Today’s HDD blog has to do with coaching. When you read the word “coach” was your first inclination to make it a noun or a verb? When I hear the word coach, immediately I picture an overly excited man on the sidelines pacing and hollering at his players. Perhaps picture a coach in a team huddle with players giving guidance and encouragement. What do you think of when you hear the word coach?
Coach can mean a few different things. Let’s face it. It is way more fun to sit in first class on an airplane but unless you are made of money, then chances are you will be stuck in coach. Maybe the tag on your purse says Coach. It can define a horse-drawn carriage or perhaps a railroad car. Coach also defines an expert who trains someone learning to improve a skill or training a person or a team. Some people are coaches, and some are coachees. The question is, no matter who or what you are, are you coachable?
Stop believing you know it all. Be humble, you could be wrong. A wise person knows there is something to be learned from everyone. Stop talking and start listening. Listen with intent to learn rather than to show what you know. Other people who have gone before you and learned can help you reach new heights but only if you are coachable. Are you?
The truth is, sometimes the coach needs a coach. When you need to know the play or the encouragement to execute what’s next, what do you do? You ask the coach. He or she will have the answer, right? Not so fast. Sometimes even the coach struggles and doesn’t always have the answer. It is trial, error, confidence, experience, faith and good old-fashioned luck. It is a great coach that understands, sometimes the coach needs a coach!
6 POINT CHECK gives us a quick 6-point check on your coachability. How do you rate?
- I regularly ask other for thoughts on my work and for ideas on how to improve.
- When given feedback/criticism, I try to better understand by asking question on how I can improve.
- When given feedback/criticism, rather than defending my position, I pause and think about the observation shared.
- I’ve changed/revised my approach because of the advice I was given.
- I know my work is ultimately about making good things happen for other people.
Now these are traits of highly coachable people!
You may be wondering what Bob Dylan has to do with anything. He said “You’re gonna have to serve somebody…yes indeed” The sooner you understand that the more likely you are to invite coaching.
The question as HDD asks, “How can we serve you?” We are the leader is mobile diagnostic ultrasound. Allow us to coach and advise you when it comes to your all of your ultrasound needs. Call us at 505-350-3397.