How sweet it it

How sweet it it

I’d like to share a little information regarding health and nutrition.  In my youth, my friends and I were pretty concerned about fancy cars, designer handbags, pricy shoes and vacation destinations.  Health and nutrition weren’t something we thought much about.  We all took good health for granted, like it was our birthright.



As the years tick by, the conversations morphed.  They no longer center around what money can buy.  We now compare our coronary calcium score, blood pressure meds, where we purchased our compression socks, the acuteness of our gout attacks and the weekly status of our good or poor health.  My how things change!



A blood test recently revealed that my blood sugar was a bit high which was a surprise to me.  The more I thought about it, my morning routine just may have been part of the culprit, when in reality, I thought I was doing my body good. Do we really know what is in the foods we eat?



Typically, the morning meal consisted of a smoothie made from protein powder, raw oats, natural honey, chia seeds, almond milk, fresh fruit and a bit of Greek yogurt.  It doesn’t get much healthier than that, does it?  A blood test revealed my blood sugar was high.  My nurse practitioner warned me that I might be pre-diabatic!  It was suggested I change my breakfast smoothie to protein-based meal instead.  My next blood test revealed it indeed helped and suggested watching other things that might be high in sugar that we may not pay attention to.



This next paragraph might contain a list of things you may not want to hear.  I feel the need to share some sugar bombs that you may not even realize are loaded.  They include bread, salad dressing, yogurt, condiments, juice, peanut butter, crackers, energy drinks, breakfast cereals including granola, granola bars, smoothies, dried fruit, lunch meat (really, who knew?) tomato sauce, barbeque sauce, Chinese takeout, body building supplements, soda and alcoholic beverages.   If you find yourself with high blood sugar and you are sporting a few extra pounds, look realistically at your diet and see if the answer is right in front of you.



Wait!  Maybe you aren’t guilty as charged.  What if you use sugar substitute instead, for instance Agave.  Your argument might be, “It has to be healthy, I got it at the health food store.”  That doesn’t change the fact that agave is just dressed up sugar.  It is 85% fructose and I actually read it is arguably even more damaging than cane sugar.



Today’s blog shed a little light on some nutrition facts that we all probably already know but conveniently forgot.  I imagine we can all stand to tweak our diets a little bit and focus on improving our health.  If that shift to better health includes diagnostic ultrasound, don’t hesitate to call High Desert Doppler at 505-350-3397.




Thanks for stopping in to read this week’s blog.  The month of committing to resolutions is in the rearview mirror.  How have you done with yours?  Among the many things we resolve to do as the calendar turns is to make better health a priority.  How is your “stick-to-it-ivness?”



It is certainly in one’s best interest to curtail unhealthy behaviors and addictions.  It’s been said that moderation is the key.  Well, not so fast.  Some behaviors simply need to stop, some need to be modified and some need to be added.  There are a few new additions in the Jain household.  Allow me to elaborate.



We are all aware of the value of proper nutrition.  It is best to get these through proper diet but lets be honest, for the majority of us, it simply isn’t gonna happen, hence supplements.  John is constantly introducing a new supplement for us to incorporate into our less than perfect diet.  Probiotics are the most recent addition.


GUTS tells us that because the enteric nervous system (located in our gut) relies on the same type of neurons and neurotransmitters that are found in the central nervous system, some medical experts call our gut the “second brain.”  The brain in our gut and the one between our ears are in communication and plays a key role in certain diseases in our bodies and overall health.



Studies show that the balance of bacteria in your digestive system is linked to overall health and disease. says that probiotics promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria and have been linked to many health benefits including weight loss, digestive health and immune functions to name a few.



You may wonder what the benefits of taking probiotics are.

  • They are live organisms and when taken in sufficient amounts they can help balance the friendly bacteria in your digestive system.
  • They can help prevent and treat diarrhea.
  • Probiotics supplements may improve some mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress and memory.
  • Certain probiotic strains can help keep your heart healthy by reducing “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and modestly lowering blood pressure.
  • They may reduce the risk and severity of certain allergies.
  • They may help reduce certain bowel disorders like ulcerative colitis, IBS and necrotizing enterocolitis.
  • They may help boost your immune system and protect against infections.
  • Studies suggest certain probiotics may help you lose weight and belly fat and may play a powerful role in body weight regulation. was instrumental in providing the above information.  If you want to experience any of the health benefits of supplements and probiotics, be sure to check with your healthcare provider.  It seems like a simple and effective way to improve your health.



If you are interested in probiotics or other supplements, High Desert Doppler will be carrying a very high quality line of products in the near future. Be sure to read the Blog to find out more about our product line of health supplements or feel free to call us at 505-350-3397.



“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.  When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears.”  There seems to be confusion about who really coined the phrase.  Whether we give credit to Lao Tzu or Buddha, remember this concept when you are decision making, change is on the horizon or there is something you need to learn.



John and I are both currently in the midst of decision making.  His are major business decisions, while mine are not quite as pressing.  I will admit, decision making is not my strong suit.  I spent my morning perseverating on how to handle a decision I need to make.  Coincidentally, I stumbled upon a You-Tube video that pertained to my dilemma and helped clarify things.



The woman in the video (my teacher for the morning) is Marie Forleo.  I give her credit for the following ideas.  She said that if you are struggling with a decision, there are 4 tests you can give yourself and see if it decreases the anxiety about your decision.



The first test is a physical test.  When you contemplate your decision, how does it make you feel physically?  Do you feel expansive or contracted?  You may feel dread or heaviness or perhaps you feel lighter, bigger and better once you decide.



This stands for worst case scenario.  How will it affect you mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially if the worst-case scenario occurred?  Would you feel embarrassed or humiliated?  She suggests you write down the steps you would take to get back on your feet.  Deal with the WCS in advance.  If you decide it is beyond what you are willing to risk, don’t do it.



Let’s look at the flip side which is the best-case scenario. What are the payoffs is the BCS would occur?  What can you learn and how can you grow?  Maybe you can start living your dream.  There could be financial or creative upsides and freedom you’ve never known.  Write a detailed concrete list of the BCS. How does it feel?  Should you take a chance and say yes?



Marie’s mantra is “Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.”  She calls this the “Work it test.”  Are you able to try this change or opportunity on for size or give it a “road test” before you commit?  If you are mulling over a decision, try it on for size.



Remember, most decisions you make are not permanent and can be reversed.  Maybe not always easily but many are.  Remember, change is constant, growth is optional.  Open yourself up for a new experience and opportunity.  Don’t be afraid of growing pains.   This too shall pass.



If you are making a decision concerning your ultrasound provider, let me make that one for you.  Give High Desert Doppler at call at 505-350-3397.



Thanks for reading today’s blog.  It is my mission to bring you something interesting, and informative each week.  Sometimes we deal with health issues, other times we deal with motivation or inspiration.  Today, we will deal with something that many of us can relate to.



Admit it.  We all want to be good at what we do, have knowledge in different areas, be able to perform an array of tasks, speak intelligently about things and look cool doing it, right? No one wants to look like an idiot.



When was the last time you were classified as “idiot status?”  Perhaps you said or did something you immediately regretted…gulp!  Maybe it was an action or inaction that landed you the coveted title.  Maybe you weren’t an idiot at all.



I have a friend who experienced pain in her chest and jaw.  She went to work hoping it would subside.  She didn’t want to cause any commotion.  How embarrassing!  She refused to call 911 or her doctor in case it turned out to be nothing.  She didn’t want to look like an idiot.



Fortunately, she is fine.  Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky.  I assure you, there is not a soul in the ER that is going to think you are an idiot for going in with chest pain or other symptoms that you feel are serious.  I speak from experience, better safe than sorry!



I lost my mom 15 years ago to a heart attack that started with symptoms that went ignored until the pain became unbearable.  She went to the ER twice and finally got admitted.  She was released the following day with a prescription for Prilosec and the assurance that it was probably just heartburn.  She died a few days later from a heart attack.  Heartburn, huh?



I don’t claim to be a heart expert.  I research then report facts that I wish someone had shared with me when my mom was having heart issues.

WebMD gives us a few symptoms to look for.

  • Discomfort, pressure, heaviness or pain in the chest, arm or below the breastbone.
  • Discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat or arm.
  • Fullness, indigestion or choking feeling which may feel like heartburn.
  • Sweating, nausea, vomiting or dizziness.
  • Extreme weakness, anxiety or shortness of breath.
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeats.


CALL 911

If you experience symptoms, call 911!  If you think you are having a heart attack, do not delay.  Immediate treatment of a heart attack is imperative to lessen the amount of damage to your heart.



The intention of this blog is not to scare you, but I hope you are convinced to take your concerns seriously.  You are not an idiot for giving immediate attention to a health concern. You are an idiot if you don’t.



If HDD can help in the diagnosis of heart issues or any other health concerns you and your provider may have, call us at 505-350-3397.




Thanks for reading today’s blog.  It is my mission to bring you something interesting, and informative each week.  Sometimes we deal with health issues, other times we deal with motivation or inspiration.  Today, we will deal with something that many of us can relate to.



Admit it.  We all want to be good at what we do, have knowledge in different areas, be able to perform an array of tasks, speak intelligently about things and look cool doing it, right? No one wants to look like an idiot.



When was the last time you were classified as “idiot status?”  Perhaps you said or did something you immediately regretted…gulp!  Maybe it was an action or inaction that landed you the coveted title.  Maybe you weren’t an idiot at all.



I have a friend who experienced pain in her chest and jaw.  She went to work hoping it would subside.  She didn’t want to cause any commotion.  How embarrassing!  She refused to call 911 or her doctor in case it turned out to be nothing.  She didn’t want to look like an idiot.



Fortunately, she is fine.  Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky.  I assure you, there is not a soul in the ER that is going to think you are an idiot for going in with chest pain or other symptoms that you feel are serious.  I speak from experience, better safe than sorry!



I lost my mom 15 years ago to a heart attack that started with symptoms that went ignored until the pain became unbearable.  She went to the ER twice and finally got admitted.  She was released the following day with a prescription for Prilosec and the assurance that it was probably just heartburn.  She died a few days later from a heart attack.  Heartburn, huh?



I don’t claim to be a heart expert.  I research then report  facts that I wish someone had shared with me when my mom was having heart issues.

WebMD gives us a few symptoms to look for.

  • Discomfort, pressure, heaviness or pain in the chest, arm or below the breastbone.
  • Discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat or arm.
  • Fullness, indigestion or choking feeling which may feel like heartburn.
  • Sweating, nausea, vomiting or dizziness.
  • Extreme weakness, anxiety or shortness of breath.
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeats.


CALL 911

If you experience symptoms, call 911!  If you think you are having a heart attack, do not delay.  Immediate treatment of a heart attack is imperative to lessen the amount of damage to your heart.



The intention of this blog is not to scare you, but I hope you are convinced to take your concerns seriously.  You are not an idiot for giving immediate attention to a health concern. You are an idiot if you don’t.



If HDD can help in the diagnosis of heart issues or any other health concerns you and your provider may have, call us at 505-350-3397