Hard Work

Hard Work

Hello!  Thanks for catching another addition of the HDD blog.  It is late afternoon and I’d love to kick back, relax and peruse Pinterest however…my work is not yet finished.  I realized I had to write a blog for next week.  That ought to burn up a couple of hours.  It looks like Pinterest will have to wait.  I don’t quit when I’m tired, I quit when I’m finished.



Speaking of work, our great grandparents certainly understood the meaning of work.  Hard work.  Many folks from that era worked from sunup to sundown 24/7, 365 days a year.  Men worked on the farm, bailed hay, irrigated fields, and fed cattle to provide for their family while the women cooked, cleaned and raised the young ones.



Physical labor and using your body like they did in the old days is long gone.  Many folks are sedentary.  Did you know that 35% of the American workforce sits at a desk?  While sitting behind a desk isn’t physically exhausting, it can be mentally exhausting. No matter what you do or how you do it, working hard pays off.



Merriam-Webster defines hard working as…

Constantly, regularly, or habitually engaged in earnest and energetic work: Industrious, Diligent.



“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration.”

-Thomas Edison

“I never dreamed about success.  I worked for it.”

-Estee Lauder

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”

-Tim Notke

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”

-Amelia Earhart

“As you sow, so shall you reap.”

-The Bible



The essential ingredient to success is hard work. Www.collegesearch.in reminds us of 5 reasons why hard work is the key to success.

  • Hard work motivates and rewards.
  • Hard work shows commitment.
  • Hard work helps develop self-discipline.
  • Hard work shows dependability.
  • The harder you work, the quicker you get ahead.



A consistent committed individual is disciplined, resilient, driven, passionate and dedicated.  That being said, not everyone has the ability or desire to work hard. Anxiety and depression can lead to apathy and lethargy.  Some people lack the spark to get or keep them motivated.  If this is you and you would like to be more successful, refocus and recommit.  The sweet taste of success is like no other.


If you want your success story to involve improvements in your health, get to work.  If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, get moving to the degree that you are able. Lose the weight, eat better, get some form of exercise, stay hydrated, get some sunshine and fresh air, quit smoking, limit alcohol, get regular checkups, and get screened.  Now that is a recipe for success.  If diagnostic ultrasound can help in your journey to a healthier you, call us at 505-350-3397.

Be Present

Be Present

Thanks for being here reading today’s blog.  As usual, I can’t take much credit for the inspiration. The credit goes to a motivational podcast I heard earlier this week. I got inspired by the phrase “Be here now.”  We’ve all heard the phrase and a few of us occasionally try it but believe me, it is much harder than it sounds.



Be here now.  What exactly does that mean?  Of course I’m here now.  Is there somewhere else I should I be?  No, silly.  That is not what it means.  It means, wherever you are, whatever you are doing and whoever you are doing it with, be fully present in the moment and nowhere else.  Go ahead, give it a try.



How many of you have ever tried to meditate?  I’ve been attempting it for years.  They say practice makes perfect, so judging from my success at meditation, I could still use some more practice.  Just when I think I can “Clear my mind”, it wanders off in a million directions. Staying focused is difficult.  Apparently it is completely normal to have a wandering mind.  When your mind wanders off, honor your thoughts then go back and concentrate on your breathing.  Become aware and try to simply be in the moment.



Many of us multi-task and can juggle quite a few balls in the air at once.  No problem, right?  The reality is, serious multi-tasking and being overly busy or distracted has its drawbacks.  Divided attention can cause you to drop a ball or two.  Are you guilty as charged?  With a mind and body in constant motion, some things are bound to suffer.  Hopefully, it is not your health. Don’t get so busy that you put your health and concerns on the back burner.



Obviously, the hope is you are happy and well.  Don’t let an overly busy life distract you from things that are important.  If you have a concern or symptom, ignoring it will not make it go away.  Early detection is critical and in many situations, it saves lives.



If you have concerns, address them as soon as possible.  Unlike fine wine, most medical problems don’t improve with age.  The old adage “When you have your health, you have it all” is 100% absolutely, positively, without a doubt, spot on!  Seriously, when you are in poor health, nothing else really matters, does it?



The bunch at HDD are here now.  We are ready, willing and able to help with any and all of your diagnostic ultrasound needs.  Our focus is on you.  We can help detect potential problems and get you on your way to a diagnosis, treatment and better health.  If we can help, give us a call at 505-350-3397.


Hard Work

Hard Work

Hello!  Thanks for catching another addition of the HDD blog.  It is late afternoon and I’d love to kick back, relax and peruse Pinterest however…my work is not yet finished.  I realized I had to write a blog for next week.  That ought to burn up a couple of hours.  It looks like Pinterest will have to wait.  I don’t quit when I’m tired, I quit when I’m finished.



Speaking of work, our great grandparents certainly understood the meaning of work.  Hard work.  Many folks from that era worked from sunup to sundown 24/7, 365 days a year.  Men worked on the farm, bailed hay, irrigated fields, and fed cattle to provide for their family while the women cooked, cleaned and raised the young ones.



Physical labor and using your body like they did in the old days is long gone.  Many folks are sedentary.  Did you know that 35% of the American workforce sits at a desk?  While sitting behind a desk isn’t physically exhausting, it can be mentally exhausting. No matter what you do or how you do it, working hard pays off.



Merriam-Webster defines hard working as…

Constantly, regularly, or habitually engaged in earnest and energetic work: Industrious, Diligent.



“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration.”

-Thomas Edison

“I never dreamed about success.  I worked for it.”

-Estee Lauder

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”

-Tim Notke

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”

-Amelia Earhart

“As you sow, so shall you reap.”

-The Bible



The essential ingredient to success is hard work. Www.collegesearch.in reminds us of 5 reasons why hard work is the key to success.

  • Hard work motivates and rewards.
  • Hard work shows commitment.
  • Hard work helps develop self-discipline.
  • Hard work shows dependability.
  • The harder you work, the quicker you get ahead.



A consistent committed individual is disciplined, resilient, driven, passionate and dedicated.  That being said, not everyone has the ability or desire to work hard. Anxiety and depression can lead to apathy and lethargy.  Some people lack the spark to get or keep them motivated.  If this is you and you would like to be more successful, refocus and recommit.  The sweet taste of success is like no other.


If you want your success story to involve improvements in your health, get to work.  If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, get moving to the degree that you are able. Lose the weight, eat better, get some form of exercise, stay hydrated, get some sunshine and fresh air, quit smoking, limit alcohol, get regular checkups, and get screened.  Now that is a recipe for success.  If diagnostic ultrasound can help in your journey to a healthier you, call us at 505-350-3397.




As I took my morning walk, I felt almost euphoric.  It is early October and the leaves are starting their transition.  Although it is nowhere close to being cold, there was a chill and taste of fall in the air.  I was mesmerized by the colors, the smell, the feel… then I saw “The Signs.”



John and I frequent an establishment in our neighborhood.  I walk past it most mornings.  This morning I was greeted with myriad signs reminding guests “Do this, don’t do that.”  It nearly robbed me of my joy.  My thought was “How negative.”  Is there a different way to convey the rules and regs?



I am dating myself however…does anyone remember a band back in the 70’s called “Five Man Electrical Band?”  They were one of those one hit wonders with a song called “Signs.”



Sign, sign

Everywhere a sign

Blockin’ out the scenery

Breakin’ my mind

Do this, don’t do that

Can’t you read the sign?



No one enjoys the company of “Negative Nancy.”  That’s how I felt when I read the signs saying, “Do this, don’t do that.”  A new “No no” sign is posted fairly often.  My thought was, I wonder how we can change the languaging to convey the same message in a more positive vernacular.



Not every violation warrants a correction.  Clearly there are guidelines that must be adhered to in order to maintain safety, professionalism, order, cleanliness and respect.  If you can objectively show why a correction or change should be made, it becomes more well received and palatable.   Remember the old adage “You catch more bees with honey.”



Often it has less to do with what you say as opposed to how you say it.  Adopting a blunt or thoughtlessness manner of delivery can be problematic.   Empathizing with and validating the needs and feelings of others is what people want.  Finding a problem is expected.  Finding a solution is sublime.  Show respect, appreciation and gratitude for feedback. I don’t know a soul who enjoys being chastised.



Complaining about how bad things are is a waste of time without having a positive future vision.  Give more than you expect to gain.  Be the source of energy that lifts those around you.  Never miss an opportunity for growth or development.  Never miss an opportunity to shut up.  Choosing to respond with gratitude, optimism and resilience will be of benefit to everyone.



At HDD all signs point to our positive future vision and that includes you.  If you and your healthcare provider determine diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, we will never miss the opportunity to serve you.  Call us at 505-350-3397.



It’s here!  The Autumnal Equinox of 2023 has officially arrived.  What does this mean to you?  To some it means pumpkin spice everything ad nauseam, slowing plant life, hoodies and football.  Others appreciate falling temperatures, gorgeous colors, later sunrise and earlier nightfall.



My blog research this week yielded some interesting trivia about the Autumnal Equinox involving its relationship with the Moon.  The full Moon that occurs nearest to the autumnal equinox is always called the “Harvest Moon.”  Wanna know why?



The moon was helping our farmers out.  Around the fall equinox, the full moon rises around sunset for several nights in a row, providing farmers with enough extra light to finish their harvests before the frosts set in.



“As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas or colors enough to paint the beautiful things I see.”

-Vincent Van Gogh



It’s true.  There are health benefits of the Fall season. Foods prevalent in the fall are rich in healthy nutrients.  They include…

  • Pumpkins
  • Apples
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Nutmeg
  • Pears
  • Squash
  • Pomegranates
  • Cranberries



Another health benefit of the season is an extra hour of sleep.  We tend to get a bit more rest as the sun sets earlier, which is excellent for our bodies.  Research has shown that good quality sleep is linked to the reduction of heart disease and obesity.



Rootwholebody.com says research also shows that the lack of social connection is a greater detriment to health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure.  Interesting.  It goes on to say that “Social connection increases longevity by up to 50%, strengthens your immune system, helps you recover from disease faster and reduces anxiety and depression.  Having strong social connections reaps huge benefits in emotional and physical well-being.”



Along with the rest of the country, here in “The Q” we had a scorcher of a summer. It made outdoor activities taxing.  Now that those 100 degree temperatures are in the rearview mirror, we can more easily get outdoors to walk, bike, hike and play outdoor sports.  Even if you aren’t in the position to exert yourself, just stepping outside for a breath of fresh fall air and enjoying the gorgeous colors the season promises might do you a world of good.



  • Get plenty of rest and adhere to regular bedtime and wake-up times.
  • Incorporate healthy foods that are available to us seasonally.
  • Don’t become sedentary. Restorative exercise is critical for a healthy mind, body and soul.
  • Remember sunscreen and proper hydration are still necessary.
  • Colds, flu and an uptake in Covid are upon us. Stay in contact with your healthcare provider if you require testing, screening, vaccinations, supplements or medication to maintain optimum health as the seasons change.



As always, we are here to fulfill any of your diagnostic ultrasound needs during the Fall and every season of the year!  Call us at 505-350-3397.