by Kristi Jain | Sep 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears. When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears.” There seems to be confusion about who really coined the phrase. Whether we give credit to Lao Tzu or Buddha, remember this concept when you are decision making, change is on the horizon or there is something you need to learn.
John and I are both currently in the midst of decision making. His are major business decisions, while mine are not quite as pressing. I will admit, decision making is not my strong suit. I spent my morning perseverating on how to handle a decision I need to make. Coincidentally, I stumbled upon a You-Tube video that pertained to my dilemma and helped clarify things.
The woman in the video (my teacher for the morning) is Marie Forleo. I give her credit for the following ideas. She said that if you are struggling with a decision, there are 4 tests you can give yourself and see if it decreases the anxiety about your decision.
The first test is a physical test. When you contemplate your decision, how does it make you feel physically? Do you feel expansive or contracted? You may feel dread or heaviness or perhaps you feel lighter, bigger and better once you decide.
This stands for worst case scenario. How will it affect you mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially if the worst-case scenario occurred? Would you feel embarrassed or humiliated? She suggests you write down the steps you would take to get back on your feet. Deal with the WCS in advance. If you decide it is beyond what you are willing to risk, don’t do it.
Let’s look at the flip side which is the best-case scenario. What are the payoffs is the BCS would occur? What can you learn and how can you grow? Maybe you can start living your dream. There could be financial or creative upsides and freedom you’ve never known. Write a detailed concrete list of the BCS. How does it feel? Should you take a chance and say yes?
Marie’s mantra is “Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.” She calls this the “Work it test.” Are you able to try this change or opportunity on for size or give it a “road test” before you commit? If you are mulling over a decision, try it on for size.
Remember, most decisions you make are not permanent and can be reversed. Maybe not always easily but many are. Remember, change is constant, growth is optional. Open yourself up for a new experience and opportunity. Don’t be afraid of growing pains. This too shall pass.
If you are making a decision concerning your ultrasound provider, let me make that one for you. Give High Desert Doppler at call at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Sep 10, 2024 | Uncategorized
Hello again! Thanks for reading this week’s HDD blog. As usual, I was searching for inspiration when I got to thinking, “What are these blogs all about and why do I write them?” I enjoy blogging very much. I am under no delusion that they are great literary works of art. They are simply blogs. I sometimes wonder what motivates you to read them. That being said, read on!
The weekly blogs are designed to remind, enlighten, inspire, motivate and amuse you. I’d like to think that you’ll benefit from and appreciate each one, but wait, what if you don’t? Will that hurt my feelings? What if you block me or unsubscribe? Will constructive criticism make me feel defensive? Let’s look into the idea of defensive.
Psychology Today reminds us that defensiveness is a serious problem and a bad habit that needs to change. It is most often a response to criticism and can become a vicious cycle. When feeling defensive, do you find yourself making excuses, blaming another saying “You do it too” or pointing out something else they do wrong? Defensiveness is a feeling you get when challenged, perhaps exposing that you have a blind spot someone else sees that you don’t. Ask yourself a valuable honest question, “Am I a defensive person and how does it benefit me or others?”
We are human and often attack when attacked. Maybe it is time to lose the self-righteousness, pride, ego, jealousy and defensiveness. Not willing to be corrected is defensiveness rooted in pride. It rears its ugly head when we are challenged or admonished. It is unbecoming and immature.
Psychology Today explains pride comes from fear of embarrassment or shame. If you are willing to be open minded, laugh at yourself, admit you’ve made a mistake and you don’t have or know everything, you will better serve yourself and others. Perhaps we should consider letting go of these toxic behaviors and patterns. I wonder what would happen if we were more willing to be open, soft and vulnerable.
“One of the sincerest forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
Brant H. McGill
Listening is the antithesis to pride because when you are giving someone else the opportunity to express themselves, you are putting your pride aside. Listen, don’t talk and see what you learn.
You may be wondering what defensiveness, jealousy, ego and pride have to do with ultrasound. I give you a resounding, emphatic, nothing! What we do know is that early detection is the best defense against certain diseases and health related challenges. Self-realization and soul searching is never a waste of time. Neither is self-care and health care. When in pursuit of quality of life that includes diagnostics through ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Aug 28, 2024 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog is kind of fun. It asks and answers a few of those head scratching questions that perhaps you always wondered about. If you are anything like me, I have good intentions of looking something up then forget, or sometimes the question is too embarrassing to ask. Let’s see if we can answer a few of those head scratchers today.
My former mother in law more than a quarter century ago used to give me advice. Some I gratefully took, and others I questioned. She advised if I rubbed fireplace ashes into my children’s chicken pox, they would disappear or if I put sliced potatoes on a feverish forehead, the fever would dissipate. Thanks, but no thanks.
How many times were we told to eat our carrots because they are good for our eyesight? Each time the folks served carrots, right? Maybe the parental units were right. The fact is that carrots are rich in beta-carotene which the body utilizes to produce Vitamin A. Carrots are good for lowering cholesterol levels and yes, for improving vision. Vitamin A helps the eye convert light to a signal to the brain allowing you to see better in low light.
Have you also heard that cranberry juice is good for a urinary tract infection? WebMD says that cranberries don’t work for everyone and they don’t treat the UTIs that you already have. They do make urine more acidic, which is less friendly to bacteria like Escherichia coli (E. coli) that are usually to blame. If you suspect a UTI, consult your provider pronto!
Here is a subject that nobody wants to discuss. Have you ever wondered why asparagus makes your urine smell funky? I looked it up and gets down to the truth of the matter. The culprit of the funky smell appears to be asparagusic acid. This is a compound high in sulfur and abundant in asparagus. When your body breaks down asparagusic acid, it releases volatile components that are responsible for the dreadful smell of asparagus urine. Sometimes as quickly at 10 minutes! So, there you have it. You’re welcome.
Hopefully you aren’t one of the lucky ones that suffers from gout. If you are, my condolences. It is a painful, crippling condition. Those affected know that cherry juice is sometimes recommended. Does it really help? I read that cherry juice lowers uric acid. That is the culprit of gout. Both the lowering of uric acid and the increase in antioxidants may help lessen the number of gout attacks. Also recommended are copious amounts of water, milk and interesting enough, coffee.
Before you make any dietary changes, be sure to chat with your provider. Perhaps dietary changes will suffice, and sometime good old-fashioned medicine may be in order.
I’m afraid that HDD can’t help much with poor eyesight, UTI’s, gout or funky urine. We can help with all of your diagnostic ultrasound needs. Call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Aug 27, 2024 | Uncategorized
This week’s blog is going to give you something to think about. All you have to do is open your computer or turn on the TV to hear about the latest health craze. For a nominal fee plus shipping and handling, you too can drink this potion or use this product to be thinner, stronger, younger and healthier. Yea, right. So what are we supposed to believe?
Let me start by saying I love copper. I think it is beautiful and have collected quite a few great pieces. Just this morning, I ran across an article describing the health benefits of drinking from copper vessel. I do know that no self-respecting human would serve a Moscow mule in anything other than a copper mug! It never occurred to me to use them for drinking other things or simply for display purposes. Allow me to share what I read about these versatile little vessels.
Article #1
The initial article I read made drinking from a copper vessel sound like the answer to anything that ails you. Copper is an essential trace mineral that is vital to human health. Our ancestors used to store water in containers made of copper. Copper from a container leaches into water and helps in purification. Other benefits include…
- Aids in digestive performance
- Aids in weight loss
- Helps wounds heal faster
- Slows down ageing
- Helps maintain heart health and beats hypertension
- Mitigates the risk of cancer
- Protects you from infections
- Regulates the working of the thyroid gland
- Beats arthritis and inflamed joints
- Boosts skin health and melanin production
- Beats anemia
- Kills bacteria
- Stimulates your brain
- Beats arthritis and inflamed joints
With all the above stated benefits, why doesn’t everyone drink from a copper mug? It makes no sense not to, until I read article # 2.
Dr. Michael Lynch, medical director for the Pittsburgh Poison Center believes that drinking from a copper mug is neither healthy nor unhealthy. Copper plays an important role in overall health and many of these overblown claims about copper cups seem to originate from what’s known about the mineral. Copper helps brain function, but that doesn’t mean drinking from a copper cup will have the same benefit. Most people get plenty of copper from our diets which is 900 micrograms a day. A word of caution, copper is a heavy metal and there is a danger of ingesting too much!
If you don’t own copper mugs, my condolences. Try eating foods rich in copper like mushrooms, cashews, almonds, beef liver (no thank you), legumes, whole grains and oysters. There is also copper jewelry as well as a copper sleeve that I just purchased to see if it helps with my tendinitis.
HDD is concerned for your health and well-being, hence the health-related articles I share with you. Sometimes they are interesting and beneficial to you and sometimes not. I am certainly willing to try the copper mug theory and see what happens. We can’t help you with your copper absorption but we can help with your diagnostic ultrasound needs. Call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Aug 27, 2024 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog is a repeat from many years ago and comes to you courtesy of John Jain. Although I have had plenty of time to write, authoring so many blogs over the years sometimes results in my river of inspiration running dry. John was kind enough to pinch hit for me today. Read on and enjoy his pearls of wisdom for the day!
Kristi asked me if I wanted to go for a walk this morning. There are mornings when we lazy around and enjoy our coffee a little longer than usual. Not today. When I bolted out of bed and started to put on my walking attire, she said “That was a no hesitation kind of move Jain!” This is a quote from Hamish Patterson. In case you are wondering who that is, allow me to explain.
Recently a friend introduced me to You-Tuber Hamish Patterson. This guy looks like a middle-aged southern California surfer dude with long sun-bleached hair. He demonstrates how to give himself a “bowl cut” in just over six minutes. He does this shirtless, with a toddler fidgeting in his lap. He uses an old pair of rusty scissors from the tool shed affectionately known as his “trusty rusties.” In a no hesitation kind of move, he chops a semi-straight line across his bangs then proceeds to finish the with the aid of his carburetor mirror and completed the entire bowl cut for over 2 million You-tube viewers. If you haven’t seen it, may I recommend you indulge yourself in a 6-minute no brainer. It’s funny.
In the months since I first saw this video, my mantra has become “It’s a no hesitation kind of move.” I’ve heard this concept before in other terms. Nike said it in the eighties with the slogan “Just Do It!” In her motivational speeches, Mel Robbins says “Countdown 5-4-3-2-1 blast off.” Her premise is it takes only 5 seconds for the brain to come up with myriad reasons not to do something. Moral of the story, there is no time like the present. Just get it done.
Life occurs in cycles. For example, you can watch the same movie or read a book more than once and get something new out the experience each time. You receive the message at a time in your life when it is pertinent, and you realize you’ve heard same message many times in the past but your understanding was limited until that pivotal illuminating moment.
Next time don’t overthink or hesitate. Often it only takes only a few minutes to get something done. Doing this enables you to enjoy the satisfaction of having a completed your “to do list” as well as being able to relish your evenings in a much more satisfying manner. If you diagnostic ultrasound is recommended by your provider, call us at 505-350-3397. It’s a no hesitation kind of move!
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