What is Healthy?

What is Healthy?

Here we go, entering what can be the most wonderful time of the year.  It can also be the busiest time of the year.  We put undue stress and expectation on ourselves and others.  We overextend ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.  This whirlwind of a season can take its toll, so remember to take good care of yourself as you embark!



Of course, we all want to take good care of ourselves.  We put it on autopilot and resurrect those tried and true “healthy habits” to help ensure we survive the holidays.  The question is, are the things that I have always thought of as healthy actually healthy?  I did a little research and was reminded that perhaps what we have always abided by may need some revision.



The following are a few examples of some “healthy habits” that could be causing you more harm than good.

  • Relying on supplements to get proper nutrients. Scientists are just beginning to identify the thousands of plant nutrients that can help prevent cancer, hear disease and diabetes, making it impossible to isolate and put in a pill.  Nutrition should come primarily from a balanced diet.
  • Healthy food labels. The words “low carb, natural, heart healthy and low fat” are marketing ploys that make you believe what the packaging says is the entire truth.  Read your label.  If you can’t pronounce or identify the long list of ingredients on some of these highly processed foods, you might want to skip them.
  • Just one drink or only on weekends. If you imbibe, one glass of wine or cocktail can turn into a few.  Alcohol interrupts sleep cycles. Deprivation can lead to binging.  Yes, research indicated red wine offers protective qualities against heart disease but if one turns into many, we may want to evaluate benefit verses risk.  Moderation is a great idea.
  • Eat your veggies. Nope, not always.  My husband says “always use olive oil to cook kale.  It makes it easier to scrape out into the trash!”  Don’t eat what you don’t like.  There are plenty of veggies to choose from.
  • Healthy yogurt? Those flavored yogurts we reach for in the morning are just glorified thawed ice cream. They are loaded with sugar which leads to insulin spikes=potential weight gain.
  • Entirely eliminating carbs. They are not all evil.  While avoiding processed carbs like white sugar, flour, rice and pasta, whole grains have fiber and also foster the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Eating salad. Salad is a great option if you do it properly.  It can also be a dietary nightmare if you load up on toppings and dressings which can make it more calorie dense than a sandwich!


I hope these few examples get you to think or rethink what we believe to be healthy.  Afterall, when you have your health, you have it all.  If we can be instrumental in evaluating or diagnosing your health via diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.

Rose Colored Glasses

Rose Colored Glasses

The blog du jour will discuss something each one of us has extensive experience with.  Let me first start by quoting a dear friend of mine.  “When you do not expect, you will not be disappointed.”  You guessed it.  Today’s topic deals with the sore subject of disappointment. 



Yes, I own a pair of rose-colored glasses and I wear them as often as humanly possible. I’d like to believe optimism (aka rose colored glasses) is the norm, pessimism is the exception, but realism is, well…realistic.  When our rose colored glasses fall off and reality is less than what we desired or expected, we feel disappointed.



What is it that will make you truly happy?  Is it the job promotion, the important title, possessions, love, wealth, health, beauty, or status?  The common misconception is that when we acquire these things, everything else will fall into place.  The reality is that the euphoria you experience from acquiring these things is short lived, followed by a feeling of disappointment.  Where will the next “high” come from?  Researchers describe disappointment as a form of sadness or a painful gap between our expectations and reality.  Although painful, disappointment can actually teach us a valuable lesson about ourselves and others.



Have you experienced disappointment when your “friend” has been speaking disparagingly about you behind your back?  It hurts.   How about when a promise is neglected or forgotten?  Has a scheduled engagement with someone drawn near, and they either pull a “no show” or have to cancel…again? That sure makes you feel like you matter, doesn’t it?  The question becomes, how do we most effectively deal with the disappointment?



If you believe that the agony you feel every step of the way toward your goal will be replaced with a perpetual state of bliss once you achieve it, it may be time for a reality check.  Slow down, open yourself up to new possibilities and in the meantime, enjoy the process, even if it means letting go of your expectations.



Psychology Today reminds us to distinguish between the means and ends, remembering that what we need to do to get what we want may be different from the end result.  Consider that there are ways of reaching goals that you may not be aware of.   This takes tolerance, practice and patience.  Try letting go of your expectations and see if you can lessen your feelings of disappointment.



We understand that a less than ideal diagnosis or prognosis can be disappointing and down right scary.  Ask questions, listen and learn.  Put on your rose-colored glasses and look for the possibility of remission, recovery and better health.  A positive attitude, science and the power of prayer have been known to produce miracles!  If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.

Thanksgiving 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

Hello!  As always, thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog. We are gearing up for another holiday season.  Time is flying.   For various reasons, it has been a couple of weeks since I last published a blog.  I wanted to make sure I wrote in time to wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving!



A favorite holiday is just days away.  Many of us stick with tradition.  Others may choose to treat it as just another calendar day.  Whatever your situation is, remember the day is less about the menu or the number of souls around the table and more about simply being grateful.



We tend to focus on gratitude especially on Thanksgiving Day.  How about the other 364 days?  A daily practice of gratitude can help you focus on the positive things occurring in your life instead of harping on the negative.  If you are feeling bummed, a reminder to refocus on your abundance rather than lack can actually help you feel happier.



“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

-Eckhart Tolle


“This is a wonderful day.  I’ve never seen this one before.”

-Maya Angelou


“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

-Charles Dickens


“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”

-William Arthur Ward


“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not but rejoices for those which he has.”



“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and see that they were big things.”

-Robert Brault


“Appreciation is a wonderful thing.  It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”




The expression to take for granted means “to accept without question or objection,” and often implies a lack of appreciation or gratitude.  We all do it at one point or another.  Don’t ever assume you will always have it.  Maybe it is time to re-examine your life and think about the things you take for granted.



We wake up each day assuming we will feel fine or at least better.  A healthy mind and body bring freedom that we take for granted until we no longer have it.   Take precautions, be aware, pay attention and don’t take your good health for granted.



Each of us at HDD extend a wish for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday to you and yours.  Remember, when diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.



Today’s blog comes to you from a chilly fall afternoon in Albuquerque.  It is that time when our weather changes dramatically and as I write, I’m chilled to the bone.  This indicates that Halloween is right around the corner.  I was contemplating what to write about for this week’s blog when I stumbled upon last year’s Halloween blog and decided it has some information about your bones that are worth repeating.



The following bit of information is a reminder about how important your bones are.  Hopkinsmedicine.org tells us that bone is living tissue that makes up the body’s skeleton.  Your skeleton provides shape and support for your body as well as protection for your organs.  Bones also serve as a storage site for minerals and provides marrow for the development and storage of blood cells.



The human skeleton is actually a pretty complex piece of machinery.  Here are a few fun facts about the bones of a human body that might be of interest to you.

  • The adult body has 206 of them.
  • There are 26 bones in the foot.
  • The hand including the wrist contains 54 bones.
  • The femur, or thighbone, is the longest and strongest bone of the skeleton.
  • The stapes, in the middle ear, is the smallest and lightest bone.
  • Arms are among the most commonly broken bones accounting for almost half of all adults’ broken bones.
  • The collarbone is the most commonly broken bone among children.
  • The only bone not connected to another is the hyoid, a V-shaped bone located at the base of the tongue.
  • Bones are made up of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and collagen as well as other minerals.



An article in www.bones.nih.gov tells us that bone is living, growing tissue and is made mostly of collagen. Collagen is a protein that provides a soft framework and calcium phosphate is a mineral that adds strength and hardens the framework.  This combination makes bone strong and flexible enough to withstand stress.



The fact is that ultrasound cannot penetrate bone.  It can only see the outer surface of bony structures and joints and the soft tissues surrounding them. If you sustain an injury that results in pain or swelling, your healthcare provider might recommend medical imaging such as X-ray.  It is useful for looking at bones and dense tissues in your body.  Ultrasound can however produce pictures of muscles, tendons ligaments, nerves, and joints through the body.



If and when you and your healthcare provider determine diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, we will move our bones as fast as possible to get you taken care of in the most expeditious, professional and courteous manner!  Call us at 505-350-3397.  Have a safe and fun All Hallows Eve!

Back That Truck Up!

Back That Truck Up!

Welcome back!  I hope today finds you happy and well to the degree that you are able to feel happy and well.  They say it is your choice about how you feel today. Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps you are happy, sad, anxious, calm, sick or well.  What kind of self-talk do you have going on in your noggin right now?



Self-talk is that internal monologue that happens between our ears all day every day.  Life is a roller coaster and although we want to feel the euphoria of the highs, we can all expect to dip into the lows.  When the lows inevitably hit, how best do we improve our self-talk until we are able make the shift?



We all do it.  You know, the occasional bashing we give ourselves…

  • It’s too good to be true.
  • Story of my life.
  • I don’t deserve it.
  • I’m an idiot.
  • I’m fat and ugly.
  • I always feel crappy.
  • It’s a waste of time.
  • Same sh!# different day.
  • I suck.
  • I’m such a chicken.
  • Everything I touch falls apart.
  • I’m just not good enough.



The fact is you are good enough, you don’t suck, it isn’t a waste of time and you are beautiful just as you are.  Just stop all of that negativity!  Back this truck up and try these on for size.

  • I forgive myself for past mistakes.
  • I am capable.
  • Today is a new day.
  • I love myself for who I am.
  • I am deserving.
  • I am proud of myself for trying.
  • I feel better today.
  • I am smart and talented.
  • I deserve to be happy.
  • I’m courageous and confident.
  • I have so much to be grateful for.
  • Dang, I look good!



That inner voice packs a punch and has an impact on how you feel and what you do.  Your physical, mental and emotional health can be affected by your inner dialogue.  Healthdirect.com says that self-talk can be supportive and beneficial or it can be your inner critic undermining your confidence.  Positive self-talk takes practice.  Try seeing the glass half full.




Blair Enns once said, “You can’t read the label from inside the jar.”  If you are feeling overwhelmed, attempt to climb your way out of the jar or enlist the help of an accountability partner to give you a hand. Don’t be nervous.  Allow yourself to see things from a different perspective.  Remember, change is constant, growth is optional.



Your health is the most important thing.  Better health requires effort on your part as well as collaboration with your healthcare provider. If your provider determines diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, let our kind, professional and experienced staff at HDD help you through a quick, easy, painless ultrasound exam. It is a valuable tool to assess many health concerns.  Stay positive, happy and well. You are worth it!  If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397