by Kristi Jain | Jan 2, 2024 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog is a re-run that I believe is worth repeating as the holidays are now history. Ohhhh…that pesky weight gain. Packing on a couple of extra pounds due to holiday festivities, boredom, inactivity or depression tends to happen. Raise your hand if you fall into this category. Yep, me too. I imagine we should start thinking about how to lose those pesky extra pounds.
How does one realistically go about weight loss? Oprah Winfrey is notorious for yo-yo dieting. Do you recall back in 1988 when she lost an amazing 67 pounds? On her show she looked skinny, wore tiny jeans and behind her she pulled a little red wagon full of 67 pounds of fat to represent the amount of weight she lost.
Well, I’m sure Oprah’s stagehands took that 67 pounds of lard and heaved it in the dumpster. If only it were that easy. The question becomes, when one loses weight, where does it go? If you believe that when we lose fat we eliminate it via the colon or during urination, you are partially correct. The rest is a bit surprising.
ALL IS LOST reports, as the process of fat loss progresses, fat cells shrink drastically in size. The byproducts are converted to carbon dioxide and water. 84% of fat loss is exhaled! You exhale the carbon dioxide and the water mixes into your circulation until it is lost as urine or sweat (which is the remaining 16%.) In other words, nearly all the weight we lose is exhaled. Disposal of these byproducts is greatly elevated during exercise due to increased breathing and sweating. Who knew?
I knew you’d ask. NO, breathing more will not make you lose weight. No need to huff and puff till you pass out. The only way you can consciously increase the amount of carbon dioxide your body is producing is by moving your muscles. Nice try!
When you lose fat, these same cells can shrink although their number remains roughly the same. The primary reason for changes in body shape is a reduced size of fat cells and not the number of them. This means if you don’t maintain weight loss, they can easily grow in size again.
The above mentioned are fun and interesting facts about fat and weight loss. You may wonder how this relates to ultrasound. Another fact is that obesity interferes with ultrasound assessment because it is difficult for ultrasound wave signals to penetrate fat to picture the organs underneath. As a result, the image becomes unreadable.
Don’t panic! If you need an ultrasound, a few extra pounds are not going to make an image unreadable. If you are sporting significantly more than a few pounds, for the sake of your health, you may consider trying to get that extra weight off. It is a work in progress one day at a time. If we can help with your ultrasound needs, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Dec 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
It is finally here! Please allow each and every one of us at High Desert Doppler to wish you a very Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Diwali or simply another joyous holiday season. Whatever this season holds for you, make it a peaceful, healthy, memorable celebration!
In the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle, slow down, take some deep breaths, chill and enjoy. I hope by now we have come to understand that it isn’t all about material gifts. Consider the gifts of health, love, kindness, compassion, patience, and understanding.
“It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ‘till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
-Dr. Seuss
In pursuit of a happy healthy holiday season, the following suggestions from are not only good ideas to help you navigate the holidays, but every day.
- Don’t let a busy season or a stressful life compromise your health. It is suggested that you take a few minutes each and every day just for you.
- Make time to prepare family meals at home. During the holidays, it is easy to resort to restaurant fare, party platters, Uber Eats, Grub Hub or other unhealthy fattening fast food.
- Schedule exercise. It doesn’t matter how you move. Just move. Remember, motion is lotion for your joints.
- Avoid trying some new pre or post-holiday fad diet to shed those extra pounds. Be kind to yourself. Be sensible with your weight loss strategies and goals.
- Be sure to get 6-8 hours of sleep each day.
- Stay hydrated.
- Do less and enjoy more!
The holidays can keep us busy and can distract us from things that require attention. You are the best judge of your health and wellness. As the holiday season grinds to a halt, take time to relax. Be still and do frequent body scans from head to toe. Assess how you are feeling. Don’t ignore it. If something doesn’t look or feel right, concerns you or requires attention, make the call, schedule the appointment, get scanned and get tested. Get informed and get healthy.
At HDD, we celebrate Christmas. From the bottom of our hearts, John, myself and each one of our prized team members thank you for being an important part of our role in providing you with diagnostic ultrasound and x-ray. Allow us to wish you the safest, happiest, healthiest, and very merriest Christmas ever. See you next year!
by Kristi Jain | Dec 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
We are almost halfway through December. Are you maintaining your sanity? I’m hanging onto mine. While some people don’t do much, others have a full schedule. John Jain, our CEO and my husband and I fall into the latter category. When will we find time to get it all done? The answer? Get moving.
This morning, along with getting your weekly blog written, I had a list of about 10 things that needed to accomplish. I must prioritize. I understand that being sedentary is one of the worst things we can be. When we stop moving, we start declining. I had to fit in a workout, but when?
By the way, I squeezed in a workout because it is a priority for me. What about those who can’t or won’t? All is not lost. On Good Morning America I heard the term “Micro movements” so I did some research. I’ve not heard the term but have been implementing the concept for decades. Now it has a name!
Nothing will replace a full workout however a little movement is better that none! One study suggests that a 10 minute workout three time per week increased endurance by nearly 20 percent while another statistic linked longer life spans with running as little a 5 minutes a day. says even small doses of activity can increase blood flow and improve the body’s ability to regulate blood-sugar levels. Over time, these changes could reduce your risks for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
What is a micro movement? They are small motions like fidgeting or weight shifting that provide a wide-spread distribution of work throughout the body, promoting healthy tissue from circulation and burning calories. Your body thrives on circulation and oxygen that is produced through muscular contractions. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. Don’t scavenge for the closest parking space. Park farther away to add steps to your day. If you are standing around, try a few calf raises or shoulder shrugs. If you are feeling particularly daring, do some squats or lunges. Remember, any movement is better than none at all.
Get moving. You can actually improve your brain health, manage your weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen muscles, bones and improve your ability to do regular everyday things. No matter how small, do something. You will find yourself feeling energized, more alert and sleep better!
At High Desert Doppler we are concerned for your health and wellbeing, hence the health related blogs each week. I hope they inform and motivate you to be at your very best during the busy holidays as well as just every day. If we can help you on your journey to better health through diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Dec 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today’s blog asks the question, are you in the zone today? Did you wake up grouchy and tired? Often this state of being means that copious amounts of coffee are the only means of survival. If this sounds familiar, you are probably not in the zone. Perhaps it’s time to wake up and experience “the flow.”
I was inspired for the “In the Zone” blog from an audio book I’m listening to narrated by Oprah Winfrey. Love her or not, it is a great book that considers many interesting points of view. It is uplifting, inspiring and worth a read (or listen.) It is called “The Path Made Clear.”
First, let’s clarify what it means to be in the zone. If you are in the zone, you are happy or excited because you are doing something very skillfully and easily. Getting into the zone, also known as “being in a state of flow” usually happens when we are…
- Feeling energized.
- In a good mood and doing things we enjoy.
- Have some level of skill that meets the demands of the task.
I love days when I crush it! Some days it is natural and easy then there are other days when there is positively no interest in reaching the zone. Occasionally you need to mentally and physically veg out. That’s okay but don’t stay in that state of unresponsiveness. If you’re not feeling particularly motivated, how does one get into the zone?
Performance psychology suggests that if we sharpen our focus and attention you increase the chances of achieving flow. Reduce distractions, both environmental and internal that can get in the way of seeing and doing. Gain confidence and trust in yourself and your abilities. Match your skills and challenges and you will increase the chance of getting into the flow. The feeling is euphoric if you allow yourself to get there.
It may take some effort to get into a state of flow. It can take a few minutes of seriously focusing on a task to fully reach it depending on the task at hand. FYI, constantly checking social media is a surefire way to derail your focus and yank you out of the zone. Before you “zone out” be sure to check your e-mails, Instagram, and Facebook. Be certain enough friends have “liked” your latest selfie so you can now put your phone away and let it flow!
Make sure you are staying in the zone when it comes to your health and wellness. Don’t think about your health only when you feel unwell or there is a problem. Your health is your life. Take care of yourself as if your life depends on it because it does.
We are a team and in the zone and here at HDD. We are dedicated to helping you in the diagnosis and maintenance of your health. When diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.
by Kristi Jain | Nov 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
Congratulations! You made it through the first of the traditional holidays. I hope your Thanksgiving was everything you wanted it to be. By now the extended family is back home and the leftovers are almost history…. hallelujah! If you celebrate, it is time to focus on the most wonderful time of the year.
For many, it is time to hit the ground running. We have demands and expectations to meet. We are all busy and have many facets to our lives. We will be juggling family, friends, co-workers, partners, children, home life, work commitments, and holiday festivities.
Just reading that last paragraph made me tired. The feeling of being overwhelmed this time is year is completely normal. Often we find there are simply not enough hours in the day. The stress of the holidays can suck the joy right out of the season. We have to be in control…or do we? My blog inspiration this week came from a quote by Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl who said, “Control the Controllable.” Read that again. What a concept.
I will synopsize an article from that gives a few tips on how to control the controllable, especially during this time of year.
- Each time you say “yes” to something unimportant, you are saying “no” to something important. You can’t be all things to all people.
- Swap your “To-Do” list for a “Success List.” This can re-position your purpose and your focus. You’ll find you are acting on the highest priority items.
- Do it, delegate it, or dump it.
- Allow thinking time. It is easy to get caught up continuously doing the same things the same way. Stop, think and explore better options and more effective ways.
- Be efficient and effective. Efficient is doing things right and effective is doing the right things right.
- Develop the ability to maintain focus on the things you have control over. Controlling the controllable is particularly important under distracting or stressful circumstances.
High levels of stress hormones can affect your health and can put you at increased risk for a variety of physical and mental health problems. These issues can include anxiety, depression, digestive issues, headaches, muscle tension and pain, heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep problems, weight gain, hair loss, memory and concentration impairment.
Enjoy the upcoming holiday season! Be mindful and reduce your stress. Control only what you can control and let the rest go. Take down time for yourself. Relax and refresh. Don’t put your health at risk. If you aren’t feeling particularly well, stay in communication with your healthcare provider. If we can assist in the journey to better health through diagnostic ultrasound, call us at 505-350-3397.
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