Today’s blog may seem a bit random but coincidentally, it is not.  Have you ever noticed how certain things come to you exactly “at the right time?”  Some call it coincidence. Others of us believe it is perfect vibrational harmony, synchronicity or divine intervention and has little to do with chance or coincidence.  What do you think?



There seems to be many well-known people passing away lately.  John and I have attended more funerals and bid adieu to numerous friends, family and acquaintances in the last 2 years than we have in our lifetime.   We weep for their passing yet smile and celebrate that we got to love, honor and respect them.



Today, I was reflecting on the whole death, funeral, and celebration of life experience.   Interestingly enough, I came across a quote by the late, great Dr. Seuss, aka Theodore Geisel.  It said, “Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened.”  How profound is that?  I needed to hear that, and it came to me exactly at the right time which I believe was no coincidence.



Dr. Wayne Dyer reminds us, “In mathematics, two angles that are said to coincide fit together perfectly.  The word coincidence does not describe luck or mistakes.  It describes what which fits together perfectly.”  Is it any coincidence that you are in good health with a fit mind, body and spirit because you eat well, exercise, meditate, pray, take care of yourself and have a positive attitude?  I think not.  Nor is it a coincidence that you can be overweight, stressed and in poor health because of a poor diet, lack of exercise, indulging in vices and nursing a bad attitude.



With the passage of time, we need to come to grips with the fact that nothing is as it was.  Our situations change, our surroundings change, our bodies change, our hearts change and our minds change.  Accept what is.  Many believe things happen in divine order and will happen when they should, as they should and there are no coincidences.



“Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened.”  Those near and dear who have transitioned recently would have especially loved this Dr. Seuss quote and the synchronistic way it came into our reality at the time it did. The celebration of their life was not goodbye, instead until we meet again.




It is no coincidence that if you have the need for a diagnostic ultrasound exam, we have an opening in our schedule for you.  In most cases, we offer same day service.  If extenuating circumstances don’t allow same day service, we can see you the following day.  The exception is echocardiograms which are scheduled on Tuesdays due to staffing.   Your health can’t wait 6 months or until we get a cancellation. Our team of highly qualified and experienced staff are ready to take your call and get your exam done in the most expedient of manners.  Call us at 505-350-3397