Welcome back!  I hope today finds you happy and well to the degree that you are able to feel happy and well.  They say it is your choice about how you feel today. Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps you are happy, sad, anxious, calm, sick or well.  What kind of self-talk do you have going on in your noggin right now?



Self-talk is that internal monologue that happens between our ears all day every day.  Life is a roller coaster and although we want to feel the euphoria of the highs, we can all expect to dip into the lows.  When the lows inevitably hit, how best do we improve our self-talk until we are able make the shift?



We all do it.  You know, the occasional bashing we give ourselves…

  • It’s too good to be true.
  • Story of my life.
  • I don’t deserve it.
  • I’m an idiot.
  • I’m fat and ugly.
  • I always feel crappy.
  • It’s a waste of time.
  • Same sh!# different day.
  • I suck.
  • I’m such a chicken.
  • Everything I touch falls apart.
  • I’m just not good enough.



The fact is you are good enough, you don’t suck, it isn’t a waste of time and you are beautiful just as you are.  Just stop all of that negativity!  Back this truck up and try these on for size.

  • I forgive myself for past mistakes.
  • I am capable.
  • Today is a new day.
  • I love myself for who I am.
  • I am deserving.
  • I am proud of myself for trying.
  • I feel better today.
  • I am smart and talented.
  • I deserve to be happy.
  • I’m courageous and confident.
  • I have so much to be grateful for.
  • Dang, I look good!



That inner voice packs a punch and has an impact on how you feel and what you do.  Your physical, mental and emotional health can be affected by your inner dialogue.  Healthdirect.com says that self-talk can be supportive and beneficial or it can be your inner critic undermining your confidence.  Positive self-talk takes practice.  Try seeing the glass half full.




Blair Enns once said, “You can’t read the label from inside the jar.”  If you are feeling overwhelmed, attempt to climb your way out of the jar or enlist the help of an accountability partner to give you a hand. Don’t be nervous.  Allow yourself to see things from a different perspective.  Remember, change is constant, growth is optional.



Your health is the most important thing.  Better health requires effort on your part as well as collaboration with your healthcare provider. If your provider determines diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, let our kind, professional and experienced staff at HDD help you through a quick, easy, painless ultrasound exam. It is a valuable tool to assess many health concerns.  Stay positive, happy and well. You are worth it!  If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397