I hope today finds you healthy and well.  What was your day like?  Many of us went to work outside the home while some worked in the home.  Most of us worked at something.  No matter how or where you work, get active!  It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you get your carcass off the sofa.  Active can take on many faces.  What exactly does that look like?



Active living is a lifestyle that integrates activity into your daily routine.  It could involve taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  For some, walking to the mailbox is as good as it gets.  Others enjoy going to the gym, walking, swimming, biking, yoga or golf.   No, running to Dunkin Donuts doesn’t count!  To the degree that you are able, just try to move!



Allow me to take a few paragraphs to discuss the paradigm of active.  He happens to be my partner in crime and life, John Jain.  Although he is constantly physically active, his brain, enthusiasm and positive attitude never stop.  John founded High Desert Doppler in 2008, he has worked tirelessly to build this company to be the leader in mobile diagnostic ultrasound in the state.  He will be the first to tell you, it isn’t easy but it is worth it.



John is very active in general and especially in our community.  He is a member of the Del Norte Rotary club.  He was elected as president of the board of directors at Tanoan Country Club.    He meets with a small group of business folks to see how they can be of service and better our community.  He has also started the High Desert Doppler non-profit organization to diagnose hypertrophic cardiac myopathy in young athletes.



John sits at the helm of High Desert Doppler as the founder, president and CEO.  He captains a team of 17 employees into chartered but sometimes unchartered waters yet always manages to stay afloat.   With all the extra time (eye roll) he is the very best at being a wonderful husband, dad, family member and friend.  That being said, he manages to spend a healthy amount of time on the golf course conducting even more “business.”



Not everyone has the energy to be quite as involved as John.  Work is important but so is rest. That doesn’t mean you are lazy.  We all need to do what recharges us.  I hope you actively pursue time for yourself.  Take an active role in practicing extreme self-care.  That should involve working on a healthier lifestyle, becoming more active and getting your body checked and screened.



Early detection saves lives.  Once a year should do it unless otherwise instructed.  You are the best judge of your own health.  If you see something or feel something, get active and say something.  It is always better to have it checked!  If diagnostic ultrasound is indicated in your journey to health and wellness, call us at 505-350-3397