Show Up

Show Up

The subject for this week’s blog is something most of us can relate to.  The concept is so basic, human, simple, relatable and refreshing, yet often it is something we opt not to do.  It really requires zero to little effort to readjust the mindset to just do what is expected.  What is it?



We show up for daily for things like work, meetings, engagements, appointments, events, commitments and other obligations.  Ask yourself this question.  When you show up, do you fully and completely show up and commit or do you allow those distractions?



I read on article on where a fellow by the name of Pete Davis, a Harvard Law graduate gave a commencement speech about the power of showing up and committing.  I will synopsize by saying when we are pulled in many different directions, we are not giving anything our full attention.  We are in infinite browsing mode.  We worry that we are missing out if we don’t take that call or respond to that text. We can be present in the physical sense yet far away in our thoughts and actions. Guilty as charged.  What lies on the other side of missing out?  The depth of joy by showing those you are with the honor and respect of being totally and completely present in the moment.  With the exception of an emergency, the call, text or photo opportunity can probably wait.



Showing up and giving unconditional attention is an integral part of strong and important relationships.  It is a reflection of your integrity.  Showing up is half the battle.   It involves physical and emotional presence.  Be attuned to the feelings of others.  Psychology today says that showing up is sometimes for ourselves and sometimes for others.  Whether our relationships are strong or fractured, simply showing up and being there is what nourishes and strengthens those relationships and the connection points that make and keep them vibrant and alive.”



“Showing up is half the battle.  Success is not about being the best.  It’s about showing up when others choose to stay home.  Every day you show up, you’re investing in your future self.  Don’t underestimate the power of attendance.”

-Maya Angelou


“The courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, It’s about the courage to show up when you can’t predict or control the outcome.”

-Brene Brown


“Show up messy.  Show up imperfect.  Just keep showing up.”

-Jenna Kutcher


“You can beat 80% of the competition just by showing up.

-Harvey Mackay


“Don’t mistake routine for commitment. Just showing up is not enough.

-Tommy Amaker


“The world is run by those who show up.”




At HDD, we are totally and completely committed to do what is expected of us.  We consistently show up and provide you with prompt often same day service for your diagnostic ultrasound needs.  If you and your provider determine that an ultrasound study is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.




Thank you for dropping by to see what this week’s blog has to offer.  Today we will touch on something everyone makes fairly often, if not daily.  We all make them yet no one likes them and most people are afraid of them.  What am I referring to?  Read on and find out.



This morning I listened to an incredible podcast.  Along with myriad inspiration, the thing that stood out to me was the idea of making mistakes.  Have you made any today?  Me too.  Suffice it to say, mistakes will inevitably happen.  The question becomes, how will we deal with them?



Mistakes are decisions and actions taken that may not have been the best option. For example, they can happen due to lack of attention to detail, dealing with incomplete information as well as becoming reactive instead of proactive.  Often mistakes happen during periods of fatigue, stress, high emotion, conflict, misunderstandings, disagreements, miscommunication, errors in judgement and poor decision making.



I made a mistake but I learned.  An article by says that if you talk to any successful entrepreneur, scientist, politician or athlete, they all have the same thing to say about mistakes.  They are inevitable and play a crucial role in achieving success.  It goes on to say that mistakes aren’t setbacks, they are opportunities.  Each time you blunder, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.  By accepting our missteps and using them to power our progress, we can turn failure into success!


STOP give is some examples on how to stop making careless mistakes.

  • Figure out why you made the mistake.
  • Keep track of patterns with mistakes.
  • Prepare for tasks.
  • Slow down.
  • Leave time to double check
  • Stay in the moment.
  • Do one thing at a time.
  • Utilize checklists and to-do lists.
  • Prioritize your tasks each day.
  • Set reminders on your phone.
  • Use a calendar for time sensitive events.
  • Learn from your mistakes.



“I have not failed.  I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

-Thomas Alva Edison


“Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes.”

-Oscar Wilde


“Do not fear mistakes.  You will know failure.  Continue to reach out.”

-Benjamin Franklin


“Mistakes are a fact of life.  It is the response to error that counts.”

-Nikki Giovanni


“What is done cannot be undone, but at least one can keep it from happening again.”

-Anne Frank



Make no mistake.  At HDD we are all in this together to make your visit with us a positive experience.  Our highly professional and experienced team of experts strive for perfection.  We encourage you to communicate with us so that your visit will be pleasant, courteous, efficient and informative.  If a diagnostic ultrasound appointment is on your radar, it is never a mistake to choose High Desert Doppler.  Call us today at 505-350-3397.

Independence Day

Independence Day

Hello!  May I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and healthy fourth of July, AKA Independence Day.  I hope you are taking some time this holiday to reflect upon and appreciate your place in the land of the free and the home of the brave. 



Many of us will spend the holiday lounging around the pool, enjoying ice cream cones, grilling burgers, hot dogs and shooting off fireworks.  It sounds like fun but please be cognizant that not everyone loves fireworks.  Let’s take a somber moment to remember that many suffer from PTSD.



Although we can’t escape fireworks, be aware of potential triggers for veterans and understand how loud noises and bright flashes can evoke traumatic memories.



On another note, many animals are terrified of the loud booms and bright lights that Fourth of July celebrations bring.  Our two mutts fall into this category and need medication and attention to help calm them.  Please have fun while being respectful.



What does the other kind of free mean?  It means getting something for nothing.  Who doesn’t love a good freebie?  You can always grab someone’s attention at the thought of buy one, get one free.  Alternatively some people shop for things that are free of ingredients they don’t want.  We see products advertised as free from pesticides, sugar, fat, artificial colorings, flavorings, carcinogens and other evils.  Have you ever noticed that these things that are free from something are considerably more expensive?  True story.  The truth of the matter is that free actually costs.



Drs. James Gwartney, Richard Stroup and Dwight Lee write in Common Sense Economics, “Because we cannot have as much of everything as we would like, we are forced to choose among alternatives.  Doing one thing makes us sacrifice the opportunity to do something else we value.  There is no such thing as free lunch. This is why economists refer to “at all costs” as “opportunity costs.”  Remember…

  • Our most scarce resource is our time.
  • No matter how much income or wealth you possess, you still only have twenty-four hours per day.
  • None of us know how many days we have on this earth.

All choices involve cost.  Nothing is free and nothing is without sacrifice.



When it involves your health, choose your healthcare freely and wisely.  Politics and insurance can dictate our choices however, we do still have choices.  When it comes to diagnostic ultrasound, feel free to contact us, ask questions, inquire about us, look at our Google reviews or drop by for a visit.  We feel confident you will choose High Desert Doppler. Feel free to call us at 505-350-3397.   Happy Independence Day.  God bless the USA!




Hello!  This week’s blog revisits something I’ve written about previously.  Like many other things, I jump on the bandwagon and I’m gung ho…until I’m not.  I loose enthusiasm or forget about benefits I’ve once touted.  What are we talking about?  Something that could benefit your body and overall health.



Rather than berating myself for a few extra pounds or failures, I choose to add rather than subtract.  That doesn’t mean I want to add a few more pounds.  It means I want to add healthier choices.  Rather than to quit doing things, I want to start adding, doing and learning new things, for instance…



Once the contents of the collagen canister ran out, I forgot about the seemingly effective supplement.  Yes, we have all heard about it, but do we really understand?  I did a bit of research and now I’m on the collagen bandwagon once again.  Give me a few paragraphs to explain.



Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. gave me the information that I share with you.  It explains that collagen is the main component of connective tissue that make up several body parts including tendons, ligaments, skin and muscles.  It provides your skin with structure and helps strengthen your bones.



We are not getting any younger yet there is no reason we have to feel our age.  Supplements are an important part of our daily intake.  Some believe collagen should be added to that list since collagen production begins to decline as the years increase.



Collagen supplementation can provide a variety of benefits including…

  • Skin health. It strengthens skin and plays a role in elasticity and hydration reducing wrinkles and dryness.
  • Joint pain. It helps maintain your cartilage which is the rubber-like tissue that protects your joints.
  • Bone loss. Your bones are made mostly of collagen, which gives them structure and strength.  Our body deteriorates with age.  So does bone mass. Collagen may inhibit bone breakdown that leads to osteoporosis.
  • Muscle mass. Studies show that collagen supplements help boost muscle mass in those with sarcopenia which is the loss of muscle mass that happens with age.
  • Heart health. Collagen provides structure to your arteries, which carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body.  Without collagen, arteries can become less flexible possibly leading to atherosclerosis, which is a disease characterized by the narrowing of the arteries.  This could lead to heart attack or stroke.
  • Hair and nails. It may increase the strength and help them grow longer and stronger.
  • Gut health. Although there is no concrete evidence, some experts say it could help leaky gut syndrome.



Some sources say don’t waste your money. Others say adding collagen supplements promote health and well-being in addition to a well-balanced diet. Do your research, check with your healthcare provider then decide if this is something you’d like to incorporate.



As always, if we at HDD can help on your journey to better health, call us at 505-350-3397.



Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn’t.  I took a brief hiatus from writing the HDD blog to enjoy some vacay time.   I’m back with new ideas and ready to share.  This week’s blog touches on the idea of infectious.  What is the first thing you think of when you hear that word?  Eooowwww.  Not to fast.  Read on to consider a different perspective.



Merriam-Webster defines infectious.

1 a. producing or capable of producing infection

  1. transmitting or capable of transmitting infection
  2. caused by or resulting from an infection with one or more

pathogenic agents

  1. spreading or capable of spreading rapidly to others



I am certainly no runner however, I do enjoy all the benefits a brisk walk provides.  Occasionally I take a 3.5 mile walk around the path of the Albuquerque Academy along with other runners and walkers.  Everyone shares a common goal of getting a little sunshine, fresh air and exercise.  I love the feel of my heart as it works to pump gallons of blood.  As I breathe a little harder, I burn some fat and tax my lungs to do what they do best.  I challenge my bones, skin and muscles.  It does all this automatically with little more than intention and effort.  The human body is amazing!



Most people you encounter along the path give you the perfunctory half grin or a wave when you pass.  Some simply ignore you.  I was on the home stretch of my walk when I passed a woman and her two dogs.  She looked right at me, cracked an ear to ear grin and said “Good morning!  It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?  She was lovely and her sunshiny disposition was infectious.  I returned a huge smile.  Her simple act impacted me and I decided to spread the infection.



Recently, I experienced the polar opposite of this woman’s kindness.  I witnessed assumption, gossip, rumor and innuendo.  This act spread infection almost as quickly as the kindness did.  I watched the contagion destroy trust and friendships.  We all have a choice.  Always choose kindness.  We are human.  We all fail.  If at first you don’t succeed, try again.



“Choosing to be kind is a choice to make the power of intention active in your life.  The beneficial effect of kindness on the immune system and the increased production of serotonin have been proven.  Conversely, unkindness weakens the body and puts us into a state if dissonance. Extend acts of kindness.  Ask for nothing in return.

Dr. Wayne Dyer



“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight.  Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward.  Your life will never be the same again.”

Og Mandino



If something contagious had been spread to you, hopefully it is kindness, happiness and health.  Feel free to infect others. If HDD can help with the aforementioned, call us at 350-3397.