

I hope today finds you healthy and well.  What was your day like?  Many of us went to work outside the home while some worked in the home.  Most of us worked at something.  No matter how or where you work, get active!  It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you get your carcass off the sofa.  Active can take on many faces.  What exactly does that look like?



Active living is a lifestyle that integrates activity into your daily routine.  It could involve taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  For some, walking to the mailbox is as good as it gets.  Others enjoy going to the gym, walking, swimming, biking, yoga or golf.   No, running to Dunkin Donuts doesn’t count!  To the degree that you are able, just try to move!



Allow me to take a few paragraphs to discuss the paradigm of active.  He happens to be my partner in crime and life, John Jain.  Although he is constantly physically active, his brain, enthusiasm and positive attitude never stop.  John founded High Desert Doppler in 2008, he has worked tirelessly to build this company to be the leader in mobile diagnostic ultrasound in the state.  He will be the first to tell you, it isn’t easy but it is worth it.



John is very active in general and especially in our community.  He is a member of the Del Norte Rotary club.  He was elected as president of the board of directors at Tanoan Country Club.    He meets with a small group of business folks to see how they can be of service and better our community.  He has also started the High Desert Doppler non-profit organization to diagnose hypertrophic cardiac myopathy in young athletes.



John sits at the helm of High Desert Doppler as the founder, president and CEO.  He captains a team of 17 employees into chartered but sometimes unchartered waters yet always manages to stay afloat.   With all the extra time (eye roll) he is the very best at being a wonderful husband, dad, family member and friend.  That being said, he manages to spend a healthy amount of time on the golf course conducting even more “business.”



Not everyone has the energy to be quite as involved as John.  Work is important but so is rest. That doesn’t mean you are lazy.  We all need to do what recharges us.  I hope you actively pursue time for yourself.  Take an active role in practicing extreme self-care.  That should involve working on a healthier lifestyle, becoming more active and getting your body checked and screened.



Early detection saves lives.  Once a year should do it unless otherwise instructed.  You are the best judge of your own health.  If you see something or feel something, get active and say something.  It is always better to have it checked!  If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated in your journey to health and wellness, call us at 505-350-3397

Gimme Some Skin

Gimme Some Skin

This week’s blog covers a lot.  To be a bit more specific, today let’s talk skin. Your skin covers a lot! I may have some good news.  If you were slightly overweight last time you stepped on the scale, remember skin makes up about 15% of your total body weight.



About face.  That doesn’t mean you should bolt to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard because you thought that 15% of your weight was fat.  Today we are looking at a few fun facts about the largest organ in your body.  Using the correct medical terminology, skin is part of the integumentary system.



This term refers to your body’s outer layer. This is made up of your skin, nails, hair, glands and nerves on your skin. This system protects your muscles, organs and bones from injury, infection and bacteria.  The appearance and color of your skin can define your heritage and ancestry but wait…that’s not all.  There are some cool things about this ubiquitous organ that you may not know.



  • The average adult has nearly 21 square feet of skin that contain over 11 miles of blood vessels.
  • A single square inch of skin has about 300 sweat glands.
  • The thickest skin is found on your feet and the thinnest is on your eyelids.
  • Your skin renews itself every 28 days and sheds about 9 pounds of dead skin cells every year.
  • Some of the dust in your home may actually be dead skin…eeeooowww.
  • Your skin has nerves that are connected to your muscles to help you react to extreme temperatures or pain.
  • Changes in your skin can be a warning sign of medical conditions or changes in your body’s health.
  • There are at least five types of receptors in the skin that respond to pain and touch.
  • Sleep is vital for healthy vibrant youthful skin.
  • Skin turns sunlight into vitamin D, which is important for healthy bones, reducing cancer cell growth, helping to control infections and reduce inflammation.



This time of year many suffer from dry skin. The fact is dry skin is caused by lack of natural oils. Dehydrated skin is caused from lack of water. Dehydrated skin occurs when your body is losing more water than it’s taking in. Note to self, drink up.



As we age the number of pigment- containing cells (melanocytes) decreases. The remaining melanocytes increase in size. Aging skin looks thinner and paler. Pigmented spots including age spots or “liver spots” may appear in sun exposed areas.  When many of us were youngsters, slathering on sunscreen was not a thing, slathering on baby oil was.



Speaking of skin, during an ultrasound, high level sound wave technology is used to penetrate deep below the surface of the skin to see what lies beneath.  Ultrasound has difficulty penetrating bone and other dense material hence can only depict the outer surface of a bony structure. This week’s fun facts are brought to you by High Desert Doppler.  If we can assist in any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.



How are we doing guys?  Summer 2023 is in full swing.  Do you have a good attitude and a sense of optimism that will help catapult you over most any obstacle that is thrown your way?  I sure hope this summer proves to be fun, happy and healthy.  On that note, look ahead, be positive and quit complaining!



Lately we are hard pressed to run across a soul who doesn’t have a slew of complaints about either what has happened, what is happening or what will happen.  Let’s all look at the negative, pessimistic, depressing side of things, shall we?  We get a lot more validation when we commiserate, right?  Wrong.



“I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet.”

-Mahatma Gandhi



The above quote by no means minimizes our concerns nor does it render them invalid.  It is simply a reminder to be grateful for the good things you have.  Have some optimism, positivity and hope for the future and for the love of Pete, keep the complaining to a dull roar.



Complaining is defined as the expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.  Oh come on.  We all do it probably more often than we care to admit.  Consistent complaining or the propensity to complain is where we run into trouble.  Remember that complaining impacts those around you who, in turn, impact you.


CHRONIC says chronic complainers don’t usually see themselves as negative people.  They see the world as negative and themselves as merely responding appropriately to annoying, aggravating and unfortunate circumstances.  They complain excessively because they believe that have ample reason to do so.



We are not talking quitting heroine.  We are talking about how we might cut back on the need to complain. gives us a few suggestions about how to quit chronic complaining and become the kind of person that people actually enjoy being around.

  • Nourish a positive attitude. Change the way you think.
  • Learn to adapt. The only sure thing about life is that nothing stays the same.
  • Be more mindful.
  • Be assertive.
  • Be less judgmental.
  • Be responsible.
  • Keep moving forward.



As I type the above information, I did a little self-reflection.  I realize that I could personally benefit from the above suggestions. Complaining is a bad habit.  I know that misery loves company.  Maybe we should keep better company as we focus on complaining less and becoming more mindful.  Like they say, if you don’t do it for you, do it for someone who loves you!



As always, we do our best to deliver the highest quality, prompt mobile diagnostic ultrasound to you.  Have we ever had a complaint?  Of course we have.  We have used those complaints as teaching tools to make things right.  We want your ultrasound experience with us to be a great one.  You can reach us at 505-350-3397.



When was the last time you sat quietly and read a book?  If I ever find time to read, I prefer to hold an actual book in my hands.  I like the smell of a book, turning paper pages and anticipating the next chapter.  I know there are Kindle or tablet fans who may disagree. It doesn’t matter which vehicle you use, the goal is to see a story unfold.



Books are one of the many things that has chapters.  Life is full of chapters and transitions. Transition is often difficult.  Whether it is the death of a loved one, the transition of a relationship or a changing situation, finishing one chapter then moving on to the next can be challenging. Remember, change is constant, growth is optional.



This is random however, I am guilty of saving that special something for the “right time.”  When special occasions approach, I’ll be digging out the china, silver and crystal.  It will be dusty and tarnished since it rarely gets used.  It makes me wonder why we save the china for only special occasions.  Life is short.  Break out the good stuff and celebrate today’s chapter!



At the expense of sounding grim, what if tomorrow never comes?  Will you be pleased you resisted that slice of birthday cake, chastised yourself for your weight or appearance, deprived yourself of pleasure and joy, or stayed at work way too late as usual?  Will you reflect happily about the guilt you felt when you didn’t do anything wrong, regretted something you said, did or didn’t do, or worried yourself sick over a situation that may never materialize?



Maybe it is time we slow down, stop and smell the proverbial roses.  Life is short, make good use of it.  Our days are numbered.   Do your best to make each one count.

“The trouble is you think you have time.”


Spend time reflecting on the last chapter and anticipate the next one, but don’t spend excessive energy on anything other than now.



What do the chapters in your book look like?  Some are filled with happiness and health, while others are less promising.  Whatever the pages in your chapters might say, you choose how you deal with it.  Trust me, nothing on the planet hits you harder than when you or someone you love is given a devasting medical diagnosis.  None of us can predict our health and happiness, yet it is our choice to live the best possible life, given our circumstances.



This serves as a reminder to get your health checked frequently.  Early detection saves lives.  Make your next chapters be filled with the healthiest and happiest outcome your situation will allow.  If HDD can help with any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.



I hope today finds you happy and well! A huge majority of the time, this is my circumstance, however some days I just feel old and tired.  On those days, I look in the mirror to do my hair and makeup and wonder who that old lady is staring back at me.  It might have something to do with the greying hair…ya think?



Aging can be shocking and scary but if you look at it from a positive point of view, it is actually quite a privilege.  Some didn’t or won’t have the luxury of growing older.  Wrinkles, crepey skin and grey hair are all part of the glorious process.  Embracing the process can make the journey a joy.



I read an article recently posing the question, “Why does our hair turn grey?”  The answer if pretty simple and has to do with a group of natural pigments called melanin.  The more melanin we have, the darker our hair.  Less melanin means lighter hair.  As we age, the cells slow down, hence producing less melanin.



Dr. Loretta Ciraldo, board-certified dermatologist says smoking, psychological stress, physical stress, and unhealthy diet actually contribute to greying hair.  She believes one of the biggest culprits is sun.  Who knew?  Of course, if your mom or dad turned grey prematurely, chances are you are next.  Heredity plays a role to some degree.



If you exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, get an adequate amount of rest, get your health checked regularly and keep stress to a dull roar, chances are the answer to that question is “I’m aging well.” gives us a few indicators that we are aging well.

  • You have fewer wrinkles.
  • You heal from acne quickly (yes we get it even if we are old.)
  • You have minimal hair loss.
  • You don’t have sunspots.
  • Your skin stays hydrated.



As we age, we naturally lose elastin, collagen and melanin to name a few.  This in addition to years of chasing that deep golden tan along with hot showers that parch our skin, wrinkles are pretty tough to avoid. Alternatively, there are those who keep our plastic surgeons in business with an abundance of Botox, poufy fillers and tight shiny faces.  More power to you if that is your thing.  Others chose to age naturally and gracefully.  Our body, our choice.



We at HDD can do nothing about slowing the aging process or the old lady looking back at you in the mirror.  If you are in less than optimum health, a little grey hair and a few wrinkles are the least of our concern.  Eat well, drink LOTS of water, move your body, rest, have a low stress existence, enjoy your family and friends and don’t waste your life worrying about things you can’t control.  Live your life and enjoy the ride!  If we can help in any diagnostic ultrasound exams you might require, call us at 505-350-3397.