

Today’s blog inspiration comes from an Audible book I’m enjoying.  It is on the New Your Times best seller list called “The Untethered Soul:  The Journey Beyond Yourself” by Michael A. Singer.  It is a fascinating venture into the question “Who are you?”



Are you a physical body, a collection of experiences and memories?  Michael Singer has arrived at the conclusion that our identity is to be found in our consciousness, our ability to observe ourselves, and the world around us.  By practicing mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us to live in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization.



The book examines the experience of vibration and energy as it flows through us and helps listeners overcome tendencies to block the flow.  Speaking of flow, do you experience blockage in other ways?



Webster defines blockage as “An obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible.”  Blockage can be physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.  Not all blockage is bad.  For example, the Robo-Kill app on my phone blocks the majority of robocalls I receive daily, saving me frustration and time.  A few years ago I attended a self-defense class where I learned how to block off a potential attacker.



Not all blockage is good.  For example, arterial blockage is called Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.  It is a condition where a waxy substance called plaque forms inside the arteries.  If enough plaque builds up, the artery becomes clogged and blood flow is slowed or stopped.



When plaque builds up, it narrows your coronary arteries, decreasing blood flow to your heart. Decreased blood flow may cause chest pain (angina), and shortness of breath, and heart attack or even death. Plaque can suddenly, unexpectedly rupture.  The blood clot that forms over the rupture can break loose and can cause a heart attack or stroke.



Only those from another planet are unaware that saturated fats, fried foods, foods high in sodium, sodas, processed and fast food are some pretty serious offenders when it comes to poor heart health.  We are all aware of the evils of sugar, but experts agree that diets high in added sugar may be just as big a threat by contributing to obesity, inflammation, high cholesterol and diabetes, all of which are risk factors for heart disease.



Eat a heart healthy diet including “good fats” and lean protein.  Increase your intake of fiber, fresh fruits and veggies.  Vacate that couch and exercise.  Lose the weight.  Nothing good comes from using tobacco, ever.  Minimize bad habits like excessive alcohol, although studies show a glass or two of red wine may actually be heart healthy.   Lifestyle changes are the key to better health.  It is simple, just not easy.



If HDD can help in the diagnosis of blockages or other conditions, call us at 505-350-3397.



Thanks for reading today’s blog. It is a recycle from a few years ago but I thought it warranted repeating.  It is my mission to bring you something interesting and informative each week.  Often we cover health issues.  Today we cover an issue that many of us can relate to. 



Admit it.  We all want to be good at what we do, have knowledge in different areas, be able to perform an array of tasks, speak intelligently about things and look cool doing it, right? No one wants to look like an idiot.



When was the last time you were classified as “idiot status?”  Perhaps you said or did something you immediately regretted…gulp!  Maybe it was an action or inaction that landed you the coveted title.  Maybe you weren’t an idiot at all.



I have a friend who experienced pain in her chest and jaw.  She went to work hoping it would subside.  She didn’t want to cause any commotion.  How embarrassing!  She refused to call 911 or her doctor in case it turned out to be nothing.  She didn’t want to look like an idiot.



Fortunately, she is fine.  Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky.  I assure you, there is not a soul in the ER that is going to think you are an idiot for going in with chest pain or other symptoms that concern you.  I speak from experience, better safe than sorry!



I lost my mom 16 years ago to a heart attack that started with symptoms that went ignored until the pain became unbearable.  She went to the ER twice and finally got admitted.  She was released the following day with a prescription for Prilosec and the assurance that it was probably just heartburn.  She died a few days later from a heart attack.  Heartburn…really?



I don’t claim to be a heart expert.  I research then report facts that I wish someone had shared with me when my mom was having heart issues.

WebMD gives us a few symptoms to look for.

  • Discomfort, pressure, heaviness or pain in the chest, arm or below the breastbone.
  • Discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat or arm.
  • Fullness, indigestion or choking feeling which may feel like heartburn.
  • Sweating, nausea, vomiting or dizziness.
  • Extreme weakness, anxiety or shortness of breath.
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeats.


CALL 911

If you experience symptoms, call 911!  If you think you are having a heart attack, do not delay.  Immediate treatment of a heart attack is imperative to lessen the amount of damage to your heart.



The intention of this blog is not to scare you, but I hope you are convinced to take your concerns seriously.  You are not an idiot for giving immediate attention to a health concern. You are an idiot if you don’t.



If HDD can help in the diagnosis of heart issues or any other health concerns you and your provider may have, call us at 505-350-3397.



“Going up?”  The minute I found this graphic, this is the question I heard in my mind.  Today’s blog has to do with elevating.   Mr. Webster would define elevating as “Raising or lifting something up to a higher position.”  The question is, where is your destination?



Let’s take the idea of an elevator.  When you enter, you have a goal in mind.  Is it your intention to go up or down?   It doesn’t get any lower than the basement.  At some point, we all take that trip to the basement although it isn’t always warm or light down there.  Up above is where it’s at.  The middle floors are where most of us are comfortable, however, how cool would the penthouse be?



The penthouse isn’t everyone’s style and let’s be honest, not everyone is granted access.  Perhaps you don’t desire access or perhaps you simply don’t have the tools to reach it.  Although I try to make most blogs positive and inspirational, not everyone always feels happy and inspired.  There are times when life just kicks you in the gut.  Who cares about the penthouse?  If you find yourself stuck in the basement, you are not alone down there.  Want out?  Start by looking for the elevator.



You are capable of more than you know.  When you hit bottom but desire the top, put one foot in front of the other and start your ascent.  You can do it! Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



“Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.”

George S. Patton

How high can you bounce?  Maybe today, not at all.  With a little luck and effort, tomorrow you can bounce an inch or so.  By next week maybe a foot or even a mile.  Whatever your marker is, do it today to the degree that you are able.  This isn’t a competition. Do what works for you.



The late great Wayne Dyer always said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  Remember to be grateful when your mood or situation it at it’s peak and be graceful when the opposite is true.  One man’s rock bottom could be the end of the road, while it might serve as a solid foundation for another.  The basement supports the structure above.



We take good health for granted.   Feeling good is normal, until we don’t.  The basement is an easy descent when you feel unwell.  Unleash the power of your mind and vibration of your energy toward your desired outcome.  Make your thoughts and emotions positive and the dominating influence of your mind and spirit.  Focus on the penthouse!  If we at HDD can elevate your diagnostic ultrasound experience on your journey to better health, call us at 505-350-3397.



This week’s blog inspiration came as a request from a follower asking what I knew about EMF and EHS.  The answer to your query Kevin is this.  Not much.  However, I do have the willingness and ability to research, briefly synopsize and share what I have learned with those who are also unfamiliar.



For those who are rusty or clueless, let me explain.  EMF is an acronym for “Electromagnetic field.”  An article published by explains that they are invisible electric and magnetic areas of energy, often referred to as radiation.  You may wonder, is it dangerous?



Now we know what it is.  The question is, what can it do?  EMF and can cause EHS (Electromagnetic hypersensitivity) which we will dive deeper into in just a minute.  It can cause symptoms like stress, anxiety, fatigue, headache, sleep disturbances, burning of the skin, rashes and muscle aches just to name a few.



Just about everything in your modern world gives off EMF’s.  A few of these devices include your cell phone, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth devices, your Apple watch, computers, your microwave oven, house energy smart meters, power lines along with natural and man-made lighting.  Unless you live under a rock, there seems to be no escaping EMF.



Reports at says although there are a few exceptions, a range of experimental studies have failed to provide clear supporting evidence for the claim that EMF can be harmful to health, including:

  • No clear evidence that EMF affects biological processes.
  • No evidence that EMF can change living cells or is genotoxic (harmful to DNA.)
  • No convincing evidence from animal studies to support the claim that EMF increases the risk of cancer.




EHS (Electromagnetic hypersensitivity) is a real thing.  It can be disabling and can vary in severity.  EHS has no clear diagnostic criteria and there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF exposure.   The World Health Organization says EHS is not a medical diagnosis, nor is it clear that it represents a single medical problem.  Medical and psychological evaluations along with assessments of the work and or home environment may be explored as a cause to the presented symptoms.  In a recent survey in Austria by Schrottner, 3.5 % of the population considered themselves to be sensitive to EMF.



I in no way claim to be a health care professional.  I was asked to report anything I may know about EMF and EHS so, here you are Kevin. I hope it helps.



I discovered some fascinating facts while doing research.  If these symptoms affect you or ones you love, further reading and researching should and must be done along with communication with your health care professionals.  We at HDD cannot diagnose the effects of EMF, but we can diagnose myriad other medical conditions through ultrasound.  If you and your provider decide an ultrasound exam is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.



This week’s blog will discuss the subject of a standard household item you may have in your kitchen. Vinegar.  This multi-faceted little elixir has nothing to do with ultrasound. However, it has been touted for its many health benefits as well as uses around the house.  Let’s explore how this inexpensive item might benefit you.



There are many different types of vinegar to choose from.  They are white, cider, red wine, sherry, champagne, balsamic, and rice wine vinegar to name some of the most popular.  Each has its own distinct flavor and way to use them.  Are you aware vinegars begin as a grain, fruit or vegetable?



Not so fast.  Although the fruits and veggies that make vinegar ferment to become an alcoholic liquid, you definitely don’t want to drink this stuff for cocktail hour.  The alcohol in the liquid ferments into acetic acid resulting into that pungent liquid with a telltale sign of the original ingredient.



While doing research for this blog, I decided to focus primarily on apple cider vinegar.  Remember, it is high in acid so chugging a glass may not be in your best interest.  If you choose to drink it, always water it down and drink through a straw to protect your pearly whites.  It may irritate your esophagus, give you indigestion or make you feel nauseated.  It’s best to not drink it on an empty stomach.  That’s the bad news.



Some studies suggest that ingesting apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss plus you could see improvement with blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.  Try diluting a couple of teaspoons in a cup of warm water.  It may help with acid reflux.  It is thought to contain a small amount of probiotics which could be good for your gut.  Remember, your gut is thought to be your second brain so take good care of it!


WHY? reports that vinegar is an excellent source of:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus

It states that some types of vinegar can also be a good source of antioxidants.  The darker the vinegar, the more antioxidants remain in the liquid.



It is thought to provide relief from eczema although some have reported skin irritation.  It is also thought to kill germs and contains ingredients that fight bacteria and fungi.  If you have hard water, it can help with calcium buildup as well.



Plain white vinegar is 4-7% acetic acid and 93-96% water.  However you choose to use vinegar, use it in moderation.  Whether you use it for cooking, cleaning, baking, window washing or killing weeds, remember it can be dangerous when used in excess.  If you use it in or on your body, it is always a good idea to check in with your healthcare provider first.



I hope this week’s blog gave you a few insights on the health benefits of vinegar.  We at HDD are interested in helping you maintain your health.  If we can help through diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.