by Kristi Jain | Aug 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog comes to you from the top of the world both literally and figuratively. I captured this image of our favorite CEO John Jain stepping off the high diving board a few summers ago. It makes me smile and I thought it was worth sharing!
He looks like he is walking on air. Being at the top looking down can be intimidating. This photo is an example of stepping out of your comfort zone as well as timing, which is important. I snapped a few shots consecutively to see if I could catch him in midflight. Voila!
If I shot this photo a second earlier or later, the result would have been different. Is there really ever a perfect time? In the case of this photo, yes. People procrastinate. The longer you avoid doing something, chances are you may never do it. Especially when it comes to your health.
“Your growth zone will always begin at the edge of your comfort zone.” reminds us that if we don’t engage in new experiences, we don’t gain new perspectives.
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”
-Zig Ziglar
Speaking of altitude…without climbing to the top of that ladder, John would have never known the perspective of plummeting toward a dive tank full of icy water and slapping his belly on the surface in front of a captive audience. I hope this expanded his growth zone!
I am at the stage of life where if I believe it will cause me harm or injury, I’m out. This is why this is a photo of John on the high dive and not me! Fear is a real thing. It’s always prudent listen to your intuition, be cautious, but don’t let fear control you.
“Don’t let fear make your decisions for you.”
-Annette White
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
-Wayne Gretzky
“Sometimes it is good to be in uncomfortable situations because it is in finding our way out of such difficulties that we learn valuable lessons.”
-Idowu Koyenikan
“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
-Jim Rohn
It can be difficult to get motivated to step out of your comfort zone and into a healthier way of life. It isn’t always easy but it is worth it. Here are a few ways to get motivated.
- Be positive towards yourself.
- Set goals and continue to set new
- Be patient when it comes to reaching physical goals. Results take time.
- Make small changes to healthier options overtime.
- Exercise the way that suits you.
- Get enough sleep.
- Find mentors. Surround yourself with positive people.
- Don’t compete with anyone. This is your journey.
- Try new things.
The bunch at HDD sincerely wishes a stronger, steadier healthier you every day. You can do it (I’m not talking about plunging off the high dive!) If we can help call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Jul 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
I am chuckling as I write this week’s blog. The title is most appropriate. I found myself reflecting on the past as I go through my normal morning routine. In my mind I repeated over and over “My how things change!”
Just this morning I was looking everywhere for my reading glasses. I went through each room in the house. I finally found my back up pair when I realized the ones I was looking for were perched on the top of my head. Really?
Recently I was rushing out the door to go to work. I was talking to my daughter on the phone as I hurriedly gathered my things. I freaked out because I couldn’t find my phone! Heaven forbid I lost it again. Imagine my surprise when I realized I was telling her how I lost my phone when I was actually talking on it. Seriously?
As a younger woman, I was always thrilled when my husband surprised me with gifts. Sometimes it was my favorite Stargazer Lily bouquet, a bottle of champagne, dinners out, and if the occasion was special, I even got jewelry. What a sweetheart he is.
My how things change as the number of candles on my birthday cake increase. I was surprised and thrilled yesterday when I received a new mop in the mail! It is guaranteed to make those everyday chores a bit more fun. How thoughtful of him! Today he came with…the blood pressure cuff that I wanted. With age comes…different kinds of gifts. Does that mean the honeymoon is over?
Grey hair and wrinkles and hopefully wisdom. reports there are other things happening. Aging also affects your teeth, heart and sexuality. The risk of high blood pressure increases, your bones tend to shrink making them susceptible to fracture and possibly making you become a bit shorter. Muscles lose their strength, endurance and flexibility which can affect your coordination, stability and balance. You digestive system experiences structural changes that can result in constipation. You bladder becomes less elastic resulting in a need to urinate more often or cause you to lose bladder control. In men an enlarged or inflamed prostate can cause difficulty emptying the bladder or incontinence. Your brain also undergoes changes that may have effects on your memory or thinking skills. Eyesight and hearing also diminish with age. Your metabolism tends to slow. If you decrease your activities and continue eating the same as usual, weight gain can become an issue.
We can’t stop the aging process but we can enjoy the ride! You can make choices that improve your ability to maintain an active and healthy life. Include physical activity in your daily routine, eat a healthy diet, don’t smoke, brush and floss regularly, schedule regular checkups and have a good social network of family and friends. If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Jul 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
by Kristi Jain | Jul 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Hello! May I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and healthy fourth of July, AKA Independence Day. I hope you are taking some time this holiday to reflect upon and appreciate your place in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Our owner and CEO of High Desert Doppler, John Jain and I usually spend the holiday lounging around the pool, riding in our community parade, sipping icy cocktails, grilling burgers, then later protecting our dogs and making sure our house doesn’t burn down from stray illegal fireworks! How will you celebrate?
Realistically, we find our country is in the throes of a mess. Regardless of your views and regardless of mine, I am very grateful to call the good old US of A my home. As for us, we will celebrate. We always have and always will. There is no denying, things could be better but things could also be worse. With each problem, there is a solution. Let’s celebrate even the small victories.
We understand the meaning of free. It means getting something for nothing. Who doesn’t love a good freebie? You can always grab most anyone’s attention at the thought of buy one, get one free. Let’s face it. Most folks are more likely to purchase something when it is advertised as free of something. We see products advertised as free from pesticides, Deet, sugar, fat, artificial colorings, flavorings, carcinogens or myriad other evils. Have you ever noticed that these things that are “free” from something are considerably more expensive? True story. The truth of the matter is that free actually costs.
Drs. James Gwartney, Richard Stroup and Dwight Lee write in Common Sense Economics, “Because we cannot have as much of everything as we would like, we are forced to choose among alternatives. There is no free lunch. Doing one thing makes us sacrifice the opportunity to do something else we value. This is why economists refer to “at all costs” as “opportunity costs.””
- Our most scarce resource is our time.
- No matter how much income or wealth you possess, you still only have twenty-four hours per day.
- None of us know how many days we have on this earth.
All choices involve costs, every single one. Nothing is free, nothing is without sacrifice. There is no free lunch.
When it involves your health, choose your healthcare freely and wisely. Politics and insurance can dictate our choices however, we do still have choices. When it comes to diagnostic ultrasound, feel free to contact us, ask questions, inquire about us, look at our Google reviews or drop by for a visit. We feel confident you will choose High Desert Doppler. Feel free to call us at 505-350-3397. Happy Independence Day. God bless the USA!
by Kristi Jain | Jun 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
This week’s blog covers a lot. To be a bit more specific, today let’s talk skin. Your skin covers a lot! I may have some good news. If you were slightly overweight last time you stepped on the scale, remember skin makes up about 15% of your total body weight.
About face. That doesn’t mean you should bolt to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard because you thought that 15% of your weight was fat. Today we are looking at a few fun facts about the largest organ in your body. Using the correct medical terminology, skin is part of the integumentary system.
This term refers to your body’s outer layer. This is made up of your skin, nails, hair, glands and nerves on your skin. This system protects your muscles, organs and bones from injury, infection and bacteria. The appearance and color of your skin can define your heritage and ancestry but wait…that’s not all. There are some cool things about this ubiquitous organ that you may not know.
- The average adult has nearly 21 square feet of skin that contain over 11 miles of blood vessels.
- A single square inch of skin has about 300 sweat glands.
- The thickest skin is found on your feet and the thinnest is on your eyelids.
- Your skin renews itself every 28 days and sheds about 9 pounds of dead skin cells every year.
- Some of the dust in your home may actually be dead skin…eeeooowww.
- Your skin has nerves that are connected to your muscles to help you react to extreme temperatures or pain.
- Changes in your skin can be a warning sign of medical conditions or changes in your body’s health.
- There are at least five types of receptors in the skin that respond to pain and touch.
- Sleep is vital for healthy vibrant youthful skin.
- Skin turns sunlight into vitamin D, which is important for healthy bones, reducing cancer cell growth, helping to control infections and reduce inflammation.
This time of year many suffer from dry skin. The fact is dry skin is caused by lack of natural oils. Dehydrated skin is caused from lack of water. Dehydrated skin occurs when your body is losing more water than it’s taking in. Note to self, drink up.
As we age the number of pigment- containing cells (melanocytes) decreases. The remaining melanocytes increase in size. Aging skin looks thinner and paler. Pigmented spots including age spots or “liver spots” may appear in sun exposed areas. When many of us were youngsters, slathering on sunscreen was not a thing, slathering on baby oil was.
Speaking of skin, during an ultrasound, high level sound wave technology is used to penetrate deep below the surface of the skin to see what lies beneath. Ultrasound has difficulty penetrating bone and other dense material hence can only depict the outer surface of a bony structure. This week’s fun facts are brought to you by High Desert Doppler. If we can assist in any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.
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