As I sit down this morning, draining the last few drops of the coffee in my mug, I was writing this week’s blog in hopes that it might inspire, entertain, inform or motivate you. If the words in this blog can be of help to you in some way shape or form, I have done my job.  See if this it has anything to offer you.



A friend recently commented that the inspiration that is occasionally included in the blogs shows up for her at just the right time.  A patient we saw recently sent feedback that said, a few words from our blog gave him the courage to contact his doctor about a medical issue he was nervous about.



When I hear or see the word courage, immediately I envision the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz.  On that note, the Tin Man was in serious need of a heart and the Scarecrow had his heart set on a brain.  Let’s be honest. We can all use a bit more of each of the above mentioned, right?



Although some may argue, we are all come equipped with a heart and a brain.  So, is what we need is some more courage?  Is there an issue you need to confront, but you are afraid to speak up?  Is your body telling you something is not right, but you hesitate to get checked because you “don’t want to know?”  Perhaps you should tap into your supply and muster up some courage.



Often, I get my blog inspiration from inspirational and motivational speakers.   Recently, You Tube introduced to a woman named Mel Robbins.  Her latest book discusses “The 5 second Rule.”   We are not talking about the “food hitting the ground” 5 second rule.  Ms. Robbins suggests when you get a thought, if you don’t act on it, it takes only 5 seconds for your brain to figure out a reason why you shouldn’t do it.  Doing it requires courage.



It isn’t always possible to stop what you’re doing and act on every thought that enters your mind.  It is possible to jot down your idea down for later before you forget.



Mel Robbins was a good find for me and I hope her 5 second rule is something you might consider.  She says,

  • “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
  • “When I lost all of my excuses, I found all of my results.”
  • “One moment of courage can change your day, and one day can change your life.”



If there is a healthcare situation you are avoiding, gather your courage and make the call.  That call can be lifesaving.  Deep vein thrombosis, blockage in your veins or arteries, or a heart condition don’t wait for you to gather courage. Knowing what you need to do to improve your life takes wisdom.  Pushing yourself to do it takes courage. If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.