by Kristi Jain | Sep 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
The inspiration for this week’s blog was ignited by a shopping trip I took this weekend. We are creeping into late September and if you have been into a store recently, you may have noticed ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, blood and all things Halloween.
As I passed through the Halloween section, I noticed Dracula and fake blood prominently displayed. It made me think about actual blood. Many faint from the sight of blood yet it is vital to our existence. Here is why.
Blood is the red fluid that circulates in the human body that collects in the heart through veins and again circulates from the heart to the whole body through the arteries. Blood transports oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues, forms clots to prevent excess blood loss, carries cells and antibodies that fight infection, brings waste products to the kidneys and liver to filter and clean the blood and regulates body temperature.
- The amount of blood in the human body is 6 to 7% of the total body weight.
- About 60% of the blood is found in the form of plasma and the remaining 40% is in the form of blood.
- Research has shown that mosquitoes prefer blood type O.
- The President of the United states always carries the president’s blood type in the car just in case of emergencies.
- The amount of blood in a pregnant woman’s body will have increased by 50% by the 20th week of pregnancy.
- Not every animal has red blood. Spiders, lobsters, and snails have blue blood due to the presence of a protein haemocyanin which contains copper.
- The lifespan of red blood cells is 120 days.
- Blood is red because the color of haemoglobin (a protein) is red which is found in red blood cells.
- Permanent brain damage or death can occur within 4 minutes if a person’s blood flow stops. You must continue CPR until a person’s heartbeat or breathing returns or trained medical help arrives.
Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive test that can be used to estimate the blood flow through your blood vessels by bouncing high frequency sound waves off circulating red blood cells. A regular ultrasound uses sound waves to produce images but can’t show blood flow.
A Doppler ultrasound may help diagnose…
- Blood clots
- Poorly functioning valves in your legs (venous insufficiency)
- Heart valve defects and congenital heart disease
- A blocked artery (arterial occlusion)
- Decreased blood circulation in your legs (peripheral artery disease)
- Bulging arteries (aneurysms)
- Narrowing of the arteries such as in your neck (carotid artery stenosis)
At High Desert Doppler, we do ultrasound. If your healthcare provider determines diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, more often than not, we can see you that very day. There is no reason to wait weeks or months for an appointment. Call 505-350-3397 to set up your appointment. Let’s keep those veins, arteries, blood flow and all your body parts in good working order!
by Kristi Jain | Sep 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
So, can we solve for X, Y or Z? I’m afraid not, because today’s blog has nothing to do with an algebraic equation. It has to do with “The Greatest Generation, The Silent Generation, Gen X, Gen Y, Baby Boomers” and those little whipper snappers, “Gen Z.” I’m personally invested in the “Baby Boomer” era because this is the category that John and I fall into.
Those of you who belong to this era will agree, we are not dead yet! Many are still working, embracing life, learning new skills, traveling, and helping to care for grandchildren and aging parents. Yours truly (right brained gal that I am) has been a hairstylist for eons and have taken classes for things like communication, art, ballroom dancing, interior and floral design. Entering into the ultrasound business came later. My left brained husband sits at the helm of our sky rocketing ultrasound business as well as being a member of various boards and organizations. See, I told you we aren’t dead yet!
If some of you are a little rusty about who is what, let me refresh your memory.
- If you were born between 1901-1924, you fell into the category of “The Greatest Generation.” You know, those who experienced the great depression and World War II in their adulthood.
- If you were born between 1924-1945, you were part of the “Silent Generation.” This generation mostly conformed to social norms, rather that activism and enjoyed jazz, Frank Sinatra and Mickey Mouse to name a few.
- “Baby Boomers” were born between 1946-1964. We grew up with Elvis, Leave it to Beaver and the beginning of modern technology.
- Our “Gen X” darlings (AKA the MTV generation) showed up between 1965-1980. We know them as our “latch key kids” and future entrepreneurs.
- Millennials and Gen Y are the same thing. This bunch has births ranging from the early 80’s into the early 2000’s. They are the Google, Facebook and iPhone generation.
- Finally, we have our “Gen Z” babies born after 1995 and have never experienced a world without cell phones, computers and will soon know driverless and flying cars!
No matter what era you were born into, do you ever find yourself with a bit of extra time? Perhaps you have passions or talents to help others in the community. Helping doesn’t always have to be a financial donation. Every community has causes related to animals, cancer, domestic violence or children’s needs. Every one of the non-profits would be more than happy to have you on board to help in whatever capacity possible!
Many of us are exercising, eating a healthier diet, modifying bad habits, doing things we enjoy and staying in close communication with our healthcare providers. All of these things can be the equation for a happy, healthy, longer life. The options are virtually endless to create whatever vision you desire. It is NEVER too late. If better health is part of your vision and we can help with a diagnosis through ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Sep 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog covers a subject that might make my bestie Barbie barf. We will attempt to debunk the myths about eating fruit. Personally, I love fruit and eat it regularly. My bestie has probably eaten it once in her lifetime!
There have been articles written about this “diet saboteur” claiming that fruit has too much sugar and is fattening. The natural sugar that’s found in fruit and even vegetables is different from refined sugar.
DEBUNK THE MYTH reports the notion that fruit has too much sugar is a myth. Different sugars affect our blood sugar differently and are processed in different ways. While whole fruit does have sugar, it is also generally low in calories and is packed with fiber. The average Joe is not going to gain weight from fruit.
Organic fruit is not more nutritious than other types however buying organic will help you avoid pesticides and chemicals.
Although dried fruit has the same nutrients as fresh, it’s not the healthier choice. That’s because it’s much more concentrated so the calorie density and sugar content are higher. Dried fruit may also have added sugars as well as preservatives not found in fresh fruit.
This paragraph might be pretty unpopular. “The Well” also reports that juicing is not always a good option. It removes fiber and nutrients from whole fruit and can often be high in calories. That’s why unlike fresh fruit there is consistent evidence that fruit juice increases the risk of weight gain, especially in children and has been associated with type 2 diabetes.
Most fruits are a healthy choice however some are even better for you because some can be lower in sugar and higher in fiber. It is reported that pears, apples and berries are a great choice. Fruits like bananas do have a higher sugar and carb content. At the risk of repeating myself, no one got obese eating bananas.
Dietician Julie Kramer from “The Well by Northwell” suggests eating local fruit is actually healthier. The reason is without a long haul to a faraway market, local fruit is allowed to ripen more fully on the vine or tree allows it to mature with the highest possible vitamin and mineral content.
Barbie, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Even though it contains sugar, it is reported that fruit intake may also help reduce the risk of stroke, certain types of cancer and hypertension. Perhaps that’s why the American Heart Association suggest two servings of fruit each day.
The benefits to eating fruit far outweighs the downside. Fruit has great nutritional qualities and it can be pretty delicious. There you have it, lose the guilt and have some fruit.
Although ultrasound and fruit have nothing in common, we’d like you to be aware of the health benefits of both. If we can help within of your diagnostic ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Aug 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
I would like to extend an invitation to you to read this week’s HDD blog. I appreciate you taking the time and hope I can offer you something to think about. Inspiration came to me this morning as I was stroking on a second coat of extension mascara in an effort to bolster my modest eyelashes. Stick with me on this one. I do have a point.
Let’s review. Cambridge dictionary reminds us that the verb extend means to reach, continue or stretch. Think about it for a minute. Did you need, give or get any sort of extension today? Perhaps your cord was too short, you needed extra time to pay a bill, you wanted to show appreciation or you needed someone to lend an ear. All good examples of extension.
Think about what you do each day. Does your job or life extend you or do you feel overextended? Paradoxically speaking, extension can be both beneficial and detrimental. Extending benefits, coverage, credit, available hours, knowledge and service can be valuable as far as business is concerned. Personally overextending yourself physically, mentally and emotionally can take its toll. Maybe it is time to revisit the idea of balance.
The one thing you don’t have to worry about overextending is kindness. Through teaching and learning, it is something we can extend all day every day. If you have a choice, choose kindness. gave me some ideas about simple easy ways to extend kindness.
Try extending an act of kindness without expectation of receiving something in return. Act generously. It heightens your happiness by releasing 50% more oxytocin (the feel-good chemical in your brain.) Be nice in the right way. Lose that part of the ego that feeds a sense of pride for acting generously. No need to play the part of the hero. Respond with kindness. Every interaction is a new opportunity to benefit.
We are not talking about the latest viral epidemic. Not only is it okay, it is important to spread positivity. Researches have investigated how perceptions and mindsets can be transferred to others. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. If there is an issue, try shooting for a more positive behavioral change that is contagious and easily replicated.
The simple act of asking “what can I do, how can I help or what can I give?” can literally transform someone’s world. A generous heart is like no other. Extend that generous heart not only to others but to yourself as well. Always take care of number one.
Take care of yourself. You are number one. Ahead of the spouse, the kids and the job, you are it. If you are not good yourself, you can’t be good for others.
HDD always extends an invitation to help. If your health involves diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Aug 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog asks if you have ever shared an experience similar to one I had recently. Actually, my experience happens a bit more often than I care to admit. It has to do with paying attention or a serious lack thereof and making conscious decisions verses unconscious decisions. How often do you find yourself flying on auto pilot? Read on and see if you can relate.
I was driving to the store recently and when I pulled into the parking lot and came to the realization that I remember little of the 5-minute trip from my house. I take the trip regularly and know there are 3 stop lights between here and there. I didn’t recall much of the trip much less if I was signaled to stop at the lights. I don’t recall if they were red, yellow or green. Did I stop? Yikes! Clearly, my mind was thinking about other things while my body, actions and reactions were on auto pilot.
We understand what the subconscious mind is. For the most part, it is considered that part of you that is outside of your conscious awareness. It creates automatic programs like beliefs, behaviors and attitudes, without having to place too much attention on everything you are doing. It takes over when your conscious mind is taking a siesta.
Thankfully, my subconscious mind got me to and from the store safely without much conscious effort on my part. That is definitely not a good thing, however I believe many do it on a regular basis. How many times have you been behind the wheel thinking, talking, singing, or heaven forbid texting and completely missed your turn? Accidents can happen in a split second. Be aware! At this point in my life, I still drive an old-fashioned car that I have to physically operate. If you have a self-driving car, feel free to skip this week’s blog.
First things first. This reminder is for your safety as well as the safety of others. Pay attention. Be present. Be in the moment. Hopefully your subconscious mind has done a splendid job so far helping guide you when you choose not to be fully present, however, one day that luck is going to run out. Here is another reminder. It may seem a bit random however, choosing a healthier lifestyle along with your healthcare should be a conscious decision. Auto pilot is not something you want to rely on when it comes to your health.
Think and choose carefully when it comes to your healthcare providers and facilities, that will be doing your assessing, testing and diagnosing. When diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, let our warm, friendly experienced staff help you with all your ultrasound needs. Do your homework, make the calls, ask the questions and read our numerous Google reviews. You will find that HDD is the obvious choice. Call us at 505-350-3397.
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