

It’s time again for the hump day blog.  I hope this week finds you happy, healthy and ready to tackle the rest of the week. I’m sure today is filled to the brim with a laundry list of “to do’s” that grows by the minute.  Where on earth do we begin?  Unless you are in intermittent faster, let’s start with breakfast.



Try starting your day with the most difficult item on your to do list.  John always calls the most arduous tasks of the day “eating frogs.”  If you tackle the most undesirable things first, other tasks become much more palatable.  If you eat a frog for breakfast, everything else you eat that day tastes better!




Was it a successful day or did you encounter a failure?  In attempting to keep the blogs uplifting and positive, let’s substitute the word feedback for failure.  If things didn’t go exactly as you anticipated today, think about the kind of feedback you received that made you realize there are improvements to be made.  Don’t get your knickers in a twist.  Remember there is a new selection on the breakfast menu tomorrow morning.  Wake up with a powerful hunger to swallow that frog, deal with that issue, have that conversation then move on!



The biggest problem you face today could be the thing that teaches you your greatest lesson.  Are you tuned in and receptive?  Look for opportunities in opposition.  Hear the word feedback instead of failure.  If at first you don’t succeed, keep after it.  Don’t back down.  Develop a taste for frogs!



Have you ever been accused of being stubborn?  I’m guilty as charged.  It is probably not one of the finer personality traits we possess.  Think about why you do the things you do.  Is it because it is the correct way, or is it because it is your way?  Perhaps someone else might have an idea that can be even more workable than the one you conjured up.  Try this experiment.  Stop being stubborn.



Let me ask you this.  How is your health?  I’d be rich if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard someone way, “If I have something wrong with me, I don’t want to know.”  Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn’t need to be part of your vocabulary.  Illness or disease doesn’t give a rip if you are a procrastinator, don’t prefer frogs or are just plain stubborn.  Listen to your body.  If you have concerns or symptoms, get checked.  The colonoscopy is not comfortable, the MRI is scary, ultrasound is unfamiliar and needles make your knees weak.  Are these good excuses to not get checked?  Only if you aren’t interested in early detection and prevention.



Why don’t you check the box on your to do list and eat that frog that has been trying to get your attention.  It is the breakfast of champions.  If it involves diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.

Eye Contact

Eye Contact

Today’s blog inspiration comes from a social/business luncheon I recently attended.  There were approximately 75 people in attendance.  I observed different interactions among the crowd.  Some were extroverts and had no problem shaking hands and looking you in the eye.  Others felt more comfortable from the safety of their table.



I fall into the extrovert category and can make conversation with a rock.  Those in the introvert category may want to avoid folks like me like the plague.  I observed those who made eye contact and those who chose not to.  There is no good, bad, right or wrong, simply an observation in non-verbal communication.



These interactions got me thinking, “I wonder what my eyes are saying?”  If asked, I would say my eye contact would convey a welcoming, approachable kind of person. Others might avoid such contact as it could be awkward and uncomfortable. It is a fact that people can communicate with their eyes while never uttering a sound.  Our eyes can communicate emotion and interest or lack thereof.



Those who looked me in the eye made me feel as though my presence mattered.  Seriously, who doesn’t want to feel like they matter?  Eye contact may not come easy to everyone. As a matter of fact, it can be downright painful for some. Although it is normal and natural for many of us, it is definitely an acquired skill yet a very important one.



A few years ago, John and I sat in a meeting with a prominent politician here in town. There were three gentlemen in the meeting as well as myself. This politician went on his diatribe, shared eye contact with the other two gentlemen yet not once did he make eye contact with me.  My assumption was that he didn’t desire my presence. Perhaps that wasn’t his intention but that’s what his lack of eye contact conveyed to me. To this day when I hear his name, I’m simply not a fan.



Eye contact during a conversation is vital (crucial really) and shows attentiveness and interest in what is being said. Similar to a conversation, eye contact goes back and forth between those who are engaged in a discussion.



An interesting fact from  says research has shown that eye contact activates the limbic mirror system. This means that the same neurons that are firing in someone’s brain will also fire in yours when you share eye contact with them.   Interesting!  Eye contact shows and earns respect. Looking away too quickly when you break eye contact can make you appear nervous, shy or lack confidence.



If I could see you, I’d look you directly in the eye and tell you that if you and your provider determine diagnostic ultrasound it indicated, you have come to the right place.  You can expect outstanding, prompt and professional service from our team of friendly, experienced and qualified staff from your first phone call to the final report that is delivered to your provider.  Call us at 505-350-3397.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

Today’s blog is something I find interesting and would not have given much credence to prior to a few months ago.  That is before I did some extensive research.   The subject matter is intermittent fasting.  Why you ask?  Let me tell you what I’ve learned.



A few months ago, I rejected the idea of intermittent fasting.  I lumped it into the category with other fad diets, weight loss gimmicks and other nonsensical miracle quick fixes. Research is showing that it has numerous health benefits including but not limited to weight loss!



Intermittent fasting means that you don’t eat for a period of time each day or week. There are different approaches from alternate day fasting to daily time restricted fasting. Obviously, approaches and results vary.




Fasting changes where your body gets its energy. Typically, your energy comes from sugar. If you eat continually or sporadically while awake and don’t exercise, your body runs on the calories you consume. If you don’t use all the sugar you ingest during the day, your body stores it as fat. When you go for hours without eating, your body eventually runs out of stored sugars to use. Instead, it begins to burn fat for energy.  If you opt for intermittent fasting, be active throughout the day so you don’t lose muscle while torching fat.




Losing weight and being physically active helps lower your risk of obesity related diseases such as diabetes, sleep apnea and some types of cancer. gives us a few evidence- based benefits of intermittent fasting (AKA IF).

  • IF helps you eat fewer calories while boosting slightly metabolism. It’s an effective tool to lose weight and visceral fat.
  • IF decreases your risk for diabetes by controlling blood sugar and reducing your body’s resistance to insulin, the hormone that helps control the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • IF reduces oxidative damage and inflammation in the body helping to slow the aging process and the development of numerous diseases.
  • Studies show that IF can improve numerous risk factors for heart disease such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and inflammatory markers.
  • Fasting triggers a metabolic pathway called autophagy which removes waste material from cells.
  • IF may have important benefits for brain health. It may increase growth of new neurons, protect the brain from damage as well as neuro degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.



While intermittent fasting is safe for many people it is not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have kidney stones, diabetes, eating disorders or other medical issues, consult your health care provider.  Although it’s not always easy, it is definitely not difficult and like anything else, it requires patience and commitment to reap the benefits.



I hope you found the content of today’s blog interesting and informative. John and I are planning on this IF endeavor to become part of a healthier lifestyle. Whatever lifestyle or improved health plan you embark upon, if you and your health care provider determine diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.



Today’s blog may seem a bit random but coincidentally, it is not.  Have you ever noticed how certain things come to you exactly “at the right time?”  Some call it coincidence. Others of us believe it is perfect vibrational harmony, synchronicity or divine intervention and has little to do with chance or coincidence.  What do you think?



There seems to be many well-known people passing away lately.  John and I have attended more funerals and bid adieu to numerous friends, family and acquaintances in the last 2 years than we have in our lifetime.   We weep for their passing yet smile and celebrate that we got to love, honor and respect them.



Today, I was reflecting on the whole death, funeral, and celebration of life experience.   Interestingly enough, I came across a quote by the late, great Dr. Seuss, aka Theodore Geisel.  It said, “Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened.”  How profound is that?  I needed to hear that, and it came to me exactly at the right time which I believe was no coincidence.



Dr. Wayne Dyer reminds us, “In mathematics, two angles that are said to coincide fit together perfectly.  The word coincidence does not describe luck or mistakes.  It describes what which fits together perfectly.”  Is it any coincidence that you are in good health with a fit mind, body and spirit because you eat well, exercise, meditate, pray, take care of yourself and have a positive attitude?  I think not.  Nor is it a coincidence that you can be overweight, stressed and in poor health because of a poor diet, lack of exercise, indulging in vices and nursing a bad attitude.



With the passage of time, we need to come to grips with the fact that nothing is as it was.  Our situations change, our surroundings change, our bodies change, our hearts change and our minds change.  Accept what is.  Many believe things happen in divine order and will happen when they should, as they should and there are no coincidences.



“Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened.”  Those near and dear who have transitioned recently would have especially loved this Dr. Seuss quote and the synchronistic way it came into our reality at the time it did. The celebration of their life was not goodbye, instead until we meet again.




It is no coincidence that if you have the need for a diagnostic ultrasound exam, we have an opening in our schedule for you.  In most cases, we offer same day service.  If extenuating circumstances don’t allow same day service, we can see you the following day.  The exception is echocardiograms which are scheduled on Tuesdays due to staffing.   Your health can’t wait 6 months or until we get a cancellation. Our team of highly qualified and experienced staff are ready to take your call and get your exam done in the most expedient of manners.  Call us at 505-350-3397

Be Still My Heart

Be Still My Heart

We are only a few weeks into the new year and it seems like so much has happened already.  Before we get into the meat of this blog, let me share my wish that you are happy, well and taking extremely good care of yourself by eating right, exercising and having your health checked regularly.



Let’s dive right into the meat of today’s blog.  We are aware that Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamil collapsed on the field recently suffering sudden cardiac arrest. Just last week the world was shocked by the loss of Lisa Marie Presley to cardiac arrest as well.  What’s going on?



I overheard a conversation recently where a woman said she didn’t understand the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest.  How many others don’t understand the difference?



According to American Heart Association, people often use the two terms interchangeably but they are not the same. A heart attack is when blood flowing to the heart is blocked. When this occurs, it prevents oxygen rich blood from reaching a section of the heart. If the blocked artery is not reopened quickly that part of the heart normally nourished by the artery begins to die.  The longer a person goes without treatment the greater the damage.



Sudden cardiac arrest often occurs without warning. It happens when an electrical malfunction in the heart causes an irregular heartbeat also known as arrhythmia. With its pumping action disrupted, the heart can’t pump blood to the brain, lungs and other organs. When this occurs, a person loses consciousness and has no pulse. Death occurs within minutes if the victim doesn’t receive treatment.



These two heart conditions are linked. Sudden cardiac arrest can occur after a heart attack or during recovery. Heart attacks increase the risk for sudden cardiac arrest. Many heart attacks don’t immediately lead to sudden cardiac arrest, but when cardiac arrest occurs heart attack is a common cause.



Call 911! Every second counts. Starting today, review your CPR so you can perform it when necessary.  Begin CPR until EMS arrives.  They are trained to provide resuscitation efforts if your heart has stopped. People with chest pain who arrive by ambulance could receive treatment faster at the hospital.



I am not a medical professional.  I am collecting important information in the aftermath of some pretty substantial public episodes and reporting it to you.  That being said, John and I have a friend/colleague who is an expert in the field of cardiology.  Dr. Harvey White is the founder of the Heart Hospital of New Mexico and now Vessel Health, which is dedicated to improving cardiovascular health and treatment but most importantly, focusing on prevention and a proactive approach to personal wellness.



We at HDD work closely with Dr. White using diagnostic ultrasound as a tool to diagnose heart conditions as well as cardiovascular health in general.  If you have questions or concerns, make the call, run the tests and take preventive action.  Take care of your heart!