by Kristi Jain | Jun 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
Thanks for taking time to read this week’s HDD blog. I hope it will be worth it for you. Your time is valuable. Often we have to work at making time for things we feel are worthy. Life is work. We work at work, we work at home, we work at school, we work at relationships, we work at health, we work at happiness and we work at making more time. It is all this work worth it? Yes. You are worth it.
Each day we pay for services that someone else provides. When was the last time you wondered if you can find someone who can “do it cheaper” or “give you a deal.” News flash my friends. Cheaper isn’t better and getting a “deal” is at someone else’s expense. Friends will ask for discount prices. True friends will pay full price to support your time and your work. For that, we thank you. Most business don’t win on being cheap. They win on being valuable. The question is, are you worth the asking price?
“Don’t lowball yourself. If you’ve done the work and put in the miles and service with excellence, you’re worth more than you probably believe.”
-Brendon Burchard
I’m not referring to the overly confident jackass who dominates every conversation because he or she has been there and done that. I’m talking about self-confidence. The dictionary defines confidence as “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.”
Self-confidence is important to your physical health and well as your psychological well-being. reminds us that when you believe in yourself, you’re more likely to try new things, devote your time and energy to things that matter, make good lifestyle choices and foster healthy relationships.
If you haven’t already, start giving the best you’ve got. If you start giving, you will start receiving. Start loving what you do. Start being open minded. Start believing in yourself. Start accepting. Start validating others. Start feeling worthy.
If you haven’t already, stop relying on others for your happiness. Stop relying on them for self-confidence. Stop spreading rumors. Stop protesting. Stop being anti-everything. Stop believing you know it all. Stop talking and start listening. Be humble, you could be wrong. A wise person knows there is something to be learned from everyone.
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.”
-Norman Vicent Peale
We at HDD are confident in our ability to provide you with a top notch, highly trained, experienced staff of professionals who have the ability and desire to make your ultrasound experience the best it can possibly be. It is worth your time to find out about us and what we offer. If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, do yourself a favor and call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Jun 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog is interesting. While on my daily Pinterest journey, I had several random pins pop up about the benefits of coconut oil. I’m sure you have heard about the benefits as well. This contradicts reports we have heard in the past. It seemed like helpful blog information for you, so I decided to investigate.
Oil is fat, and fat makes you fat, right? Wrong. Now we hear, certain oils are good. Eggs used to pave the highway to cholesterol hell, and red wine was a vice. Chocolate was an indulgence, and now it has health benefits? Previously eating nuts was nuts unless you wanted to be fat. Now they are a dietary staple. Things have changed.
We have a huge jug of coconut oil at the house. It was one of Johns impulse buys. It has sat untouched for a while. Pinterest made me want to do a little research about the benefits of the newly glorified product and why we should use it. Honestly, I didn’t know. After a bit of research, I’m still not entirely sure.
IS IT HEALTHY? says, “In fact, coconut oil has more saturated fat and raises LDL (bad cholesterol) more that butter. But, coconut oil does a particularly nice job of raising HDL (good cholesterol), especially when replacing carbohydrates in the diet. This may be due to its high content of fatty acid, known as lauric acid.” Walter C. Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says, “There are many claims being made about coconut oil being wonderful for lots of different thing, but we really don’t have any evidence of long-term health benefits.” Obviously, there is more to this story than my average 500-word blog can handle. If the subject piques your interest, research and draw your own conclusions.
Coconut oil makes a hot, fresh batch of popped corn (with some cracked Himalayan sea salt) delicious. It could put cosmetic companies out of business because I have found it is priceless for removing make up, sans any breakouts. It makes for some super soft shiny skin and does wonders for dry cracked cuticles. As far as ingesting it, it appears the jury is still out.
There will always conflicting studies and opinions. It is up to you to inform yourself and consult a trusted professional to help guide you in making the right decision for you. One size does not fit all. The same diagnosis, medication or treatment is not a blanket solution for everyone. If the opinion you are given doesn’t sit right with you, it is perfectly within your right to seek another opinion until you feel comfortable with the information you are seeking.
If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated in the diagnosis of a condition and coconut oil won’t cure it (just kidding,) call us at 505-350-3397. We will see you as soon as humanly possible!
by Kristi Jain | May 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog discusses the idea of decisions. As a child, I drove my mom nuts because I could never decide if I should color with a red or green crayon. As an adult, I’ve had to overcome difficulty with decision making. Today, I had to decide what I would write about. Decisions, decisions!
We are challenged daily to make both major and minor decisions. Some are immensely important, and others really don’t matter for instance, what should I have for lunch? A burger or tacos? Tacos matter! The decisions to have tacos is always an important and intelligent decision per our CEO John Jain.
On a more serious note, many of us struggle with even the most minor of decisions. How does one overcome the inability to make a good, timely and informed decision? helps us in the decision-making process.
- Identify the decision. Clearly identify the nature of the decision.
- Gather relevant information. Collect pertinent information before you make your decision.
- Identify the alternatives. As you collect information, you will probably identify several possible paths of action.
- Weigh the evidence. Draw on your information and emotions to imagine what it would be like if you carried out each alternative.
- Choose among alternatives. Once you have weighed the evidence, select the best alternative.
- Take action. Implement the alternative you chose in step 5.
- Review your decision and its consequences. Consider the results of your decision and evaluate if it has resolved the need you identified in step 1. If not, make a different decision.
No matter what, each decision you make has consequences that affect you as well as others. These consequences can be both positive or negative and can be immediate and long term. The takeaway here is make intelligent, well informed decisions.
The truth of the matter is hasty decisions often lead to problems. It takes time to research and make educated decisions. Sometimes it is better to wait and make no decision that make the wrong decision. Remember, making no decision is making a decision.
When it comes to diagnostic ultrasound, we realize you have a choice. When you Google ultrasound or doppler, you will be given a host of providers. How do you make an educated decision as to who would be the best provider for you? Look at the website, ask around, make a call, do your homework.
I used to believe that customer reviews were valuable in the decision-making process but have come to understand that isn’t always the case. Some reviews have been proven to be personal vendettas with a desire to inflict undeserved damage. Disgruntled keyboard warriors with an axe to grind can unfortunately be influential. Don’t believe everything you read. Do some research and make your own educated decision. If you decide to give HDD a try, call us at 505-350-3397. We would love to prove you made the right decision!
by Kristi Jain | May 19, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hello! John Jain here. I know you don’t hear too much from me these days. Kristi is the queen of keeping you all updated. I thought it was high time I chime in with some things we are working on here at High Desert Doppler.
We will be starting a clinic in the next couple of months, the purpose of which is to be able to treat some of the conditions we diagnose at HDD. The most impactful of these are deep venous thrombosis (DVT) also know as “blood clots.” Most of you have heard the advertisements recently and the fact that Covid 19 infections can lead to long term issues with DVT.
We thought it would be expedient for High Desert Doppler to offer our referring base the option of having us treat the patients we see straight away and start our patients on medication, should they need it, at the time of their evaluation if their primary of referring provider wishes us to do so. We also will be able to follow up on the progression of their condition/treatment right in our office. We are excited to be able to offer this service and will have more information on the conditions we can treat forthcoming.
We will also be offering a high-quality line of nutraceuticals and health products. You can find our selection on our website,, under the “marketplace” tab. Our clinical and office staff and HDD can help you if you have questions. In addition to nutraceuticals, there are skin products and CBD products available, all of which are the absolute highest quality.
Our services will be expanding as well as our locations where we will be seeing patients outside of the Albuquerque metro area. More to come on the lines of diagnostic services and locations to come.
We look very optimistically at the coming year and hope to have more to offer. Rest assured the same dedication to customer service and timely delivery as well as to our patients having a pleasant experience is still at our core and will remain so.
We have had some excellent additions to our sonography staff as well and I would like to offer a warm welcome to our newest additions, Meriah Sandoval and Lauren Strong. Both of these dynamic ladies are featured on our “about” tab under “the team.”
In addition, we are also starting a foundation to offer free health screenings. These will be extremely focused initially to young athletes to diagnose hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is the cause of sudden cardiac death syndrome for this particular demographic. Once the foundation is up and running, we will start to look for other demographics to screen for. We will continue to look to where our expertise can have a positive impact on the communities we serve.
Thank you for your time and your patronage of High Desert Doppler. We do what we do for you!
Thank you for your time,
John Jain
by Kristi Jain | May 12, 2021 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog inspiration comes from an Audible book I’m enjoying. It is on the New Your Times best seller list called “The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself” by Michael A. Singer. It is a fascinating venture into the question “Who are you?”
Are you a physical body, a collection of experiences and memories? Michael Singer has arrived at the conclusion that our identity is to be found in our consciousness, our ability to observe ourselves, and the world around us. By practicing mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us to live in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization.
The book examines the experience of vibration and energy as it flows through us and helps listeners overcome tendencies to block the flow. Speaking of flow, do you experience blockage in other ways?
Webster defines blockage as “An obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible.” Blockage can be physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Not all blockage is bad. For example, the Robo-Kill app on my phone blocks the majority of robocalls I receive daily, saving me frustration and time. Recently I attended a self defense class where I learned how to block off a potential attacker.
Not all blockage is good. For example, arterial blockage is called Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. It is a condition where a waxy substance called plaque forms inside the arteries. If enough plaque builds up, the artery becomes clogged and blood flow is slowed or stopped.
When plaque builds up, it narrows your coronary arteries, decreasing blood flow to your heart. Decreased blood flow may cause chest pain (angina), and shortness of breath, and heart attack or even death. Plaque can suddenly, unexpectedly rupture. The blood clot that forms over the rupture, can break loose and can cause a heart attack or stroke.
Only those from another planet are unaware that saturated fats, fried foods, foods high in sodium, sodas, processed and fast food are some pretty serious offenders when it comes to poor heart health. We are all aware of the evils of sugar, but experts agree that diets high in added sugar may be just as big a threat by contributing to obesity, inflammation, high cholesterol and diabetes, all of which are risk factors for heart disease.
Eat a heart healthy diet including “good fats” and lean protein. Increase your intake of fiber, fresh fruits and veggies. Vacate that couch and exercise. Lose the weight. Nothing good comes from using tobacco, ever. Minimize bad habits like excessive alcohol although studies show a glass or two of red wine may actually be heart healthy. Lifestyle changes are the key to better health. It is simple, just not easy.
If HDD can help in the diagnosis of blockages or other conditions, call us at 505-350-3397.
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