by Kristi Jain | Jul 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog is one of those random little gems that has to do with waves. I’m not talking about ultrasound waves or beach waves. Today’s topic is important, not because it has to do with ultrasound, but because it affects the health of each and every one of us. The topic du jour is sunscreen and some facts and myths associated with this innocuous potion. Whether you like or hate it, let’s deal with it.
Many years ago, I remember working tirelessly on that deep, dark, Hawaiian tropic tan. My buddies and I would stop at nothing in order to achieve a bronzed body. Let’s face it, fat looks a little better when it is tanned, or so we thought. We would slather on baby oil, cooking oil or Crisco (no, I’m not kidding) and bake for hours in hot pursuit of that golden glow. We even used silver reflecting screens to make sure our faces received the full benefit. Back then, nobody cared about UV rays.
UVA and UVB are both forms of ultraviolet light. Medical News Today explains that UVA light has a longer wave that penetrates into the thickest layer of the skin. Unprotected exposure to UVA can lead to skin aging, wrinkles and a suppressed immune system. UVB rays have a shorter wave and are mostly responsible for sunburn, which plays a key role in causing permanent damage over time as well as developing skin cancer. Yikes!
The following are 12 sunscreen myths that might surprise you.
- Sunscreen is not always necessary.
- Sunscreen will prevent the body from absorbing vitamin D. Wrong again.
- Sunscreen causes health problems. Do your research.
- People with dark skin do not need sunscreen. Yes, they do.
- Tanning beds provide a protective base tan. That’s just dumb.
- Makeup is enough to protect the face. Seriously?
- Sunscreen works better than covering up. Covering up is better protection that any sunscreen.
- You cannot tan while wearing sunscreen. Yes, you can.
- All sunscreen is the same. Use a broad spectrum and apply liberally and often, even on cloudy days.
- One application last all day. Sorry, Charlie. You should reapply every 2-4 hours at least.
- Sunscreen is waterproof. That is an overstatement. No sunscreen is 100% waterproof.
- Sunscreen never expires. Ha! Like anything else, the active ingredients break down over time. You should be using it so liberally, you shouldn’t have any leftover to expire!
I’ll admit, I hate applying sunscreen much less doing it often and liberally. My friend, who has been diagnosed with melanoma, might not be overly empathetic. Melanoma is responsible for most skin cancer deaths. Get over your laziness, slather on and cover up. Skin cancer is more of a pain than the few minutes it takes to protect yourself.
We are interested in all sorts of waves, but especially ultrasound waves, hence this closing paragraph! If we can help in this area, call us at 505-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Jun 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
The idea for the blog du jour comes from a patient experience John and I recently had. We occasionally have the opportunity to work together. During this exam, he does what he does best, which is performing diagnostic ultrasound exams. His ultrasound expertise spans about 3 ½ decades.
On this particular occasion, he was doing an echocardiogram on a patient while I did paperwork and patient education. Needless to say, our patient was a bit nervous. If you’ve ever had an echocardiogram or an ultrasound, you know it is no big deal. If you haven’t, you might have questions.
This particular patient had never had an ultrasound exam before. Among many of her questions, one of them was “How much radiation will I receive?” Let me give you a verbatim explanation from “Ultrasound imaging (sonography) uses a high-frequency sound waves to view inside the body. Because ultrasound images are captured in real-time, they can also show movement of the body’s internal organs as well as blood flowing through the blood vessels. Unlike X-ray imaging, there is no ionizing radiation exposure associated with ultrasound imaging.” So, there you have it.
This is actually a fairly common question. “Will it hurt?” The answer is no, but occasionally, it can be slightly uncomfortable. Let me explain. In an ultrasound exam, a transducer also known as a probe, is placed directly on the skin or inside a body opening. A thin layer of gel is applied to the probe or skin so that the ultrasound waves are transmitted from the transducer through the gel into the body. Occasionally the sonographer has to apply pressure to the probe to make sure there is good contact or to compress an internal structure. Occasionally, a patient will comment that it is slightly uncomfortable or feel a bit of pressure, but it really no big deal.
There are actually many uses for diagnostic ultrasound imaging. It is a useful tool that can help your healthcare provider evaluate, diagnose and treat many medical conditions for instance…
- Ultrasound guided needle placement
- Fetal ultrasound
- Echocardiogram
- Doppler ultrasound (to visualize blood flow to blood vessels and organs)
- Breast ultrasound
- Abdominal ultrasound (to visualize abdominal tissues and organs)
- Musculoskeletal ultrasound (to view muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints)
The purpose of today’s blog is to give you a small glimpse into the wonders of ultrasound. The world can observe what is on the surface of the skin. It is with diagnostic ultrasound imaging that we can actually see what lies beneath the surface of your skin.
We at HDD are proud of our team of well trained, experienced professionals. Our ultrasound technologists are top notch, as well as our front office staff, and ladies who work behind the scenes to keep this well-oiled machine running. If you and your provider determine diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, don’t hesitate to contact us at 505-359-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Jun 22, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello from rainy New Mexico! Yes, you heard me correctly. I realize when you think of New Mexico, you associate us with being the drought capital of the southwest. You would not be wrong. Sadly, recent wildfires have ravaged our state. Needless to say, we welcome the rain!
I am one of those souls who loves the rain. I adore the scent of a good storm, and the way the earth responds to a steady rainfall. I can’t say I necessarily want to go sing and dance in the rain however, a cup of tea or a glass of wine, a good book or movie on a rainy day is one of life’s little pleasures.
A gloomy, rainy day might make one think of Eeyore. Eeyore is a fictional character in Winnie-the-Pooh who is characterized as a pessimistic, gloomy, anhedonic little donkey who is ill adept at finding the bright side of life. He perpetually lives life under a cloud. I know folks who hate clouds and rain. Some react poorly to changes in barometric pressure associated with incoming storms which leaves them achy, depressed and not feeling well. If you are one, remember this too shall pass. On the other hand, many rejoice in it. Let’s look at the benefits of rain.
You may be wondering what is a pluviophile. By definition, pluviophiles are people who love rain! You definitely won’t be one who bellyaches about the wet and cold. If you are a person who is exuberant when it rains, there is a good chance you are generally more cheerful the rest of the time as well. Cheerful people tend to be more optimistic, happy and healthy.
I read an article on that gives us a few reasons why people enjoy the rain. Incidentally none of which are remotely related to ultrasound in case you were wondering.
- The air is fresher and cleaner after it rains.
- The smell of rain has a soothing effect.
- Taking a walk in the rain helps you exercise longer and faster.
- Doing physical exercises in wet weather burns more fat and calories that exercising in warm weather.
- Taking a walk in the rain benefits your skin and hair.
- Taking a stroll on a rainy day helps you relax since the streets are less crowded.
“Some people walk in the rain; others just get wet.”
-Roger Miller
“The nicest thing about rain is that it always stops. Eventually.”
“Only a select few are able to see the true beauty that lies behind what just might seem like a rainy day or a grey sky.”
-Jessica M. Laar
“Regardless of sunshine or rain, be thankful for another great day and treat life as the ultimate gift…because it is.”
Although we can’t predict the weather, we can help forecast future physical problems or lack thereof. We see what lies beneath the surface. If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Jun 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello and thank you for stopping in. Today’s blog comes to you from the confines of Covid isolation. Yes, it’s true. Covid hit our happy, normally healthy home. We have managed to escape the beast for 26 months, then…bam! I hate to be a downer but sometimes we need to deal with reality. It isn’t gone!
I humbly admit, I let my guard down. Once the dreaded mask mandate was lifted and social distancing became a bit of annoying history, my mind told me I was not impervious, but well protected due to being double vaccinated and boosted. Think again. We don’t know what strain hit us, but it really doesn’t matter at this point does it?
My reason for publishing such personal information in a public forum is this. I want to remind you, don’t put your head in the sand. Covid is alive and well and we are just 2 more examples of it. Along with the obvious signs and symptoms comes the things people don’t often discuss which are the feelings all this generates.
For those of you who have not yet suffered a setback, be grateful. Many can relate to the feelings of frustration and lack of control an illness or injury brings. One of my BFF’s is suffering from a pinched nerve in her back and experiencing similar feelings. Granted, a mild form of covid and a bad back is not like dealing with cancer or another devasting diagnosis, but illness, pain, frustration and sadness are universal feelings when they belong to you.
Suffice it to say, there are myriad emotions that accompany illness or injury. Now that it has affected me and mine, I have a newfound empathy for those who have been down this road. I am a female, Gemini, personality type A who finds it inconceivable to be still for any length of time. I am now in day 11 of isolation and finding it challenging to cope with being homebound. Are my feelings normal?
This is a reminder that all the things you may be feeling are legit! You are not a weenie if you feel sad, angry or irritable. Moodiness, sleeplessness, loss of interest, changes in self-esteem, and concerns about physical appearance are a real thing. Due to a recent surgery followed by Covid, I haven’t worked in 5 weeks. Talk about a feeling of loss of control!
Here are some coping strategies brought to you by
- Allow yourself to feel.
- Be patient with the pace of treatment and recovery.
- Be open to change.
- Choose the support that’s right for you.
- Don’t let worries about being a burden keep you from reaching out.
- Talk to someone you trust.
- Adopt a relaxation practice.
- Get enough sleep.
- Be as active as possible.
Doing research for this blog was surprisingly helpful for me personally. If you are compromised, I hope it may help you as well! As always, if we at HDD can help you with any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Jun 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello again! This week’s blog discusses something each of us has or will face at some point and that is drama and its effect on your health. Whether we create it, participate in it or avoid it at all costs, it seems to be prevalent. Lets talk about who, what, when where and why.
Perhaps you’ve been privileged to know at least one “Drama Queen.” If so, you recognize their insatiable thirst for validation that often comes in the form of drama. It takes very little to get the “drama wheels” in motion. Strap yourself in. It can be quite a ride.
The definition of drama is (slang) Rumor, lying or exaggerated reaction to life events; an angry dispute or scene; intrigue or spiteful interpersonal maneuvering. Noun.
If you bear witness to drama, you understand that it is an attention-seeking attitude that can be quite contagious. Those so called “drama queens” enjoy being the center of the lives of everyone around them. It can be physically, mentally and emotionally unhealthy. How do you steer clear and avoid drama like the plague?
Today, gives us advice on how to protect your mental space when overly dramatic people infect you and disturb your peace.
- Remember to accept that they most likely won’t change.
- Expect complicated situations to happen. When they do, remain calm and step away from the drama.
- Remember it is rarely about you and more often about them and their own issues and insecurities.
- Don’t feel obligated to solve their problems, instead, set healthy boundaries and offer only what you can and are able.
- Trust that not everyone appreciates drama. Seek the support of a friend who can relate. Just because you want to be in the loop doesn’t mean you want the drama.
An article from reports that emotional distress can create susceptibility to physical illness. “Emotional health is defined as “being confident and positive and able to cope with the ups and downs of life.” Several epidemiological studies have shown that social and emotional support can protect against premature mortality, prevent illness and aid recovery.
Better Health Channel informs us that “Wellbeing is not just the absence of disease or illness. It’s a complex combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social health factors. Wellbeing is strongly linked to happiness and life satisfaction. In short, wellbeing could be describing as how you feel about yourself and your life.”
If wellbeing isn’t something the describes you, perhaps it is time to make a shift in your paradigm. Let the drama queens relish in their world as you shift into what you truly need and desire in your journey to become your healthiest, happiest, authentic self.
In summary, physical, mental and emotional health go hand in hand. Ditch the drama. If we at HDD can aid in your road to physical health via diagnostic imaging, call us at 505-350-3397.
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