by Kristi Jain | Apr 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello again! Thanks for reading this week’s HDD blog. As usual, I was searching for inspiration when I got to thinking, “What are these blogs all about and why do I write them?” I enjoy blogging very much. I am under no delusion that they are great literary works of art. They are simply blogs. I sometimes wonder what motivates you to read them. That being said, read on!
The weekly blogs are designed to remind, enlighten, inspire, motivate and amuse you. I’d like to think that you’ll benefit from and appreciate each one, but wait, what if you don’t? Will that hurt my feelings? What if you block me or unsubscribe? Will constructive criticism make me feel defensive? Let’s look into the idea of defensive.
Psychology Today reminds us that defensiveness is a serious problem and a bad habit that needs to change. It is most often a response to criticism and can become a vicious cycle. When feeling defensive, do you find yourself making excuses, blaming another saying “You do it too” or pointing out something else they do wrong? Defensiveness is a feeling you get when challenged, perhaps exposing that you have a blind spot someone else sees that you don’t. Ask yourself a valuable honest question, “Am I a defensive person and how does it benefit me or others?”
We are human and often attack when attacked. Maybe it is time to lose the self-righteousness, pride, ego, jealousy and defensiveness. Not willing to be corrected is defensiveness rooted in pride. It rears its ugly head when we are challenged or admonished. It is unbecoming and immature.
Psychology Today explains pride comes from fear of embarrassment or shame. If you are willing to be open minded, laugh at yourself, admit you’ve made a mistake and you don’t have or know everything, you will better serve yourself and others. Perhaps we should consider letting go of these toxic behaviors and patterns. I wonder what would happen if we were more willing to be open, soft and vulnerable.
“One of the sincerest forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
Brant H. McGill
Listening is the antithesis to pride because when you are giving someone else the opportunity to express themselves, you are putting your pride aside. Listen, don’t talk and see what you learn.
You may be wondering what defensiveness, jealousy, ego and pride have to do with ultrasound. I give you a resounding, emphatic, nothing! What we do know is that early detection is the best defense against certain diseases and health related challenges. Self-realization and soul searching is never a waste of time. Neither is self-care and health care. When in pursuit of quality of life that includes diagnostics through ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Today’s HDD blog has to do with coaching. When you read the word “coach” was your first inclination to make it a noun or a verb? When I hear the word coach, immediately I picture an overly excited man on the sidelines pacing and hollering at his players. Perhaps picture a coach in a team huddle with players giving guidance and encouragement. What do you think of when you hear the word coach?
Coach can mean a few different things. Let’s face it. It is way more fun to sit in first class on an airplane but unless you are made of money, then chances are you will be stuck in coach. Maybe the tag on your purse says Coach. It can define a horse-drawn carriage or perhaps a railroad car. Coach also defines an expert who trains someone learning to improve a skill or training a person or a team. Some people are coaches, and some are coachees. The question is, no matter who or what you are, are you coachable?
Stop believing you know it all. Be humble, you could be wrong. A wise person knows there is something to be learned from everyone. Stop talking and start listening. Listen with intent to learn rather than to show what you know. Other people who have gone before you and learned can help you reach new heights but only if you are coachable. Are you?
The truth is, sometimes the coach needs a coach. When you need to know the play or the encouragement to execute what’s next, what do you do? You ask the coach. He or she will have the answer, right? Not so fast. Sometimes even the coach struggles and doesn’t always have the answer. It is trial, error, confidence, experience, faith and good old-fashioned luck. It is a great coach that understands, sometimes the coach needs a coach!
6 POINT CHECK gives us a quick 6-point check on your coachability. How do you rate?
- I regularly ask other for thoughts on my work and for ideas on how to improve.
- When given feedback/criticism, I try to better understand by asking question on how I can improve.
- When given feedback/criticism, rather than defending my position, I pause and think about the observation shared.
- I’ve changed/revised my approach because of the advice I was given.
- I know my work is ultimately about making good things happen for other people.
Now these are traits of highly coachable people!
You may be wondering what Bob Dylan has to do with anything. He said “You’re gonna have to serve somebody…yes indeed” The sooner you understand that the more likely you are to invite coaching.
The question as HDD asks, “How can we serve you?” We are the leader is mobile diagnostic ultrasound. Allow us to coach and advise you when it comes to your all of your ultrasound needs. Call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Mar 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello again! This morning, as I sat in the kitchen eating breakfast, I was wondering what the inspiration for this week’s blog would be. As expected, inspiration was in short supply. I continued to search my brain as I munched down the remainder of my Greek yogurt and chopped apple and behold…this week’s blog was born!
Greek yogurt and apple sounds a little lackluster and it is. Sometimes I add insult to injury by mixing in a bit of low-fat cottage cheese, some chia seeds, a few nuts that I have on hand and maybe a little honey or monk fruit sweetener. I smoosh it all together and that is normally breakfast. Why would I eat that? Because it is good for me!
Remember the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Well, it seems there is specific meaning behind that statement because there is truth behind it. The fact is that apples are good for us. Why? Glad you asked.
What exactly does an apple have to offer? offers the following information.
- Calories: 95
- Carbs: 25 grams
- Fiber : 4 grams
- Vitamin C: 14% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
- Potassium: 6% of the RDI
- Vitamin K: 5% of the RDI
What’s more, the same serving provides 2-4% of the RDI for manganese, copper, and the vitamins A, E, B1, B2 and B6. Apples are also high in polyphenols. To get the bang for your buck, leave the skin on to receive these health benefits.
Apples may aid in weight loss because they are filling due to their high fiber content. Apples can promote heart health in a myriad of ways. They are high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. They also have polyphenols, which are linked to lower blood pressure and stroke risk. Eating apples has been linked to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. This is possible due to their polyphenol antioxidant content. The type of fiber in apples feeds good bacteria and may be the reason they protect against obesity, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
Apples have several naturally occurring compounds that may help fight cancer. Observational studies have linked them to a lower risk of cancer. Apples contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help regulate immune responses and protect against asthma. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds may promote bone health as well. According to animal studies, apple juice could help prevent the decline of neurotransmitters that are involved in memory.
It’s almost snack time isn’t it? Put down the donut and grab an apple. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a little far fetched but it couldn’t hurt right?
We are concerned for your health hence the health-related information included in most blogs. Apples and ultrasound have nothing to do with each other, but may I remind you, should you require diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Feb 23, 2022 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog is a recycle from a couple of years ago. John and I are in the middle of moving so this blog serves as a reminder as we transition from one space to another. Take a look at your surroundings. What kind of condition is your car, office, home and life in? Are you neat and organized or does it look like a tornado blew through and wreaked havoc on you and your stuff?
Are you one of those folks who has piles everywhere? If so, you probably know exactly what is in each pile. You also probably freak out if someone dares straighten, organize or moves your piles. Maybe you feel buried and have no clue how to even start climbing out from under your mess. There is hope.
Tomorrow (noun) is a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored. Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?
I absolutely abhor disorganization, clutter and piles! In my world, everything has a place and there is a place for everything. I am a filer, not a piler. I have a hard time seeing things in disarray or not put in their proper place. It’s been said that clutter is the end result of procrastination.
There are a few good reasons you might consider decluttering your life and your surroundings. You will find yourself with more space both mentally, emotionally and physically. Physical clutter can be mentally draining. Do you really need and actually use all your stuff? Decluttering doesn’t mean you have to get rid of everything you own. It simply suggests you do away with things that you don’t really need or use.
Start small. Try clearing out your e-mail box. Don’t let it pile up till you have 1000 unopened e-mails. Do a few each day and stay on top of it. Get rid of unused apps or photos on your phone. Organize your computer files and paperwork. Move on to your closet and drawers. I’ve read that we actually wear only about 20% of the things in our closet. The other 80% either doesn’t fit, we don’t like it as much as we used to or we forgot we had it.
Do you have hundreds of “friends” on Facebook? Do you accept a friend request from everyone who asks? Some of these people, you probably don’t even know. Do you spend hours reading nonsense from all 800 friends? It isn’t a bad idea to go through and purge those names who don’t necessarily have meaning in your life. Less can be more.
Hopefully, healthcare is not on your list of things to do tomorrow. In some cases, tomorrow can be too late. If there is a test, exam or procedure that you have been putting off, make a commitment to yourself to make the call and get it scheduled. If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Feb 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
I’d like to share a little information regarding health and nutrition. In my youth, my friends and I were pretty concerned about fancy cars, designer handbags, pricy shoes and vacation destinations. Health and nutrition weren’t something we thought much about. We all took good health for granted, like it was our birthright.
As the years tick by, the conversations morphed. They no longer center around what money can buy. We now compare our coronary calcium score, blood pressure meds, where we purchased our compression socks, the acuteness of our gout attacks and the weekly status of our good or poor health. My how things change!
A blood test recently revealed that my blood sugar was a bit high which was a surprise to me. The more I thought about it, my morning routine just may have been part of the culprit, when in reality, I thought I was doing my body good. Do we really know what is in the foods we eat?
Typically, the morning meal consisted of a smoothie made from protein powder, raw oats, natural honey, chia seeds, almond milk, fresh fruit and a bit of Greek yogurt. It doesn’t get much healthier than that, does it? A blood test revealed my blood sugar was high. My nurse practitioner warned me that I might be pre-diabatic! It was suggested I change my breakfast smoothie to protein-based meal instead. My next blood test revealed it indeed helped and suggested watching other things that might be high in sugar that we may not pay attention to.
This next paragraph might contain a list of things you may not want to hear. I feel the need to share some sugar bombs that you may not even realize are loaded. They include bread, salad dressing, yogurt, condiments, juice, peanut butter, crackers, energy drinks, breakfast cereals including granola, granola bars, smoothies, dried fruit, lunch meat (really, who knew?) tomato sauce, barbeque sauce, Chinese takeout, body building supplements, soda and alcoholic beverages. If you find yourself with high blood sugar and you are sporting a few extra pounds, look realistically at your diet and see if the answer is right in front of you.
Wait! Maybe you aren’t guilty as charged. What if you use sugar substitute instead, for instance Agave. Your argument might be, “It has to be healthy, I got it at the health food store.” That doesn’t change the fact that agave is just dressed up sugar. It is 85% fructose and I actually read it is arguably even more damaging than cane sugar.
Today’s blog shed a little light on some nutrition facts that we all probably already know but conveniently forgot. I imagine we can all stand to tweak our diets a little bit and focus on improving our health. If that shift to better health includes diagnostic ultrasound, don’t hesitate to call High Desert Doppler at 505-350-3397.
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