

Hello! I’m glad you stopped by.  We are a couple of weeks into 2023.  How are you doing with your new year intention?  Did those ubiquitous vices like tobacco, junk food, double martinis and couch surfing re-emerge as the rule rather than the exception?  If so, take heart.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  It’s not to late for a re-set.



Speaking of vices and those things that are supposed to be both good and bad for you, let’s do a little review.  Remember the olden days when eggs, butter and salt were supposed to be the evils of the nutritional world?  That is currently old news.  The aforementioned are now healthy dietary staples according to today’s findings.



Those of us who have had a few revolutions around the sun will recall the old fashioned “food pyramid” and the evils of certain foods.  New studies has proven to debunk these antiquated ideas.  Unless you do some research into the new findings, you may find yourself a bit confused and salty.  What are we supposed to believe?



Today is not the intermittent fasting blog.  That will be the brainchild in the coming weeks, however I did want to mention it today.  What John and I learned among myriad information is the necessity for a small amount of sodium consumption especially while fasting.  Salt is not necessarily the evil it was once thought to be and actually necessary to replace electrolytes.



Too much sodium has been linked to conditions including high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is that is has numerous benefits.  Saltwater rinses are a natural remedy for those with gum disease, mouth sores or infections. Folks require sodium in moderation to conduct nerve impulses, contract and relax muscles and maintain the proper balance of water.  Salt deficiency is a real thing.  Look it up.



Yes, there are many choices when choosing your preferred salt including iodized table salt, kosher salt, sea salt, black and pink Himalayan salt.  Did I miss any?  All types of salt are made of sodium chloride and contain minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium.  Try to opt for natural salt and avoid table salt as it is heavily processed.



Today, instead of harping on the deleterious effects of sodium, let’s tout the benefits.

  • Helps you stay hydrated
  • Promotes good vascular health
  • Balances electrolytes and prevents muscle cramping
  • Supports a healthy nervous system



In summary, it is imperative to do your research and check with your provider to determine what is best for you.  Suffice it to say, diagnostic ultrasound cannot see nor determine your appropriate sodium level. It can however help diagnose heart and vascular disease, blood clots, abnormal growths, gallstones, aortic aneurysm, kidney or bladder stones just to name a few.  If we can be of assistance with your ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.

Gut Feeling

Gut Feeling

Today’s blog asks the question, “Do you ever have a gut feeling?”  Of course you do.  We all do.  What we are now finding is that there is more of a gut/brain connection than previously thought.



The medical community is now realizing that gut health and its incredible complexity is more important than ever to our overall health.  In the past two decades, numerous studies have shown links between gut health and the immune system, mood, mental health, autoimmune diseases, endocrine disorders, skin conditions and cancer.


WHAT’S THE CONNECTION? suggests that your brain and gut communicate via the vagus nerve.  Recently researchers have come to realize the gut serotonin regulates emotions in a much more complex way than originally thought.  Not only can your emotions influence your gut, but your gut can influence your emotions.



Our digestive system was once thought to be a relatively simple body system comprised of one long tube.  You eat, it passes through, then comes out the other end.  Simple right?  Not so fast.  According to Dr. E. M. Quigley, his study on gut bacteria says having a variety of “good gut bacteria” can enhance your immune system function, improve symptoms of depression, help combat obesity and provide numerous other benefits.  Not as simple as previously thought.



  • Upset stomach
  • A high sugar diet
  • Unintentional weight changes
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Constant fatigue
  • Skin irritation
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Food intolerance



For one, you can try lowering your stress level which is hard on your body, including your gut.  Try getting 7-8 hours of uninterrupted shut eye.  Eat slowly so you can get full digestion and absorption of nutrients, which help reduce digestive discomfort and maintain a healthy gut.  Drink up.  No, not martinis.   Staying hydrated has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the mucosal lining of the intestine as well as on the balance of “good” bacteria in the gut.  Consult your doc before you try prebiotics. They can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, while probiotics are live good bacteria.  Check for food intolerances.  If you have abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, nausea, fatigue and acid reflux just to name a few, you may have a food intolerance and might want to consider changing your eating habits.



Can gut health be the key to happiness?  Tone up your digestive system. Keep both brains happy and healthy and moving. When waste passes out of your body in an efficient manner, your gut will produce chemicals like serotonin that keep you feeling good.



If you and your doc have a “gut feeling” that you may need an ultrasound exam, give us a call.  Although we are unable to see much in the gut or intestines via ultrasound, there are many other things we can see.  Our number is 505-350-3397.  We are waiting to hear from you!

New Year 2023

New Year 2023

The 2022 holiday season is history.  I hope it was happy and healthy.  It can be hectic yet magical, for some it can also be a lonesome time. This was a happy yet hectic time for me.   So hectic in fact that New Year’s Day crept up when I realized I don’t have a fresh 2023 blog.  A recycle from last year will have to do.  I hope it gives you some healthy reminders.



Happy new year!!! How many of us made a new year resolution for 2023?  I for one, will raise my hand.   Interestingly enough, they sound like some I’ve made in the past.  Seriously, who doesn’t want to drop a few pounds, save money, plan a trip, get a job you don’t hate, work out more, and get it better health?  Do you have the courage it takes to make a change?



After the meditation portion of a yoga class I attended, the Yogi gave her thoughts about the new year and the idea of resolutions. She said, she prefers not to say the word resolution. It implies, what you were doing was not good enough. She prefers the word intention.



If you live a relatively healthy lifestyle, but occasionally fall off the wagon I’d say you have good intentions.  Keep up the good work.  If you are a junk food junkie, lazy, with an addiction or two, look on the bright side, there is always tomorrow. Remember, no one is perfect.



Since we are on the subject of “no one is perfect”, I’d venture to say many of us lack the courage to be imperfect.  Chew on that one for a minute. I listened to Brene Brown on YouTube this week, she is a research professor at the University of Houston.  She has spent many years studying courage, vulnerability, empathy and shame.  A question she asks is,” Do you have the willingness to step into the arena of vulnerability?”



I imagine each of us has been afraid of the judgment of others at one time or another. Heaven forbid, what if we aren’t good enough, smart enough, thin enough, successful enough, important enough or attractive enough?  Are we busy judging others as well as ourselves?



Brene Brown goes on to say that we are the most in debt, obese, over medicated and addicted society in US history.  I get it.  Life is hectic.  Is it any wonder we need to numb ourselves a bit, then end up with an addiction to something that actually made us feel good for a time? The numbing effects of substance abuse can be devastating on your mind, body and soul.



Make choices that will help make you happy, healthy and well. Not necessarily resolutions, but intention and courage could be the key to a better and healthier you.  Today is a great day to start!

If we at HDD can help, as always, call us at 505-350-3397.


Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022

It is finally here!  Please allow each and every one of us at High Desert Doppler to wish you a very Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Diwali or simply another joyous holiday season.  Whatever this season holds for you, make it a peaceful, healthy, memorable celebration!



In the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle, slow down, take some deep breaths, chill and enjoy. I hope by now we have come to understand that it isn’t all about material gifts.  Consider the gifts of health, love, kindness, compassion, patience, and understanding.



“It came without ribbons.  It came without tags.  It came without packages, boxes or bags.  And he puzzled and puzzled ‘till his puzzler was sore.  Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before.  What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store.  What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

-Dr. Seuss



In pursuit of a happy healthy holiday season, the following suggestions from are not only good ideas to help you navigate the holidays, but every day.

  • Don’t let a busy season or a stressful life compromise your health. It is suggested that you take a few minutes each and every day just for you.
  • Make time to prepare family meals at home. During the holidays, it is easy to resort to restaurant fare, party platters, Uber Eats, Grub Hub or other unhealthy fattening fast food.
  • Schedule exercise. It doesn’t matter how you move.  Just move.  Remember, motion is lotion for your joints.
  • Avoid trying some new pre or post-holiday fad diet to shed those extra pounds. Be kind to yourself.  Be sensible with your weight loss strategies and goals.
  • Be sure to get 6-8 hours of sleep each day.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Do less and enjoy more!



The holidays can keep us busy and can distract us from things that require attention.  You are the best judge of your health and wellness.  As the holiday season grinds to a halt, take time to relax.  Be still and do frequent body scans from head to toe.  Assess how you are feeling.  Don’t ignore it.  If something doesn’t look or feel right, concerns you or requires attention, make the call, schedule the appointment, get scanned and get tested.  Get informed and get healthy.



At HDD, we celebrate Christmas.  From the bottom of our hearts, John, myself and each one of our prized team members thank you for being an important part of our role in providing you with diagnostic ultrasound and x-ray.  Allow us to wish you the safest, happiest, healthiest, and very merriest Christmas ever.  See you next year!

Where Does Fat Go?

Where Does Fat Go?

Today’s blog is a re-run that I believe is worth repeating as the holidays near. Ohhhh…that pesky weight gain.  Packing on a couple of extra pounds due to Covid, boredom, depression, or approaching holidays tends to happen.  Raise your hand if you fall into this category.  Yep, me too.  I imagine we should start thinking about how to lose those pesky extra pounds.



How does one realistically go about weight loss?  Oprah Winfrey is notorious for yo-yo dieting.  Do you recall back in 1988 when she lost an amazing 67 pounds?  On her show she looked skinny, wore tiny jeans and behind her she pulled a little red wagon full of 67 pounds of fat to represent the amount of weight she lost.



Well, I’m sure Oprah’s stagehands took that 67 pounds of lard and heaved it in the dumpster.  If only it were that easy.  The question becomes, when one loses weight, where does it go?  If you believe that when we lose fat we eliminate it via the colon or during urination, you are partially correct.  The rest is a bit surprising.


ALL IS LOST reports, as the process of fat loss progresses, fat cells shrink drastically in size.  The byproducts are converted to carbon dioxide and water.  84% of fat loss is exhaled!  You exhale the carbon dioxide and the water mixes into your circulation until it is lost as urine or sweat (which is the remaining 16%.)  In other words, nearly all the weight we lose is exhaled.  Disposal of these byproducts is greatly elevated during exercise due to increased breathing and sweating.  Who knew?



I knew you’d ask.  NO, breathing more will not make you lose weight.  No need to huff and puff till you pass out.  The only way you can consciously increase the amount of carbon dioxide your body is producing is by moving your muscles.  Nice try!



When you lose fat, these same cells can shrink although their number remains roughly the same.  The primary reason for changes in body shape is a reduced size of fat cells and not the number of them.  This means if you don’t maintain weight loss, they can easily grow in size again.



The above mentioned are fun and interesting facts about fat and weight loss.  You may wonder how this relates to ultrasound.  Another fact is that obesity interferes with ultrasound assessment because it is difficult for ultrasound wave signals to penetrate fat to picture the organs underneath.  As a result, the image becomes unreadable.



Don’t panic!  If you need an ultrasound, a few extra COVID pounds are not going to make an image unreadable.  If you are sporting significantly more than a few pounds, for the sake of your health, you may consider trying to get that extra weight off.  It is a work in progress one day at a time.

If we can help with your ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.