  Psychecentral.com writes that the difficulty comes from several factors including fear of failure and lack of confidence or information.  Indecisiveness can also be a symptom of mental health conditions such as ADHD, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.



If you are a perfectionist you don’t want to be seen as right or wrong.  If you are a people pleaser you worry about what others might think.  Others get lost in the details and become overwhelmed.  Self-doubt and lack of confidence can lead to procrastination.  Perhaps there is simply not enough information on the subject you need to decide on.  The article gives 10 methods to help you become more decisive.

  1. Make decisions for yourself.
  2. Develop your confidence.
  3. Let things go.
  4. Choose a person that can act as a sounding board.
  5. Talk it out.
  6. Narrow it down.
  7. Outline the pros and cons.
  8. Flip a coin.
  9. Avoid questioning your final decision.

10.Recognize and celebrate your decisions.

Now, don’t you feel better?



On a personal note, recently I had a few lingering symptoms that have had me dragging.  I procrastinated believing I would feel better tomorrow.  Tomorrow became 3 weeks and I finally went in to see my doc. I felt confident it was simply allergies hence my procrastination. By the way, self-diagnosis is never a good idea. Luckily it was nothing serious.  He prescribed some meds and voila!  I felt better in 2 days.  Why didn’t I decide to get seen and treated earlier and save myself the discomfort of feeling ill?



“More is lost by indecision than wrong decision.  Indecision is the thief of opportunity.  It will steal you blind.”

-Marcus Tullius Cicero.



In the medical field, we understand that you need to listen to your body, sooner rather than later.  Note to self Kristi.  If you have decisions to make about your health and wellness, be proactive.  Early detection saves lives.  If you and your provider decide diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.