by Kristi Jain | Apr 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
This time of year makes me a little nostalgic and turns my blog writing into a trip down memory lane. Many just celebrated Easter, spring is officially here and summer is right around the corner. Vacations are being planned. Lots of spring and summer activities center around friends and family, if you are lucky enough to have them and healthy enough to enjoy them.
Occasionally I’ve envied those with large families who gather for vacations and large celebrations. Although we have wonderful smaller celebrations, we have no large family or no such gatherings. I do miss those special times with my parents. My mom passed away 15 years ago and my dad followed the love of his life a short 11 months later. Why am I telling you this? Read on.
My folks were truly remarkable people. I can very clearly see my mom’s beautiful face and can still hear my dad’s powerful words. They loved each other fiercely. He used to tell her “Love, when they made you, they threw away the mold!” No one could ever fill my mom’s shoes (nor dad’s for that matter) nor should anyone even try. Any such mold no longer exists.
Speaking of mold, what if we don’t exactly fit into the standard mold? We’ve all taken tests or filled out forms that require you to “Check the appropriate box.” How many of us have found ourselves unable to fill out the box provided when it don’t exactly apply? It has been awhile since I have been required to check the box. Surely by this time, they should have a box that says, “Create your own box.”
Have you seen those goofy articles of clothing that claim, “One size fits all?” Give me a break! I’m no fashion designer however I am aware that there is a difference between a size 2 and an 18. I can guarantee the same thing will not fit both. Times are changing and our individuality is being respected. Not everyone thinks, feels or looks the same. It’s okay to check your own box because when they made you, they threw away the mold!
Like clothing, one medical event, circumstance or diagnosis does not fit all. Simply because you may display similar symptoms as someone else, do not rely on their “expertise” or experience. You should never self-diagnose, rely on “Dr. Google” or heaven forbid share medication.
If you have a medical question or condition that concerns you, don’t lump yourself into a standard mold or check the box that doesn’t fit your situation. Your circumstances are unique. Consult your provider. One size does not fit all. We at HDD wish you health and happiness so you can enjoy this beautiful new season. If you and your provider ever determine that diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Apr 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
This week’s blog was inspired from several visits I’ve recently had with various healthcare providers. My mom used to tell me “Don’t get old because it isn’t for weenies.” Well mom, getting old beats the heck out of the alternative. Read on to see how your next visit can actually be pleasant!
Every healthcare provider along with their staff that I’ve seen have been very pleasant. When we visit our providers, we have certain expectations. News flash. They have the same for us. Is that news to anyone? What are those expectations?
When seeing our provider, we expect to be seen promptly, treated respectfully, informed thoroughly, instructed completely and made to feel like we matter. What exactly do our providers expect from us? It is our responsibility to arrive on time. Have you ever had your provider run late? Of course you have. If your appointment is at 1:00 o’clock, you expect to be seen at 1:00 o’clock, right? Not so fast. Occasionally unforeseen circumstances arise where your provider must spend extra time with a patient, hence they run behind. Please exercise patience. If you need extra time, you will want your provider to take that time with you as well. Trust everyone is doing the very best they can!
Obviously we treat the provider and staff with courtesy and respect. We abide by their rules regarding masks, smoking, noise and use of our devices while in their facility. If we opt to not follow recommendations or refuse treatment plans, we are responsible for what transpires. We are responsible for paying our deductible, out of pocket or any other expenses regarding our care. It is also our responsibility for respecting their property, their rights and the rights of others.
Prior to a recent eye exam, I made sure my teeth were brushed and I popped 2 breath mints before I was face to face with my ophthalmologist. It’s called respect. Your dentist, proctologist, gynecologist and podiatrist have seemingly extra unpleasant jobs. If we can make their job a bit more pleasant by exercising a little extra personal care, I’m certain it won’t go unappreciated!
IT TAKES A VILLAGE gives us a few pointers in building a strong relationship with your health care provider.
- Be prepared for your appointment and be on time.
- Prioritize health issues you want to discuss.
- Follow COVID and other safety precautions.
- Bring a companion to your appointment when necessary.
- Be honest with your physician.
- Be sure you understand your care plan.
- Communicate with your physician and familiarize yourself with the patient portal.
- Follow your care plan.
- Be kind, patient and understanding.
Trust that the team at HDD are doing their very best to get you seen promptly, professionally and courteously. In turn we appreciate the effort you put forth. Together we can make it one of the most pleasant medical appointments you will experience. If we can help with any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Apr 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog reminds us that things are not always as they appear. Not everyone thinks like we think, understands what we understand or knows what we know. Often we are misunderstood or misinterpreted. What is black or white to one, is 256 shades of gray to another (only sonographers can appreciate that reference.)
High Desert Doppler does diagnostic ultrasound imaging. When naming our company, it wasn’t a consideration that some might mistake doppler ultrasound for doppler radar. If I had a dime for every time someone asked me if our company predicts weather, I’d be rich. Since I’m not, I’ll continue writing blogs.
In 1842, an Austrian physicist by the name of Christian Doppler proposed that the Doppler effect (or Doppler shift) is a noticeable change in frequency or wavelength of a wave for an observer moving relative to the source of the waves. If that didn’t bore you to tears, please continue on. It gets better. While the above explanation may be simple to some, it may be a bit unclear to another.
In regular English, I would like to explain what we do. When doing an ultrasound exam, a handheld instrument called a transducer is moved over the surface of the skin. It emits high frequency sound (inaudible to human ears) to develop ultrasound images of what’s happening inside the body. It then records the echoes as the sound waves bounce back to determine the size, shape and consistency of soft tissues and organs. This information is relayed in real time to produce images on a computer screen. This technology is invaluable because of its ability to help diagnose and treat certain conditions. What you may not know is that unlike x-rays, ultrasound poses no health risk.
Ultrasound imaging can be very helpful to your provider during procedures because it is truly the eyes and ears of what is going on inside the body that may otherwise not be seen. If you have ever had a needle biopsy, a surgical procedure or an injection that must be very precise, ultrasound can help guide your provider to the exact spot where he or she needs to be.
When some hear the word ultrasound, they think of pregnancy, babies and gender reveal parties. What you may not realize is that there are many different types of ultrasound.
Ultrasound imaging includes breast, prostate, venous, echocardiography, musculoskeletal, pelvic, carotid arteries, arterial, aorta, and abdominal imaging just to name a few.
The gang at High Desert Doppler are some of the best around. They are some of the most highly skilled, credentialed, experienced bunch around. Have you heard the famous tagline “You’re in good hands with Allstate?” Make no mistake, you are in good hands with High Desert Doppler. If your provider determines diagnostic imagine is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Mar 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
The change of the season is upon us. It is the transition from chilly, dark winter days to breezy warmer springtime weather. Some embrace the change and others resist. The fact is we don’t have a choice, or do we?
We have no control over the change of seasons, daylight savings time or thermometer readings, however, there are many things that we can control. How about your healthcare? The answer is yes, you have control over your healthcare. For the most part, you have a choice as to who you see, when you see them, but not always why you see them.
Many of us never see a healthcare provider until something is wrong. That is ludicrous! Although there is no “One size fits all” rule about the frequency that you see your provider, it all depends on your overall health and age. If you aren’t sick, why you should waste your time? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Right? Wrong! The fact is that you should establish a relationship with a trusted healthcare provider that is your “go to” in sickness and in health.
What are the benefits of establishing a relationship with a primary care provider? For one, they will get a full medical history of your overall health. You will get individualized care, treatment, management of chronic disease and preventative management of dangers or risks early on. You establish familiarity and trust which is important so they can diagnose and treat your exact individual needs.
Think about it. You don’t wait until your brakes fail to get the pads and rotors changed. You don’t wait until your transmission blows to check the oil and you don’t wait till you are stranded on the roadside before you check your gas gauge. Then why do we wait for something to go wrong with our bodies before we get a checkup? It is called preventive maintenance and you should take it very seriously.
If you have ever had the situation arise where you need a healthcare provider or a specialist, and you don’t have one, then you know that is a jungle out there. How are you at jumping through hoops? If you don’t have a primary care provider, may I suggest you find one now. They can and will help you navigate the healthcare jungle. If you don’t have a primary provider, ask around for recommendations to help find one you feel comfortable with.
Routine checkups are a great idea. Tests, labs and screenings are performed to hopefully confirm your wellness. If that is not the case, tests can detect abnormalities early. If an abnormal result occurs, you can get treatment and the healing process underway as soon as possible, because it is indeed a process. Your wellness is our concern. If HDD can assist you with any diagnostic ultrasound testing that you may require, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Mar 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog discusses something we all deal with on a daily basis. It pertains to things we do and why we do them. I was reminded of a quote from Dr. Phil Mc Graw that inspired today’s blog. The quote asks, “What’s your payoff?”
Either you love him or hate him. Whatever the case may be, Dr. Phil has indeed delivered some pearls of wisdom. He succinctly said, “People do what works. You will not maintain any behavior that is not providing you with some kind of payoff.”
Below, I will be quoting Dr. Phil’s words. They are not my brainchild. I do find it interesting how the right person, words, article, book or situation will find their way to you at the time you need it. Allow me to share.
#1: Either you get it or you don’t. Become the one who gets it.
#2: You create your own experience. Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. Understand your role in creating results.
#3: People do what works. Identify the payoffs that drive your behavior and that of others.
#4: You cannot change what you do not acknowledge. Get real with yourself about life and everybody in it. Be truthful about what isn’t working in your life. Stop making excuses and start making results.
#5: Life rewards action. Make careful decisions and pull the trigger. Learn that the world couldn’t care less about thoughts without actions.
#6: There is no reality, only perception. Identify the filters through which you view the world. Acknowledge your history without being controlled by it.
#7: Life is managed; It is not cured. Learn to take charge of your life and hold on. This is a long ride, and you are the driver every single day.
#8: We teach people how to treat us. Own, rather than complain about, how people treat you. Learn to renegotiate your relationships to have what you want.
#9: There is power in forgiveness. Open your eyes to what anger and resentment are doing to you. Take your power back from those who have hurt you.
#10: You have to name it before you can claim it. Get clear about what you want and take your turn.
The above mentioned advice pertains to life in general as well as your health. You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, I’ve actually heard people say, “If I have something wrong with me, I don’t want to know.” The phrase “Early detection can save lives” hits home deeply for me, as I lost my sister because early detection didn’t happen. By the way, cancer sucks.
Our payoff at HDD is that we get to practice what we are excellent at. Diagnostic ultrasound. We get to practice in a lovely office with an amazing staff. We are honored to work with an incredible network of healthcare professionals and get to work with YOU. If you need us call 505-350-3397
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