by Kristi Jain | Oct 23, 2024 | Uncategorized
Today’s HDD blog asks a question that warrants some consideration. That question is “What if?” How many times a day do you ask yourself that very question? Unfortunately, there is no real answer, but it doesn’t mean we don’t wonder how the outcome may have been different if only we knew “What if?”
Whether it is good, bad, right, or wrong, every situation results in an outcome. Maybe you agree or maybe you don’t. If you don’t, you may ask yourself a few questions. How you could have been more influential in the big scheme of things and why exactly do you care? Think about a few things when hoping for or influencing a favorable outcome.
I read an article recently and felt a few thoughts were worthy of sharing, unfortunately it is unclear who deserves credit. Allow me to share their thought-provoking ideas (thank you whoever you are.)
When it comes to influence and having more of it, it comes down to three things.
- Being likable, authentic, and friendly so that people can trust you. You know, the “know-like-trust” factor.
- Consistently sharing your voice no matter what the loud minority thinks. It is in the silent majority where your impact is truly felt.
- Finding your why. It is the biggest secret to success. It is what keeps us going even when we get bogged down by imposter syndrome or feel like we are not influential enough. It’s that purpose that keeps driving one forward to crush your goals.
Let’s get back to our original question. What if? If you could change what you said or did to influence or change the outcome, would you? I imagine we all have regrets or wish we had a “do over.” Many times we do but often we don’t. No one wants to live with regret. Tap into your authentic self. Respectfully say what you mean and mean what you say. You may not always win the popular vote however, if you can look yourself in the mirror and sleep at night, you should call yourself a success.
There are things you may want to consider to avoid regret and influence a more positive outcome where your health is concerned. Treat your body well, eat properly, get active, stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and get your health checked. Do your part! If you have symptoms or concerns, don’t hesitate. Avoid asking yourself “What if? Early detection saves lives!
At HDD we are committed to meet your ultrasound needs. “What if” your provider determines diagnostic ultrasound is necessary? Give us a call us at 505-350-3397. Our front office staff will guide you through the process and have one of our ultrasound technologists tending to your ultrasound needs as soon as today or as soon as humanly possible.
by Kristi Jain | Oct 16, 2024 | Uncategorized
As always, thank you for taking a couple of minutes to read this week’s blog. Maybe you are reading this on your break or as you are sitting down relaxing. Perhaps it is a little bit of reading before you launch into your afternoon nap. Speaking of naps…
Although the following concept is foreign to me, napping isn’t for everyone. I’ve spoken to a few that claim they simply can’t nap during the day. Like my mom used to tell me when I was little, “You don’t have to sleep but you do have to rest.”
There are both positive and negatives when it comes to napping. On the positive side, if relaxation is your goal a nap might be just what the doctor ordered. For all of you hopeless insomniacs, those who suffer from grumpy moods, are chronically fatigued or lack alertness, you might consider a mid-day snooze.
Speaking of insomniacs, if you fall into this category, napping might interfere with your circadian rhythm. Others have trouble waking up and feel groggy after a nap. In this case, perhaps you should soldier on sans the nap.
If you find yourself craving an afternoon nap, you might want to pay attention as to why. Are you taking meds that interfere with your nighttime sleep? Perhaps you suffer from sleep apnea or other medical conditions that result in making you tired during the day. On the other hand, some simply enjoy a good old fashioned nap.
Whatever the reason for your mid-day siesta, consider a few guidelines recommended by
- Unless you are a little kid, keep naps short. Any more than a 20 minute power nap is likely to make you feel groggy aka sleep inertia.
- Try napping in earlier in the afternoon. Snoozing much after 3:00 is likely to interfere with your nighttime sleep.
- Create a calm peaceful environment. Resting in a cool comfortable place is best. Dozing off at your desk is not considered a comfortable place John!
An article written by Web MD says a nap can be good for your ticker. A study found that if you feel stress, a nap can help lower your blood pressure. Other health benefits include boosting your memory, bolstering your immune system, lowering your risk of heart disease and flush toingxins from your brain. I read that a new study shows that regular daytime naps have been linked to bigger healthier brains. I know a few souls who might benefit!
If you are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, you are more prone to disease like hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity and cancer. A nap probably isn’t the solution but it can certainly help!
An ultrasound from High Desert won’t help much in the way of an afternoon siesta or a good night’s sleep. We can however help your healthcare provider diagnose issues that lie beneath the surface of your skin. If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Oct 9, 2024 | Uncategorized
I’d like to share a little information regarding health and nutrition. In my youth, my friends and I were pretty concerned about expensive cars, designer handbags, swanky shoes and fabulous vacation destinations. Health and nutrition weren’t something we thought much about. We all took good health for granted, like it was our birthright.
As the years tick by, the conversations have morphed. They no longer center around what money can buy. We now compare our coronary calcium score, blood pressure meds, where we purchased our compression socks, the acuteness of our gout attacks and the weekly status of our gut health. My how things change!
A blood test recently revealed that my blood sugar was a bit high which was a surprise to me. The more I thought about it, my morning routine just may have been part of the culprit, when in reality, I thought I was doing my body good. Do we really know what is in the foods we eat?
Typically, the morning meal consisted of a smoothie made from protein powder, raw oats, natural honey, chia seeds, almond milk, fresh fruit and a bit of Greek yogurt. It doesn’t get much healthier than that, does it? A blood test revealed my blood sugar was high. My nurse practitioner warned me that I might be pre-diabatic! It was suggested I change my breakfast smoothie to protein-based meal instead. My next blood test revealed it indeed helped and suggested watching other things that might be high in sugar that we may not be aware of. I am an intermittent faster for the last two years and feel great.
This next paragraph might contain a list of things you may not want to hear. I feel the need to share some sugar bombs that you may not even realize are loaded. They include bread, salad dressing, yogurt, condiments, juice, peanut butter, crackers, energy drinks, breakfast cereals including granola, protein bars, smoothies, dried fruit, lunch meat (really, who knew?) tomato sauce, ketchup, barbeque sauce, Chinese takeout, body building supplements, soda and alcoholic beverages. If you find yourself with high blood sugar and you are sporting a few extra pounds, look realistically at your diet and see if the answer is right in front of you.
Wait! Maybe you aren’t guilty as charged. What if you use sugar substitute instead, for instance Agave. Your argument might be, “It has to be healthy, I got it at the health food store.” That doesn’t change the fact that agave is just dressed up sugar. It is 85% fructose and I actually read it is arguably even more damaging than cane sugar.
Today’s blog shed a little light on some nutrition facts that we all probably already know but conveniently forgot. I imagine we can all stand to tweak our diets a little bit and focus on improving our health. If that shift to better health includes diagnostic ultrasound, don’t hesitate to call High Desert Doppler at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Sep 24, 2024 | Uncategorized
Thanks for taking a few minutes to read the words that became this week’s blog. Speaking of words, that is exactly what we will touch on today. I got my inspiration from a TED talk I heard recently. By the way, did you know that TED stands for technology, entertainment and design? Just a little trivia for those who might be interested.
This particular TED talk was by world famous author, motivational speaker, hypnotherapist and celebrity therapist, Marisa Peer. I guess I never thought much about a celebrity therapist before. If regular people need a therapist, it will stand to reason that celebrities might also. That being said, Marissa had some interesting thoughts on words.
Marissa tells us that what is expected tends to be realized. Watch your words, for they shape your reality. If you pick better words, you will have a better reality. Every word you say is a blueprint that your mind and body will work to make real. Watch your inner dialogue. If it isn’t positive, you may want to change how you talk to yourself. Your mind will believe what you tell it.
There are a few words that can block you and your progress. Marissa says that the word should is a load of sh#t! Stop saying you should do something and actually do it. Wish is the same thing. Stop wishing and start doing. Have you ever invited someone to join you for something and the response you get is, “I’ll try.” Argh! As our old friend Yoda says, “Do or do not. There is no try.” Practice not using the word “but.” It negates what you just said. Try substituting the word “and.”
Don’t forget to remember that what is expected tends to be realized. Use your words to make a picture so you will believe what needs to be realized. Install empowering beliefs, habits and thought patterns into your existence. Expect great things.
Familiar is safe. We have a mind that believes that familiar is safe and unfamiliar is scary. My hope in writing weekly blogs for High Desert Doppler is to familiarize you with what we do, why we do it and share messages of inspiration, motivation, health and wellness to make you familiar and comfortable with us.
If you or your healthcare provider believe diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, we hope you think of us. Let’s face it. If you’ve never had an ultrasound done, it may be unfamiliar and can be scary. Mark my words it is an easy, painless, non-invasive, quick procedure that can be done as soon as today. Give us a call at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Sep 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears. When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears.” There seems to be confusion about who really coined the phrase. Whether we give credit to Lao Tzu or Buddha, remember this concept when you are decision making, change is on the horizon or there is something you need to learn.
John and I are both currently in the midst of decision making. His are major business decisions, while mine are not quite as pressing. I will admit, decision making is not my strong suit. I spent my morning perseverating on how to handle a decision I need to make. Coincidentally, I stumbled upon a You-Tube video that pertained to my dilemma and helped clarify things.
The woman in the video (my teacher for the morning) is Marie Forleo. I give her credit for the following ideas. She said that if you are struggling with a decision, there are 4 tests you can give yourself and see if it decreases the anxiety about your decision.
The first test is a physical test. When you contemplate your decision, how does it make you feel physically? Do you feel expansive or contracted? You may feel dread or heaviness or perhaps you feel lighter, bigger and better once you decide.
This stands for worst case scenario. How will it affect you mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially if the worst-case scenario occurred? Would you feel embarrassed or humiliated? She suggests you write down the steps you would take to get back on your feet. Deal with the WCS in advance. If you decide it is beyond what you are willing to risk, don’t do it.
Let’s look at the flip side which is the best-case scenario. What are the payoffs is the BCS would occur? What can you learn and how can you grow? Maybe you can start living your dream. There could be financial or creative upsides and freedom you’ve never known. Write a detailed concrete list of the BCS. How does it feel? Should you take a chance and say yes?
Marie’s mantra is “Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.” She calls this the “Work it test.” Are you able to try this change or opportunity on for size or give it a “road test” before you commit? If you are mulling over a decision, try it on for size.
Remember, most decisions you make are not permanent and can be reversed. Maybe not always easily but many are. Remember, change is constant, growth is optional. Open yourself up for a new experience and opportunity. Don’t be afraid of growing pains. This too shall pass.
If you are making a decision concerning your ultrasound provider, let me make that one for you. Give High Desert Doppler at call at 505-350-3397.
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