Not All B’s Are Created Equal

Not All B’s Are Created Equal

I’m glad you joined me to see what the blog du jour has to offer.  As I was sitting at the breakfast bar this morning, I was mentally checking off all the things I needed to tackle for the day ahead.  The first order of business was a healthy bowl of oats, a few supplements and a large glass of water.



Many simply can’t stomach breakfast and opt for a quick cup of joe and a few vitamins.  WebMD reminds us that a healthy morning meal can help with a better memory and concentration, lowers levels of “bad” cholesterol and lowers chances of getting diabetes, heart disease and obesity.



In addition to the morning meal, I take a variety of supplements, one of which is biotin (aka B7.)  As middle age approaches, many of us become “follically challenged” aka thinning hair.  Although there is little conclusive evidence that biotin works for thinning hair, it remains a popular supplement for hair, skin and nail growth. It is the opinion of some that it stimulates keratin production in the hair and can increase the rate of follicle growth.  I did some research about B7 and how it differs from the other B’s.



The Better Health Channel reports there are 8 types of B vitamins. They include:

  • Thiamin (B1) which helps convert glucose into energy.
  • Riboflavin (B2) which is involved in energy production and helps vision and skin health.
  • Niacin (B3) is essential for the body to convert carbohydrates and fat into energy.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) helps produce red blood cells and steroid hormones.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) necessary for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, the formation of red blood cells and certain brain chemicals.
  • Biotin (B7) is necessary for energy metabolism, fat synthesis, amino acid metabolism and glycogen synthesis. Too much can contribute to raised blood cholesterol levels.
  • Folate or folic acid (B9) is needed to form red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body. It helps development of the foetal nervous system, as well as DNA synthesis and cell growth.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) helps produce and maintain the myelin surrounding nerve cells, mental ability, red blood cell formation and the break down of some fatty and amino acids to produce energy.



My research yielded a lot of information about B vitamins.  I also read about other supplements and the advantages vs disadvantages of taking them.  Keep in mind that simply because medication and supplements are readily available over the counter doesn’t mean you should freely ingest them!  Do your research. Over ingesting medications or supplements can have deleterious results.



Many of us are guilty of self-diagnosing and medicating.  If you are unsure about a condition, medication or supplement, visit with your healthcare provider to get the answers that are tailored specifically for you.  Speaking of consulting a pro, if you and your provider determine diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call High Desert Doppler at 505-350-3397.



Thanks for reading today’s blog.  It was born from some gym experiences I thought I’d share. As you probably know, most gyms are covered in wall to wall mirrors. Mine is no exception.  It got me wondering why we have such a need to look at ourselves.  Is it a bad thing?  Maybe it is a good thing, and we should look at ourselves a bit more carefully and more often. What exactly is your reflection telling you?



I’ve belonged to the same gym for about 29 years now.  I’ve been witness to the unabashedly narcissistic, the shy and intimidated and those of us in between. Most of us are just “regular people” who are simply there to get a bit of exercise because maintaining our health is important to us.  I’m guilty of glancing in the mirror occasionally during my workout.  They are everywhere so it is hard to avoid.



My reflection shows a middle-aged woman with a ponytail, no makeup and sweats doing the best she can with what she has.  I can’t compete with folks half my age, nor do I want to.  Although my gym experience is less than glamorous, the only reflection this ole’ gal is interested in is my own.



The mirrors serve as a reminder that what we see reflects our choices.  What do you see when you look in the mirror?   We sometimes tease about the puffed up bodybuilders who spend their life pumping iron and eating a diet that would starve a bird.  Their choices and dedication are reflected in their physique.  There are those who’s feet have never crossed the threshold of a gym, donned a pair of athletic shoes or have the slightest interest in healthy eating.  How do your choices affect your health?



Is the mirror reflecting a somewhat healthy lifestyle or is it the opposite?  Can you walk for at least 30 minutes without feeling like you might die?  Can you lift something heavier than a 16 oz beer?  If so, good for you!  If your image is reflecting an overweight, out of breath, low energy individual complaining of chronic aches and pains, perhaps it is trying to tell you something. Remember, mirrors don’t lie!



Let’s say your reflection is showing you an unhealthy mind, body and spirit. Now what?  Get started.  You are in competition with no one.  Do your personal best with a healthier you as a goal.  Do you need to reduce the portions, snuff out the cigarettes, cut back on the booze, and get off the couch?   Start with baby steps.  Every little thing you do counts.  Rome wasn’t built in a day.   Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



If HDD can help improve what your reflection has to say about you through diagnostic ultrasound, we’d be happy to help.  Give us a call at 505-350-3397.



Today’s blog is a repeat from 2017 and is about control.  The inspiration came from my daily Pinterest journey.  The following words of wisdom were pinned a while ago and resurrected just today.  I always try give credit where credit is due however, I don’t know who deserves it for the following inspiration.  None the less, I wanted to borrow and share.  



Let’s be honest.  We, I included, don’t feel like “Sister Merry Sunshine” every day.  Some days “Debbie Downer” is a bit more accurate.  We can’t always feel positive, inspired, motivated nor can we always control our thoughts.   That being said, there are so many things we can control with a modicum of effort.  Try these on for size.



Your beliefs

Your attitude

Your thoughts

Your perspective

How honest you are

Who your friends are

What books you read

How often you exercise

The type of food you eat

How many risks you take

How kind you are to others

How you interpret situations

How kind you are to yourself

How often you say “I love you”

How often you say “Thank you”

How often you express your feelings

Whether or not you ask for help

How often you practice gratitude

How many times you smile today

The amount of effort you put forth

How you spend/invest your money

How much time you spend worrying

How often you think about your past

Whether or not you judge other people

Whether or not you try again after a setback

How much you appreciate the little things you have



I can buy into the above-mentioned ideas with a huge amount of success however, not always.  For example, don’t think about a big blue ocean with crashing waves right now.  What did you just think about?  Now, tell me again how you can control your thoughts?   The power of suggestion can be mighty powerful.  Be selective about what you think, say, read, listen to or what or who you are influenced by.



Speaking of selective, if your healthcare provider determines that an ultrasound is indicated, be selective.  Maintain control and be your own healthcare advocate.  Speak up.  It is your body.  It is your choice.  Suggest High Desert Doppler, the leader in mobile diagnostic ultrasound.  Call us at 505-350-3397.

Early Detection

Early Detection

Hello!  Thank you for joining me for this week’s blog.  My apologies for no blogs for the last couple of weeks.  Suffice it to say, it has been a difficult time and blog writing was a low priority.  The difficulties have given me a modicum of inspiration for this week’s blog in hope it will shake you awake.



Today’s blog lacks wit or a sunny disposition.  Today I come to you with a cold hard reality. This week I lost a deeply loved family member to cancer.  While shock and grief can’t begin to describe my emotions, they come with reality and a wake up call.



My loved one’s diagnosis was shocking to say the least.  She was diagnosed after almost a year of feeling plain yucky.  She was actually misdiagnosed and had a scheduled surgery to correct what her doc thought was the problem.  He needed “one more test” to confirm what he was pretty sure was the problem before surgery.  The test was taken and surprise!  What he thought was the problem was not the problem at all.  It was cancer.  Stage 4 to be exact.



Imagine our shock and disbelief when we were told her issue was silent acid reflux and low and behold, it came back as stage 4 colon cancer that metastasized to her liver.  This was really our first experience in dealing with evil cancer.  We were told it is not curable, but it was treatable.  We weren’t exactly sure what that meant.  Now we know.



I’m no expert but I do know that early detection can save lives.  My loved one wasn’t so lucky.  Hindsight is 20/20.  “What if’s” come fast and furious.  What if they would have done appropriate testing?  What if they would have dug deeper?  What if she would have gotten a second or third opinion?  What if she would have listened to her body?  What if?



You know your body better than anyone else.  If it doesn’t feel right, get tested or screened.  Early diagnosis focuses on detecting symptomatic patients as early as possible. When there is significant suspicion for a serious condition, early detection and treatment can be lifesaving however unfortunately not for every single health issue.


THE EARLIER THE BETTER says, there are many conditions for which the earlier the diagnosis, the better.  That’s because we have effective treatments that work best during early stages of illness.  Breast and colon cancer, for example, can be cured if caught early enough.  That’s why screening tests including mammography and colonoscopy are so important.  They have the potential to detect an early tumor before it has progressed to an untreatable ultimately fatal stage.  If you feel unwell, worried or stressed about a possible condition, get a diagnosis or rule one out.  Getting reassurance and clarity can be profoundly helpful.



In a nutshell, we can’t ultimately control our fate, but we can to the degree that we are able.  Get tested and screened.  If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.

RIP precious K.A.R



Hello again.  Thanks for joining me for this week’s blog.  Suddenly we are looking at the summer of 2021 in the rearview mirror.  At least we are out of lockdown which is in sharp contrast to last year at this time.  Time is fleeting.  My advice is, don’t be sad or blue because blue is actually good for you!



What do I mean blue is good for you?  Stay with me.  This blog idea may seem a bit random, but I had to tie the idea of “blue” into subject matter for this week’s blog which is blueberries.  I was perusing an article about blueberries and their health benefits, so I thought I’d share.



I read that a cup of blueberries a day can protect against several of the most degenerative diseases known to man.  Which ones?  Glad you asked. New research has shown that these innocuous little gems can have an amazingly positive impact on your health.



The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics discovered that eating blueberries can improve blood pressure.  Sarah A. Johnson one of the scientists in this study said, “Our findings suggest that regular consumption of blueberries could potentially delay the progression of prehypertension to hypertension, therefore reducing cardiovascular disease risk.”


REMEMBER THIS suggests that 12 weeks of wild blueberry juice consumption has improved memory and reduced symptoms of depression, showed a 2011 study by Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.  They go on to say that improved memory function is likely a result of anthocyanins, a polyphenolic compound in blueberries, which is connected to decreased neurodegeneration.



A cup of blueberries a day may help prevent brain cell degeneration. The different vitamins, compounds, anthocyanins and flavanols in blueberries can help protect against neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.



I read that hundreds of studies have been done on the effect of blueberries on bone health, brain function, cognitive health, mood, memory, diabetes, cancer prevention, liver and urinary tract health, blood vessel health and age-related macular degeneration as well as numerous other conditions.



If humanly possible, it is best to get organic blueberries because along with strawberries, spinach, peaches, apples, grapes, cherries and assorted other greens, they get honorable mention on the “Dirty Dozen” list of foods with the most pesticide residues.



My takeaway from this research is that maybe blueberries will promote better health because of all I have read, and it certainly doesn’t sound like they will hurt you!  Whether it is in the form or blueberry powder, extract or good old-fashioned fresh, it seems like these little gems have health benefits!



Keeping your internal workings in healthy condition is important to all of us.  If there is a question and you and your provider need to see what your internal components look like, call High Desert Doppler at 505-350-3397 for a quick, painless, noninvasive ultrasound exam.